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  1. VALLAGNE MAYORSHIP Candidacy Campaign, 1st of Horen's Calling, 179 S.A. Mayoral Candidate Amélie Auclair Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands UN AVENIR, ÉCRIT, EN OR “A Future, Penned, In Gold.” Since the touch of providence had first penned my arrival unto the gates of Vallagne, I had found within, past my duty sworn, and my every hope, the answer, in earnest, to what it is that my forefathers sought to protect; I had found within, a family, anew, one that would come to wrest unto my heart’s every small beat, drive me to tear-laden cheeks, and bid the brightest, helpless smile, to my lips. Since the opening days of the union, my heart could chance naught but be bid aflutter, with the self-same uncertainty, and excitement to the summers to come, and whence this new fate shall lead my forefather’s vow, and those resplendent hearts that fill my heart with joy, those I had long, in turn, avowed to give my heart & all. As suns have passed, turned to moons, and now to summers, I have found my resolve unchanged, as every day I labour, with a smile splayed to cheeks, no less so for the hearts of the Petra, alone, that sound in my heart’s every lone beat, but for the whole of the Heartlands, whence the vows of my long-passed kin has once more, brought me. It is now, more than ever, that amidst the newly consecrated Heartlands, as we had in times of old, amidst the joint march alongside our long estranged kin, to a fate yet unseen, unpenned, untold, that the future ahead, be penned, in naught but gilded gold. QUESTIONS D'ACTUALITÉ “Issues of the Day” The Garmont Assembly, having at last seen its reformation complete, had in its first session, seen the bill Ser Konstantine & I had penned, summarily passed, by the kindness & like-hearted hopes of the Heartlands’ Peers, in seeing the Heartlands, and their every constituent province, and their disparate people, be truly represented, seen & recognized for aught that defines them, in the Guide to the Heartlands, due to be penned. I am relieved at the opportunity that I may chance continue to see our joint hopes & will of a Heartlands, whose identity, culture, geniality, affections, and familial bond will naught suffer, but thrive, in aught that both defines us as diverse people & aught that defines us as one Heartlandic kin. Those who have come to share a place, within my heart, know of the hope that drives its every beat, yet there are yet many I have yet to have the pleasure to meet, even within the confines of our beloved Province Pétrine. So I had taken the liberty to enumerate, some, among the many hopes wrest unto my heart for the summers to come: Garmont Assembly Legislation | The former commonwealth, long cradled by the tides of our beloved Petra, has long been a beacon of chivalry, geniality, closeness and heart. These stand, not as values we cherish alone; but the very heart of our joint identity. Values not to be merely preserved, but vigorously championed in the Garmont Assembly, and the Heartlands as whole. I have no doubt that the Assembly will labour to see the meritorious & chivalrous values of our kin, will stand eternal, that it will labour to see that the people it is sworn to serve, and protect, may ne’er suffer an unkind fate again, and that the corrupt, the unkind, the chauvinist and wicked, shall ne’er be offered quarter again. Diocese of Casica Faith | The Diocese of Casica, since its birth under the leadership of His Holiness, Sixtus VI, in turn, a son of the River Petra, laboured to see the true, kind, and virtuous values of our faith upheld, as I too will ever labour to, avowed under the duty ordained by His Holiness, Caius I unto me; to see that the virtues, mercy, kindness, and compassion of our faith may ne’er be perverted, corrupted, or disregarded, by a faithful soul whose heart is wrest off the blessed path, such that the guardian & faithful of the true faith, may ne’er succumb to the wroth, and sin, that burdens every child of Horen, as it once did, even the exalted Prophet, Owyn. Crown Embassy Diplomacy | As I take on my duties as a Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, I have no doubts in my heart that the Crown Embassy will labour alongside myself in ensuring that the failures of the past may ne’er come to pass anew; that diplomacy will always be the first recourse of the Heartlands; that corruption, chauvinism, wroth, and negligence will ne’er be let to fester again, and impart suffering upon its people, and upon the children of Malin, Urguan, and Krug, on the basis of their birth alone, that have too, called the river valley their home, for generations, and that too, despite their interpretation of the divine, are welcomed & beloved by our faith, as siblings, and kin to mankind. DÉCLARATION DE CLÔTURE “Closing Statement” To take a position of leadership, is to serve, and avow oneself to the protection, and well-being of those who entrust and ordain one their duty; to act as the aegis that safeguards their hearts, livelihoods, and joys, such that they might never suffer an unkind fate again. I have long avowed to such, alike to my forefathers before me, long fore I ever stepped foot in Vallagne, long fore my heart’s beat rang with naught but love & affection, for the family that found within. Yet I thus, swear, once more; “ I shall serve the Heartlands, and it’s people, as my forefathers had before me, under the vow of my kin, that I take unto my own - until the last of my breath is wrest, from unto the depths of my heart & soul, I will labour to see that it’s people, that my now family, and home, may have a future, penned, in gold.” Pour notre chère, Province Pétrine, un avenir, écrit, en or. “For our beloved, Petrine Province, a future, penned, in gold.” BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT, HER LADYSHIP, Amélie Auclair, Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, Écuyer of the Petrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade, Holy Knight of the Faith.
  2. Rise kin of Urguan! [!] the missive would be hung across the city of Urguan, for citizens as travellers to read. -= ⚙ =- The departure of our former King Grelu weighs heavy on our hearts, but we cannot afford to dwell in sorrow. In times of crisis, a Grand Kingdom requires a leader, a beacon of hope to guide us through the darkness. I, Thumbrindal Grandaxe of the Blackaxe lineage, humbly step forward as a candidate to continue the noble work of our predecessors. I carry not only their dreams but also the aspirations of our kin, striving to turn them into reality. Born amidst the strife of Axios and witness to the fall of our Great nation during the War of The Beards, I emerged as a war orphan, alongside many dispossessed beardlings, into the newly formed Kaz’Ulrah. Through sacrifice and a burning desire to reform our Grand Kingdom, I with my brothers and sisters of the Steelheart Culture rebelled against the kinslayer Kingdom. We carved out the foundations of Agnarum from Azgaryum’s depths. As king Fimlin’s High Prospector, I ensured our coffers overflowed with ores and gems, providing luxury for our kin. I oversaw Thumrilgrad with my beloved brother Gimgrimmor, sheltering the Kirkja Dverga when no other refuge was found. I grew up beside my friend Bjor ‘Sugartits’ Cottonwood, I stood beside him in his noble sacrifice against the Alar threat that almost wiped Heffrum into extinction. To this day, I bear the scars of that day as a testament to our shared struggles. My vision for Urguan is one of unity and inclusivity, where kin can thrive together, united against the true enemy that threatens Aevos. -= Unity =- Aevos, the continent we made our home, faces an imminent threat. Yet, instead of uniting, we find ourselves mired in internal discord. Meanwhile, our true enemy grows stronger with each passing day. Our nation’s strength lies not in division, but in unity forged through duty, tradition, and the honoring of our ancestors. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan has stood the test of time, a testament to our resilience and pride. It is within my focus as a potential King to address our internal conflicts through dialogue, compromise, and reconciliation. Let us set aside our differences, bury the hatchet between clans, kin, and residents of Urguan, and forge ahead together towards a brighter future. Yet, let us not forget that our realm exists within a larger tapestry, where alliances and treaties extend beyond the confines of our borders. It is my solemn duty as your king to honor the commitments made by our predecessors, preserving the sacred pacts that have safeguarded our realm for generations. Furthermore, I pledge to forge new alliances to safeguard our realm from threats beyond our borders. Together, united, we shall stand strong against any who would dare challenge our sovereignty. Let us march forward, resolute in our unity and unwavering in our defense of our homeland! -= Our Might =- The War against Veletz showed our prowess and might but left us depleted. It showed its cracks when our beloved former King Grelu suffered setbacks at enemy hands, the Azdrazi. Now, Aevos faces threats from the dark forces of Khorvad. We must strengthen ourselves or risk defeat. If chosen as your king, my first decree will be to reinstate mandatory military service, that being organizing training every stone month, where everyone is to be expected to attend, this will prepare us for when our nation is actually under threat and ready to send our foes to an early grave! Active legionnaires attending training will receive tax exemptions for their homes, among other benefits for the defenders of our nation. Those who fight during active conflicts will be compensated with minas and allowed to keep enemy spoils. Let us show that the Descendants of Urguan stand firm against adversity! -= The Moot =- Our Moot, though cherished, has become chaotic, stalling important matters and leaving them forgotten. I propose organizing it better: addressing topics in advance, giving time for preparation, and establishing a queue during the Moot for orderly discussion. Furthermore, I pledge to prioritize the wisdom of the kin of Urguan, recognizing that while a king’s council may lighten the load, it is the voices of the people that truly illuminate the path forward. After all, who better understands the heartbeat of our city than those who call it home? -= Religion =- Throughout our history, our faith has faced formidable trials, challenges that shook the very foundations of our existence. Yet, through the guidance of our esteemed High Prophets and their devoted Priests; we have found clarity and direction in the darkest of times. However, it grieves me to witness their diminished role, resulting in their unjust removal from their respective seat. It is time to rectify this grave error. My aim is to restore the rightful position of the High Prophet, granting them a seat beside the others that sit beside the Throne. They must have a voice where they can directly address their concerns to the throne and the people. I am committed not only to bridging the divide between State and Faith but also to reintroducing the rich tapestry of dwarven culture into our daily lives, Through the establishment of holidays, celebrations, and feasts dedicated to our Gods, ancestors, and community, we will rekindle the bonds that have grown distant over time. Together, let us revive our heritage and strengthen the unity that defines us as a proud dwarven nation. -= Respect =- In the heart of every true dwarf lies a deep respect for our elders, ancestors, and state officials. Yet, I’ve noticed this reverence waning. Let us NOT forget that their sacrifices built our Great Nation. They defended us against enemies, creating the foundation for our dwarven cities, clans, and culture. I vow to restore the honor due to clan leaders, elders, and officials. To Mountain dwarves, cave dwarves and forest dwarves alike. Together, let us ensure their efforts are respected and appreciated, securing a prosperous future for all dwarves. The fate of our great nation lies within your hands, kin of Urguan! Choose me as your King, and together, we shall honor the legacy of our ancestors by standing strong against adversity, united in our resolve to conquer every challenge that dares to confront us! “BIG BEARDS UNITE!” “NARVOK OZ URGUAN!” RISE KIN OF URGUAN! Signed Thumbrindal Grandaxe, Clan Elder of the Grandaxes, Captain of the Aelsling, Thane-I Meatfists, Priest of Dungrim Gimgrimmor Metalfist, Kazamar’ka’az-I Ithorrym, Lord Thane of Whatever de ****, Master Smith and Forge Father of Drogan’Var, Lord Thane of Thumrilgrad, Thumbrindals older brother and campaign manager
  3. ᚨᛚᚨᚱᛁᚲ×ᚦᚱᚢᛗᛗ×ᚢᚱ×ᚲᛟᚱᛟᛞᚨᚢᚱᛟᚲ ᚨᛚᚨᚱᛁᚲ×ᚦᚱᚢᛗᛗ×ᚢᚱ×ᚲᛟᚱᛟᛞᚨᚢᚱᛟᚲ To my fellow Urguani Citizens, Once more I have come to put my name forward for the Obsidian Throne, despite the unlikeliness for a Common Clan to rise to such a position by honorable means. Yet that is once more why I am here, out of loyalty to my fellow countrydwarves and to the Fatherland that has given me so many opportunities. I have served this nation as Clanfather, Grand Marshal, Yemekar’s Pick, Prophet of the Temple, Crafter, Senator, Bricklayer, and your Soldier everywhere. Here now too, if I am permitted, have I come now to be your King. In my history in Urguan, I have placed such legislation forward as to repair our scarred and battered landscape, restoring what we can to preserve the beauty of our nation. In more economic fields, I have remained one of the most capable smiths in Urguan, sharing the knowledge of rare materials with many of you here today. On the field of battle, I have served in every war Urguan has participated in since my arrival in this nation. I have built up the port on two occasions, now preparing for the third, and before their collapse blazed minecart lines across the entirety of our nation from north to south. I will never stop working for this nation, even if I am to lose this election I promise that I shall not surrender until one day I succeed. I will never lose faith in this great nation. Platform Section 1: Government Part 1: King’s Council It is my belief that the following positions should make up the King’s Council, and for the following reasons-- Grand Chancellor: The Grand Chancellor should be the direct representative from the Senate and should indicate which motions the King needs action for or what action might conflict with present motions. Grand Ambassador: The Grand Ambassador should be the direct representative from the affairs of Allies, and should any matters be growing amongst alliances, it should be presented to the King. Grand chieftain of Hefrumm: The Grand Chieftain of Hefrumm should be the direct representative for the Hefrummarri community to the Kingdom, bringing any motions or concerns from the forest folk directly to the King. Grand Steward: The Grand Steward should be the direct representative of the banking and tax institutions and present any problems or concerns from each. Grand Marshal: The Grand Marshal should be the direct representative of the military and defense institutions of Urguan, and present any problems or concerns that may affect the nation’s defense as a whole. High Prophet: The High Prophet should be the direct representative of the Temple and the Council of Prophets, presenting any religious issues or ideas to be seen by the King. Grand Justiciar: The Grand Justiciar should be the direct representation for laws and acts of justice throughout the nation of Urguan. If any major trials or cases are current, they should be brought to the King’s attention. Part 2: The Senate For too long Senate meetings have been disorganized and far too lengthy of affairs. Senate meetings must be able to be conducted faster and with better decorum. Further, we need a system that works better with the true size of the Dwarven nation, which at this time means smaller. Therefore I propose the following changes to be effective to the Senate as a whole-- The requirement of a sitting clan for vote shall be lowered to 3 members active. With the second vote being earned at 7 members active. And the third vote being earned with 10 members active. The Senate Chambers shall be redesigned to distinctly show who the voting Senators are for each group, with non-Senators being restricted to watching from the balconies above to not delay proceedings. Senate proposals must be submitted for public viewing with a brief summary before each meeting of Senate so the nation may be clear on what is being voted upon. Part 3: Guilds Distinctions need to be made at what clarifies a Guild and what does not. In what I believe to be the current definition, only the Worker’s Guild qualifies under this title. It functions and can function for what it is, teaching metalsmithing by me training at the bare minimum two smiths to pass on the techniques. Besides that, their Merchant section can begin to take over for the now lack of Auction House, with a site being constructed to organize monthly auctions. While this does solve a large part of Dwarven guild activity, we used to have far more options for prospective players. The Mage’s Guild for instance can once again become an option should we be able to organize some teachers to train those players in our lands with the desire to learn. Teaming them up with the Worker’s Guild for arcanium forging and magegold forging would also give reason for new mages to stay at the guild after gaining magic. We could use medics trained, even if it isn’t Dwarves who fill the role. An Explorer’s Guild for finding rare sites and quests has always been effective for places like Norland and Haense. Section 2: The Economy Part 1: Taxes It is my belief that taxes upon land held by clans are too high, and I intend to cut the cost of weekly taxes by 50%, while raising the downpayment on the acquisition of new properties by those interested parties. Taxes on houses shall be reassessed and new Dwarves who are living in Urguan for the first time shall receive a two week housing voucher to give them time to build up their bank account before being hit by taxes. Part 2: Minek Mineks shall be removed and House Tax slips shall return until the moment that we will need coinage again. Without the ability to sell Minek back to the shop, they essentially currently function as a more confusing form of tax slips. Reasons that would require a return to a Dwarven currency is an increase in bank taxes once more. Part 3: Industry With the removal of the auction house and the lessening of taxes, the nation in and of itself will need a more proper source of revenue. Investments in new mines that allow the increased production of iron, and my own willing donations of rare materials to the kingdom are a way for the Dwarves to corner a good portion of the metal market without the Auction House, people knowing to come to Urguan for metal supplies. Section 3: The Military Part 1: The Legion The Legion is undoubtedly the backbone of Urguan’s defense, and we must do what we can to familiarize new Dwarves with the ways of large-scale combat. I will be making sure they receive a proper pay each week that will not only incentivize the attending of training, but also keep more formality to the ranks by using Legionnaires in government roles for defense and parade. As with the addition of non-Dwarven ghettos to the nation, we should be working to incorporate more non-Dwarven auxiliaries into the Legion that attend training the same as the rest of the Legionnaires. Part 2: Trainings Besides the standard training, the Legion should be used to patrol our borders in search of possible interlopers. As a primarily defense force, we can ensure our nation is secure and trade and travel are protected. This would also give the Legionnaires more experience in live fighting. Part 3: Hefrummarri Militia The Dol’Anym Hefrummarri have been an independent part of the nation for such a long period that they deserve the ability to more quickly defend themselves and manage their defenses. Therefore, I believe the formation of a Hefrummarri militia solely under the control of the High Chieftain is a necessity, with the warband serving independently up until they are sent to serve as auxiliaries by the village. During war as auxiliaries, they would be under the command of the Legion Grand Marshal. Section 4: Allies Part 1: Haense, Balian, The Vale As some of our oldest allies, we should be attempting to reaffirm our alliances with them. If I win, immediately after the coronation party, I will be embarking on a diplomatic tour to meet each of our allies and renew treaties. As well, an embassy for each of these allies shall be constructed in the North wing of our Palace, and we shall make treaties for embassies in each of their capitals as well. For some we can hire foreign ambassadors to retain Dwarven activity. Part 2: Norland and the Elves I too believe it is in our best interest to seek our non-aggression treaties and trade agreements with Norland and the Elves, with possibly a lesser form of Embassy, a Consulate, being opened in their capitals. We should make sure to avoid obligations to join wars and conflicts that are unnecessary, but the more friends we can have, the more options we have for events. Part 3: Khron’Hundin I do not believe it is in either of our groups best interest to force reunification yet. There clearly are intrinsic issues that are coming between us working together long term, and they seem quite comfortable working for themself. Though, we should not give reason to push them away further. All Khron’hundinmarri should be granted full amnesty if they wished to return, with their leaders being granted full amnesty on the condition that the golems created with stolen Dwarven souls are humanely deactivated. Should any catastrophe, disaster, attack, or issue arise it is Yemekar’s Balance that we provide any and all aide that we can to them and support them anyway possible. The policy should be One People, Two Nations, Under Yemekar. Section 5: The Map Part 1: Old Settlements In the past, Urguan once had many separate settlements spread across the land. Now, in the waning of our power, most of these settlements have found themself abandoned and scarring our roads. These must be repurposed or removed to make way for the future. Within the first week I shall be traveling with the Grand Steward to each settlement and making a decision for what to happen with them-- whether to be marked for demolition or renovation or rent. Part 2: Infrastructure We have run into the issue of Dwarves being unable to find the capital or some of our other towns on the first couple visits to the nation, with the problem being even harder for the foreigners who visit. The roads must be made more clear with options such as boats, minecarts, or carriages also being looked at as options to make travel around our Kingdom quicker and easier. Part 3: Beautification Urguan has often too bland of an environment outside of the majesty of our mountains. My plan to change that is the institution of three National Parks, that are to be intensely natural areas to explore and run events at. As well as the creation of a detailed topographical/political map of the Grand Kingdom for new Dwarves to see. Closing Statements I have run in many prior elections. In my first, I chose to withdraw my nomination to back Norli Starbreaker over Durorn Ireheart, though I now have a different opinion on such. In my second election, I ran against two strong candidates, Levian’tol Grandaxe, who I was proud to serve under, and my own brother. In the end, my brother and I walked away with a valuable lesson learned. And in the last election, you know me as the one who ran against Ulfric Frostbeard, and who gave him a close race. I wonder how things might have been different if I had won then, but when Bakir asked me for his support, I was glad to give it to him. Now, I wish to give it another showing, and present a moderate and stable candidate for our nation. Narvok oz Urguan
  4. [!] Within the Agora of the Karinah’siol, as busy Mali’aheral scurry about, upon a pedestal of marble, bathing in the light of the Sun, sits the Okarir’san basking in the glorious rays of light. In his left hands sits an exquisite rose, occasionally drawn to his nose to savour the pungent perfume. Clearing his throat, he draws the attention of all. “Mali’thill, Our Silver Republic has weathered storms most severe, and each time emerged stronger and wisened by the experience and progress brought about through Her loyal citizens. It is those citizens, you, the people, that safeguard our Blessed Republic. Our democracy is but an intangible abstraction that cannot move itself without you, the people. With that in mind, the time has come for a most serious announcement. The provisional government entrusted with the safeguarding of the people of Larihei, first during the troubled attempted coup of the Kinslayer, is nearing the end of its purpose. As such, it is announced that there are TWO council positions currently vacant that shall be subjected through the democratic process that guides our State forward. First, empty lies the office of the Okarir’maehr, the guarantee of the collective knowledge gathered by generations of Descendants since the conception of the Silver State itself. Among the duties of the Okarir’maehr as secured by our Constitution are reminded: to serve as chief Librarian of the Eternal Library, as chief professor of the Eternal College, and oversees the magical and intellectual development of Haelun’or. Lastly, but no less important, is the empty seat of the Okarir’hiylun, that which maintains the collective health of the children of Larihei, without which maehr’sae hiylun’ehya would not be complete. Our Constitution entrusts to the Okarir’hiylun the following: administration of the Silver Clinic and the Silver Laboratories, and oversees the development of the medical and scientific arts in the neverending pursuit of progress. DEMOCRACY calls unto you, dear citizens of the Republic, to fulfil your civic duty, and to nominate yourselves or your acquaintances, to toil for the progress of our Nation, should you consider yourselves, or have knowledge of others, who are capable and fit to serve any of the aforementioned sacred positions in our, YOUR, government. Nominations are to be performed as per protocol. Transcripts will be delivered to the current Council, and to a Maheral, should one be elected in the meantime, to be entered as an electable candidate. For a nomination to be valid, you must present a short speech, demonstrating how you fulfil the prerequisites to serve, preferably accompanied by a brief outline of your desired administration of the office in question. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya!”
  5. The Saneyir’s Election, Yr 61 SA Regarding the election of the Saneyir of the Bloodless, there has been much speculation regarding the election date, time, and the specific requirements for candidacy. This missive shall provide all information for candidates, both future and present. To vote, you must be a citizen of Fenn, own property in Fenn, or be a member of the Ivae’fenn belonging to no currently represented bloodline, talonii, clan, seed, etc. Candidates may announce themselves at any point before the voting. I, Ayred Drakon, will be managing the elections, the commencement of which shall be publicly announced. On the ballot, voters will include their name, valid address, race, and age. In order to sign up for election, announce your candidacy, to include assurances that you are qualified to run - including name and address. If elected, you will serve a 4-year term, roughly 1 elven month. You are free to do what campaigning you will have before the date of the election which shall be announced soon. Penned on the Authority Of, The Halerir Of Fenn, Vigilant of Charity, Ayred Drakon Prince of Fenn, Prince of the Snow Elves, Vytrek Tundrak
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