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Found 4 results

  1. Laurih’Valmiran Heial (Noble/Chosen Artisans) ilMaehr’sae Ilkun’ehya With Knowledge and Steel Table of Contents Purpose Leadership Branches Purpose The Artisan’s Guild was established, its primary purpose is to aid in the growth of the nation, but equal to that purpose - its desire to assist Artisans with permission from the resigning royarch, Illthrak Ibarellan. As such its primary purpose is to aid in the growth of the nation, but equal to that purpose - is its desire to assist Artisans and Magi who serve the guild are there for not only themselves but the community for any sale made under the guild - its people. Artisan’s and Magi who serve the guild are there for not only themselves but the community, for any sale made under the guild - it must be reported to Aiyeis Acal’Turrii so that she can record such for future rewards. Leadership Head of Guild Aiyeis Acal’Turrii Regent Head in case of Absence Midas Von Acal’Turrii, Ac’Sullii Acal’Turrii Current Heir Ac’Sullii Acal’Turrii Head of Magi Lawrintithius, Aiyeis Acal’Turrii, Midas Von Acal’Turrii Head of Coin Siobhan Branches Those who wish to sell their craft through the guild should be aware of the various roles they take and may apprentice for. From Artisans to Magi, the guild is home to all crafts. Artisans A broad term to cover all bases - the guild’s main purpose is to aid all who sell the fruit of their labor. Whether that be a writer's poetry, a musician's melody, an artisan's canvas, or an architect's structure, all may come for a chance of respite with the guild. Each member - depending upon their craft(s); will be gifted a pin to wear at events to show their crafts and whether they seem apprentices. Magi As the Magi aided in the guild's formation, The 'aheral Aiyeis Acal'Turrii formed a sub-division led by Lawrintithius. Joining the Guild If any prospective artisan is seeking to join the guild, they may send word to Aiyeis Acal’Turrii by bird, or by visiting the guild hall in Celia’nor. It will be by the apple orchards.
  2. Hello! I'm the leader of a settlement, and we're trying to get a build done to paste into LOTC. We're currently living in the town of Myrine, and will keep a lot of that build, but we're trying to add larger walls into the town for the new raid rules and a castle. We've been trying to do the build ourselves, but none of us are very experienced builders so we've been struggling a lot with it. If there are any good builders out there who would be interested in helping out, message me on discord Sean_kelly26#1626 Thank you!
  3. *There are Flyers everywhere* "We are soon to open up a new desert town! Now unfortunately not all of us leaders are great builders, therefore we ask of one man or woman to help us great this town from the ground up. You will be paid 150 per building you create and credit for doing so. If you wish to have this job, please bird Arabella Rosalie Delevoye." OOC INFO: So this is my second post about needing builders in one day and this is because we decided we only needed one builder, it'd be a town instead, and that the price would be risen. We can always negotiate the price though, Arabella is willing to pay more for high quality buildings. This is a arabic style town with slums and a wealthy quarter, while yes they are slums we still want them livable and desirable, so don't think we want a tiny box home! No we want intricate buildings that scream authenticity. Pm me if you are interested in this job, my IGN is TheCheshireNeko, or you can always comment below. We will also need some pictures to show your skills with building, remember we want intricate buildings, and i will upper the price if need be, just not to something ridiculous like 1k per building.
  4. [size="5"] Kohgir "Krogulec" Ironarmpit [/size] Nicknames: Krogulec, The Gearwheel Age: 324 Gender: Male Race: Dwarf Status: Still Kickin' Description Height: 137 cm Weight: 125 kg Body Type: Big bones Eyes: Brown Hair: Brownish/Ginger Skin: White Markings/Tattoos: Ancient Dwarvish Builder Tatoo, The Anvil of Kal'Urguan Tattoo Health: 75% Ale 15% Blood... Healthy! Personality: Friendly with restrictions Inventory: The Hammer of Kal'Urguan, Diamond Armor of the Kal'Urguan Protectors, Bloody Axe of Kal'Urguan Further Details: Still angry for the fall of Kal'Urguan, filled with hatred to the Undead and lack of any help from other nations except for the few heroes he recruited chasing like mad from Elven holy city Laurelin to Human great fortress (which he is fond of even though it was built by humans) [size="3"] Life Style [/size] Alignment*: Chaotic Good Deity*: Yemekar Religion: Brathmordakin Alliance/Nation/Home Job/Class: Title(s): Profession(s): Builder, Blacksmith Special Skill(s): First to Fight, Axe Master, Mad Anvil Master Flaw(s): Bloodthirsty, Enemy of the Orcs, First to Forget Last to Forgive. [size="3"] Magic* [/size] Current Status: Arcane/Runic Arch-type: Sub-Type: Rank: Weakness(es): Strength(s): Current Spell(s): [size="3"] Weaponry [/size] Fighting Style: Axe-fighter Trained Weapon: Axe Favored Weapon: Axe Archery: Axe throwing? Biography Parents: Grimmir "The Mad" Ironarmpit, Borenhilde "Wild Winds" Golden Siblings: Lost brother - Unknown Children: NONE Extended Family: Unknown Pet(s): Is an Axe a pet? History Kohgir has been between his people for a very long time, always watching, mining the richness of Kal'Urguan, when he became the first Blacksmith of the ancient capitol with his home in front of the kings castle he was able to make regular trips on the court of King Simmpa, after Simmpa's tragic death, Krogulec, as he liked to be called, co-operated with the Great Overseer Charles in building another city deep in the mountain situated in the forest North-East of the capitol; Kal'Alras. Further co-operation led to his growth in the social classes of the mountain dwellers, and when the Baron Balin was selected as the next leader pertractations began to allow Khogir to be the Grand Master of the Guilds in the dwarven kingdom. The pertractations sadly had to end abruptly as the evil army of the Undead was approaching the front gate. This is when he was called, and feeling the call of his brethren he dropped everything and began construction of the weaponry and armors made of the finest Kal'Urguan diamonds, mined from the heart of the holy mountain itself. With the army prepared he then wore his armor, took the axe and waited for the army to come, running errands all over the gate, preparing for the worst... They waited days and nights but the army was no-where to be seen, so he went on to observe where could they be, after long and fruitless search he returned to the gate where he was stationed to receive an order to go to other nations and request additional help, he went on first to the elves where no-one would want to help him except for one brave elvish archer, and upon leaving another elvish fighter, they then marched on to the human fortress where the great paladin offered to help... by sending a human female warrior with them, the human proposed to see the orcs but Kohgir automatically rejected such stupid suggestion as he wanted to see them burn in the fires of hell! Who needs those orcs! the only thing they do is look green and smell bad...worse than his grandmothers farts after eating her legendary wild-been stew. Maybe not that bad, but still, they stink. The human was right however, so they went on to the orcish village and as much as Kohgir never said a word he was welcomed coldly after being known for slaughtering orcs one by one and in bigger groups on the outskirts of their sand castle, not to mention stealing the materials... and punching holes in their walls... and other sabotage-related deeds. They have not as much as agreed but out of fear(!) decided to send two of their brothers with the group, but only after Kohgir signed a paper he is not going to murder them on the way. After coming back to the main gate the reaction of seeing Kohgir with group of travellers ready to fight for Kal'Urguan everyone was very happy, indeed they started even singing some song about ale but were somewhat drunk so the exact words escaped Kohgir before this was written, however it mention gold, ale, more gold, some diamonds and inexplicit words between the verses. The jollyness did not last very long as some of the least drunk dwarves realized, upon closer inspection there were two orcs in the group, they quickly began drawing their swords, sobering up second to second and at first Kohgir wanted to let them do their deed, and have fun with orcish meat, but quick reminder that he signed with his three cosses the packt assuring the safety of these orcs led him to explain the situation to his brethren. Bewildered brothers, agreed it is better to get them drunk and act as if it was an accident so that they did... However upon drinking the orcs, probably by cheating, or sorcery of some sort, happened to win the drinking contest with the most ale-potent dwarf... or maybe he was drunk already?... so they ended up being guests of honour betwixt the dwarves. Which will never happen again. Hopefully. That is the orcs winning the drinking contest, not the guests of honour bit. Kohgir after days of travel and hectoliters of ale poured that night in order to not kill orcs felt great urge to not wake up from his cozy anvil bed, what more he found a letter on the table next to his bed, opened and ready to read, as he found his beard was glued to the bed and he was somewhat stuck... it was probably due to the strange rope around his legs and the fact his armpit hair were also plotted around the bed. Back to the letter it read: "Ha-Ha, Dwarbf, yu be so stoopid, meaning to be us drunker dan yu! wee ween yu louose, yu be skippin da fite wen wee fite de unded yu never gin onor! we beet dem an den we attak ur sity!" The rage had built up in Kohgir, he was so incredibly angry he tried getting up so hard and for so long he almost ran ut of breath, as he heard his brthren fighting on the outside, screams of agony and clings or armours and weaponry crafted by him were heard all across the city, He knew if he does not leave now he will miss out on some serious undead arse kicking. He would struggle so much the knots on his legs and across his belly were getting tighter and tighter to the point his white..pinkish skin turned smurf. Last look at the note assured him it surely were these orcs. As he continuead his struggle the voices went silent, for a minute he thought the battle was won and over but then he heard last orders of Charles to withdraw and run towards to mountain... this was first time that ever happened, no-one messes with dwarves and wins... As the clings of running soldiers went silent he heard his house door opening with a great power. He tried looking but he would barely see anything considering the hangover, lack of breath and general thirst there was someone allright! Then the being approached him and everything went blank. Nothingness, no feelings, no thirst, no struggle, no thoughts, pure and dark nothing. Artwork
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