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  1. móðr i wonder every day of my life what went through my father's head all the fortunes gathered and blood spilt underneath ferrum meeting flesh only to weep for a son who promised him nothing but the same and nothing left to part with but the battle of trying to be more then His hand gathers strength at the stepping stones; It had finally caught up to Him and His company. The embodiment of a father's sins passed down to their son, now knelt before the manifestation of Sin that laid a trap for the bounty hunter; corpses of leper-demons and imps scattering along the surfaces of a destroyed Hallowcliffe. It laid claim on such a venerated symbol to its field; to hone it, shape it into a deeper darkness, to accompany the ruin it wished unto the lands, with Him at the helm. The flame birthed from Its fingertips burned at a constant into His soul, into His chest; oh, so painful, yet no flesh lay scorched of the affliction, not as malflame would, no - this was a different kind of torment. The feeling of a pagan crucified at the stake, burned alive, His soul threatened out of His body, the lingering memory of an agony in a loop. Horned teeth at the helm, and a virulent gaze lay on His company, who were duly unharmed. "But you were not the objective." Bleeding, empty sockets turn away from the would-be princess, now focused on the one scorned, the sellsword born to a father of malicious renown, the only eye saddled at the center pulsating as if it were beating out of the man's own chest. i wonder what my mother saw for me when she swept me away galley ship setting course for lands unknown and a fleeting embrace only to find tragedy when my life begins and hers meets its end and nothing shared in our last moments but unspoken regrets "Neither of you will be able to leave until I have I̷̳̓̓̿̍̽͌̎, or a Ņ̷̢͚͕͈̬͕̰̹̗̞̘͆̉̐̆̐̃̑̈́͆̅̈͛͛̑͝." Its hand stretches out, an offer forced into a choice - His only choice. Words became a blur, and a malleable, damaged soul came under duress from the Black Pontiff. As if organ separated itself from the physical body, only the ghost of these pains lingered from toe to scalp along His figure. Fate stood before them, mocking the deliberation that continued under drowned thoughts. But the first to act was neither He nor the Pontiff. It was the dame - begging for a mercy, to spare Him the depths of what she knew to be a path one can never turn back from. Her body came between Him, strength asunder, and It, with a newborn desperation. She willed herself to protect him, as He did for her, guilt striking at the tips of her span knowing she caused His pain by bringing him there. A hand sits firm at the nest of a rip on her tunic, and the princess resigns herself to fatigue, unable to present a defense for the burdened man any longer. Plunging forth before the woman, He stood before the Pontiff with a blank, weary gaze. Eyes dim between palm and the distance between himself and His dagger; though in the end He swallows the weight of what He chose to do next. i wonder what truly awaited me at shore when the boat struck land riches beyond even a father's aspirations, a life unknown to a mother yet here i stand before death itself as if it were all a illusion in the end, a trap, committed to ensnaring the soul to fate The visions came; the sight of realms, both land and sea left plundered by a darkness that embraced the chaos, fires born of an otherworldly form unrelenting against the shape of the fields that encompassed. The sun did not belong where He stood, neither the night sky bearing a light to guide the remnants that screamed for liberation in such a wretched world. Then came the manifestations. Corruption meeting the very being, soul and its energy to form bestial commonalities of horns, wings, tails of all shape and color. And what was left when these manifestations withered away? A fertile ash to remain astray until a rekindling to lay a different form. No longer was the Pontiff present, neither the Princess, nor the shape of the space around him. Endless darkness and the incarnations, all lined together with weapons ready to be plunged into Him as a temperament to what would form the man next. But they were all the same. The same in one aspect of which greeted the horror of the man who accepted the hand: He was staring at himself. Every form He was fated to take, whether by His own volition, or for destiny to choose for Him. Fated. To die, to be reborn, to take a new form, they were all fated. A decade, a century, a millennium. They would all be judged the same, sentenced the same, and executed the same. Except. a life abundant of death, fated for one to be my own battlefields notorious of a horror, darkness to covet abominations the thrill of a victory faded quickly. replacing it, an ugliness deeply rooted in the very soul of my own being when fire refused to burn, the darkness took form
  2. This message is written in Ilzakarn - The Inferis Language Greetings, Infernals wandering the mortal plane, devouring the souls of the lessers. This message I have written in hopes of arranging some, Let's say some fun activities, as many of you know we all do exist but not many have seen each other before, for the sake of our interests and making new contacts, I suggest a tournament, one to determine who is the meanest, strongest and most Huk-akal, A place for enemies to be slain, alliances to be made, Bonds to be created through the blood of their fallen. This infernal Get-together has been arranged with the blessing of the "Gashakoduro," The infernal Lich. Participation in the violence will be optional but heavily encouraged; feel free to bring artifacts to sell; consider it a festival of sorts. Where the winner will gain the title of "Vuhd-akal," hold the name with pride, and gain the reputation as the strongest of the demons walking on the mortal plane; one could call this demon Iblees strongest warrior if you want to. Before I reveal the location, I want to say a few words for the more treasures of our kind, and if we find someone led by a bunch of holy xan shitters or other, quote on quote, Noble heroes wannabes, we will swiftly banish you to Azdromozas darkest parts, and make sure all the patrons and below will know of your betrayal which will lead to an internal torment. So keep that in mind. And one more thing, we suggest you bring your mortal souls, where we can hold a sports hunt where the demon gets to devour the souls they catch. Now for the location...[describes location] For the actual location, contact dreameater145 in Discord. Ideally, let your cult leader or king or whatever your representing head person call themself irp, and contact me, and they will tell you guys when and lead you to the place on the day of the event. [This poster can be found in every dark corner of Aevos for all to encounter, but for some to read]
  3. [!] A horde of birds would be flying over the capital of each Canonist city or settlement, dropping letters on which human eyes are attached, which would suit the message of this letter. [!] THE BUCKRIDERS You may not see us, but we see you, we watch every step you make into the forests of your Empire or Kingdom, as we ride through the nightsky with our commander Iblees. Your days have been counted. Keep an eye on the nightsky when you are outside, you may see us ride upon our goats gifted by the Daemons who carry these dead bodies back to where they belong, the Void. We claim the murder of tons of people, our existance, is the reason why you do not see these people anymore. Only us know, where they are, and where they are captured. You may curse us, if that pleases you, but know if you do, we shall ride into your residence and kill anyone who is dear to you, and take their miserable souls back into the Void. Your God, can not protect you against us, we are the standing army of our Master, Iblees. You all, shall be paying for the blood that has been spilled due to your pride. You either acknowledge our existance, or we shall burn your properties as we burn the uncountable bodies that we took from the graves and attached their eyes to each letter. Keep an eye on the nightsky, as we are always present. We are not recognized in the light, but surely recognized in the dark nightsky, We are watching you. Yours sincerly,
  4. An Ancient Black Book was recovered in the year 1393 on the southern coast of Asulon. This is the recovered knowledge of the Ancient Hansetian Kings, fragments of the Omnichronicle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJJDwlWcTI Preface Important concept: Hansetian is a word for two different people in the historical record: 1. There were the Ancient Hansetians of Asulon that existed as one of the first civilizations in Prehistory and lasted for centuries until the Great Wipe that occurred at the start of the 11th Century. 2. Then there are the Hansetians of Aegis that existed from the 14th century onwards to the modern day. Both are referred to as Hansetians after The Teutonic Order who followed Ancient Hansetian ways levied the Kingdom of Hanseti. Naming it in honour of the Ancient Hansetian people Hochmeister Marius was connected to. Important translations: Sariant = Knight Hochmeister = Grand Master Ordenmarchall = Commander Landmeister = Lord TL;DR Recovered scripture of 10th Century Ancient Hansetians is translated into common. It discusses viewpoints on the nature of our Origin It outlines ideas about the Aemon, the immortal beings Aengul and Daemon It hints at how to use the Blessing of Humanity We're left with questions and require additional pages to be translated. The Ancient Hansetians appear to have some very out-there ideas about the nature of the Universe. Whether it's the accurate story of Life is up to the reader, but it does stay within creation Lore such as Availers. This lore makes possible: Further expansion into the lore of Ancient Hanseti. Their beliefs are highlighted. Their culture is briefly mentioned An In-character perspective of the current Lore that binds LotC. Something Users can only use if I permit the knowledge to be published IC. The setup for additional lore-pieces. This lore however relies on Humanity's Blessing to be possible and aligns to the same aims and purposes outlined in that thread. If both are implemented, this lore-piece doesn't make what's written in it the actual Creation Lore. It merely canonizes that the Omnichronicle exists in the LotC Universe for IC use. REFERENCES https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Ancient_History https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Asulon https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Modern_History https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Modern_History_of_Aegis https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Modern_History_of_Asulon https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Soulstones https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Soul_Puppetry https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Soul_Stream https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Wandering_Souls https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/47134-the-death-of-mirtok/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/67043-operation-black-curtain/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/114626-the-ancient-hansetians/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/139713-the-planes-of-existence-world-lore https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/141164-the-mortal-hierarchy/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/141165-the-canon-energies/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/146219-world-lore-the-sunless-sanctum/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151740-%E2%9C%93-gap-theory/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/159728-creation-lore/ Foreword Asulon, y. 1393. We found an Ancient Hansetian ruin. Dated to have last been in use about around the 10th Century just before The Great Collapse. An event that stripped mortals of advanced knowledge and understanding of the universe. Apocalyptic outcomes a result of the events loosely described by Availer’s interpretation of the negative externalities that he called ‘curses’ put upon the Four Brothers. Afflictions against the mortal population that we only started recovering from at the start of the 14th Century. As such there’s no real record of the days before the 14th Century when the lever was flicked on once more and Users regained control of the universe. World-wide, most of the writings on advanced topics of science, organisation, philosophy and knowledge withered away by time or locked away waiting to be discovered by would-be delvers. Due to architectural practices and the materials Ancient Hansetians used in constructing their surroundings; many sites were discovered relatively intact and contained many artifacts that looked as if everyone left everything behind and vanished one day. A large wealth of knowledge was collected from the salvaged artifacts left behind and taken to Hochmeister DeNurem’s Mountain Keep during the late-14th century in 1396. In the aftermath of the King of Hanseti’s disappearance at the hands of Users and the defeat of Teutonic forces at the battle of Dreadfort, the First Teutonic Order collapsed in the early 15th century. In the aftermath and long before Jonathan Black burned down the halls of Hanseti thereafter. Significant relics were removed and taken to a private DeNurem collection in the undercity of Abresi where they remained until the Holy Oren Exodus. At the collapse of the Empire, they were moved onto a boat owned by the Prince of Hanseti. It didn’t dock back to mainland Anthos until the later half of the 15th century when Hanseti masterminded the end of the Princedom of Malinor giving rise to the Teutonic puppet, Malin’s Conclave. Finally being returned from Conclavian vaults to Teutonic vaults at the founding of the Second Order by Hochmeister DeNurem in the Fringe. Here they remained until Hochmeister DeNurem retired his throne, gave the artifacts to Sariant D. DeNurem and scattered the rest of the treasures of Hanseti among its people in the late 15th century. Because the pieces have been continually moved, they no-doubt ended up lost or stolen over the years. Yet, a careful eye over the books and significant tools has always remained. DeNurem spent hours translating blueprints, records, invoices, scientific journals, stories and religious texts over the decades. In these texts were advanced ideas that DeNurem kept hidden from the public to avoid any folly. Of the original items recovered in Asulon, a large majority of it still remains in the protective hands of DeNurem. It could be summarized that because of the lacking presence of the Teutonic Giants, the people of Hanseti turned to the familiarity of the hansetian-like Aesterwald. Altering the trajectory of the Hanseti forever which resulted in losing ties to the ways of the wise and advanced Ancient Hansetians until now. This Recovered Text Our only copy of this document is understood to be only a fraction of the total information that the Omnichronicle has to offer. What we have thus far is made up by different sections of a black spellbook that we recovered three copies of during excavations in the Asulon, y. 1396. Obviously a highly regarded text to be printed in this amount. We have the introduction to the book, but time has weathered off the rest of the scripture. “When you dig, you learn the nature of our universe. Such is the Hansetian way.” I proudly present, Fragments of the Omnichronicle. This is what's been translated so far: Views on Creation “Everything gets voided eventually.” 32nd Hochmeister T. Rex The Wandering Wizard wrote the most accepted account on Origin in his Chronicle of Creation in the world of Aegis. Having written it 84 years after The Great Collapse, he accounts for key ancient historical points of reference, but in his mortal manifestation left out wide details about Creation in his simplified version of events to save paper which was hard to come by when he wrote down the account. His story left a lot of questions. Questions which the Ancient Hansetians have had answered. In these recovered texts it appears as if scribes were writing down the words that the 32nd Hochmeister, Tulius Rex was saying as his soul explored the Seven Skies. As such, they tell a slightly different story that decades to translate from the ancient Marian dialect. Re-telling Availer's Account with more details. Presenting now is a small chapter of the Omnichronicle. + Origin Point - Sky Realm Sky Realm Sky Realm Sky Realm Sky Realm Sky Realms Sky Realms Mortal Realm Nether Realm The Veil Void The Ancient Hansetian conceptualization of the Seven Skies. The most powerful place is the Origin point, this is where the Merciful Creator was sparked life into a muted place known as the Void. On one side of Origin is + Force. At the other is - Force. These two forces are in a constant struggle for dominance. The Origin tells the Universe what is and isn’t. Sky Realm The first Sky Realm is home to the most powerful Aemon, an the first Aengul named Celestia. They know what Is and Isn’t and enforce those Laws. Sky Realm The Second Sky Realm is home to mostly Aenguls. Sky Realm The Third Sky Realm is home to mostly Aenguls. Sky Realm The Fourth Sky Realm holds a 50/50 mix of Aemon Sky Realm The Firth Sky Realm is home to mostly Daemons. Sky Realms The Sixth Sky Realm is made up of multiple Daemon Realms Notabaly Apohet’s Spiritual Realm Sky Realms The Seventh Sky Realm is made up of even more lesser Daemon Realms. Mortal Realm The Mortal Realm was the last intended creation. Home of the physically Bound Souls. Notable Mortals include Malin, Krug, Horen and Urguan. Multiple worlds exist within the Mortal Realm such as Aegis and Asulon. Nether Realm Created most recently, this is the manifested Realm of Iblees which attaches itself to the Mortal Realm. It is home of Evil and Ruin. The Veil The third creation of the Merciful Creator. Made to protect the Creation from the Void. It is home to the second most powerful Aemon, a nameless Daemon that acts as gatekeeper to the Void. The Void A shapeless expanse that seeks to return creation to the nothingness it once was. The Users The Ancient Hanseti of the 10th Century followed a religious understanding of the world that had been developed and traditionally told of very early in their history since their days as a tribal society as early as the 2nd Century. A small excerpt from The Famous 32nd ruling Hochmeister of the 8th Century had this to say about their views on the Universe: To each life is a director of that life. An omnipotent being that brings structure to our Universe. These are the Users, the community of beings we refer to exist in a dimension unfathomable to our Universe. Beings that explain the chaos and order of the creation around us as they have complete control over our lives and anything creatively possible that can and will happen in our world. With each and every person having their own User, their own director of their life. They were the ones who decided the landscapes, intelligence, progression and eventual end to all things of this world. We therefore view the world as a work of their fate, our destinies decided by The Users. An all-powerful User created the Universe and everything we see in it, such a User is known as The Merciful Creator, the one who flicked the lever. Users have most likely organised themselves into social hierarchies that adhere to their own leadership and laws, thus creating the structure of our universe. This has been ascertained because if the Users control us, anything we do, they must also do in some manner. The Users enter into our universe unseen and can change and control anything about it within the bounds of their own government. Yet, they too are not too powerful to stave away the influence of Desire. A User is just as susceptible to desire as we are, as we are them and they are us. They can become corrupted and corrupt those around them into doing some very heinous things like the eradication of Hanseti that drove us to discover the Motherland. When someone among us dies, it’s believed the Users give their life essence a proper mourning and in some cases re-manifest that life essence into a new mortal vessel. We take comfort in the fact that everything around us is decided on a scale of unimaginable size with its own set of governing to regulate it. We do not directly worship Users, instead choosing to praise the values of the characters they controlled by immortalizing their virtues in our Hall of Glory. Such an example being Celestia, the bringer of Light and vanquisher of Evil, the great radiant sun in our heavens. The Universe's Struggle What once was dark took to enlightenment. None know the true name of the User that caused the spark, but we refer to it as the Merciful Creator. I stand here and from where I stand, I can see the it all before me. I’ll try and interpret what I see for the scribe to write down: We come now to a shapeless and muted negative expanse that stretches without end. Every so often a positive spark begins to form in this purgatory, but each one is snuffed out by the overwhelming power of the negative expanse. These sparks are the Weaker Users attempting to jumpstart life, but look over there! In an instant a positive force explodes; It’s the Creator! The deafening roar of a thunderbolt erupts into the expanse. The Universe is created. The only positive among a negative background. Needing to make a distinction between the two Forces, I call the Negative Force the Void. Users in a dimension still incomprehensible makes is so that I cannot actually see the Merciful Creator whom is visible only through actions. Bringing the Universe to life with the creation of the Sky to solidify its deviance from the shapelessness that once was. The Void wishing nothing more than to turn our Creator into fizzled nothingness like it had done to so many others before it. It is in this exact instance of enlightenment that the Creator is birthed the first truth is made: For every action, is an equal reaction. The Universe burns hot with creativity and expands. As the Creator makes these acts of expansion, it causes the Void to react by imposing Time upon the Creator. This does not deter the Creator as our Time doesn’t affect the Users. Yet, Time does affect the Universe and everything in it. Demanding that everything thereafter has a start and an eventual end. The Creator scatters its structure further throughout the reaches of the negative expanse. Testing the limits of the Void. In-order to continue to grow, the Creator needs to continue to create. The second creations, Aemon are a twin set of creations put in motion by time. One twin, called the Aengul is created by the Light casted by The Creator which conversely makes the other twin called the Daemon be created by the Shadow cast by the Light of The Creator. To save time referring to both of them, I call them Aemon like someone should’ve done a long time ago, Aenguldaemon. As the Creator continues to expand its influence further, the two Aemon live in harmony and live out their time. The Creator gives the first Aemon, the Aengul, a Realm to watch over all things. This makes the Aengul the most powerful Aemon in the Sky. This Aengul makes itself known as Celestia. Thought to possess half the power the Merciful Creator has. We see a physical manifestation of Celestia’s realm called the Sun. So powerful, she attracts the souls of more Aengul to manifest and spread the light. Their radiant gaze provides light and vanquishes shadow. Yet, I see in the creation of the first Aemon’s Realm there came a twin Realm birthed from the shadow casted by the light of Celestia’s creation. The Moon comes into existence along with the Sun, but unbound from any Master, it drifts to the edge of creation and is forgotten in this time. The harmony among Aemon then dies when the Void reacts to the creation of Celestia by infecting the Universe with desire. Deterred by the Void’s reactions beginning to tamper with the Universe, the Creator then gives the second Aemon, the Daemon, a Realm to protect the Universe from the Void’s reactions so that it can further expand. This makes the Daemon the second most powerful Aemon in the Sky. The Daemon makes no reference to its name at the time. Nevertheless, The Veil is created at the edge of the Universe near where the Moon haunts dormant and the Daemon attracts souls to manifest as other Daemon to act as his guardians against the Void’s impending reaction to the creation of The Second Realm, the Veil; a buffer between the Universe and Void. Daemon become Gatekeepers to the Void. Whilst awaiting the reaction, time passed and stirs desire in these new souls. That’s when curious Aemon find streams of power linked to the centre of Universe that the Merciful Creator originated from. A place simply called Origin. Throughout the Immortal Plane created for them, I see these streams flow. At their strongest nearest to Origin, but they get weaker as they drain into the Veil. Other Aenguls desire power of their own after witnessing Celestia. Causing the Aengul to quickly discover they could connect to Origin and access the Merciful Creator’s power for their own gain. The Aenguls being the first to connect to Origin and thus discover they could also create Realms of their own. The desire to do so overwhelmed them and because of this, they didn’t share with the Daemons. Greedily creating very powerful Realms, more powerful than any Daemon could initially muster. The Aengul’s desire was greed and this breeds anger among Daemon whom also desire to create powerful Realms. With the Daemon being far out at the Veil and the furthest away from Origin at the time of discovery, their realms are additionally made weaker. However, out of all this, the intended Seven Skies are created by the creation of these new Realms with many of the Aenguls so powerful now their Realms display physical manifest as illuminating objects in the Mortal Sky such as stars much like the Sun. Our Mortal Realms The Merciful Creator continues to pierce through the expanse and shine deeper into the Void. During this expansion, the Mortal Realm is created as a place to draw the rest of the formless souls wandering the Universe, by and large the final major creation. Among the Mortal Sky in this Realm, bodies are made of earth that the souls are drawn to inhabit. Two such bodies are made to compliment each other. Availer called them Man and Woman. Yet, these were not Mortal beings as previously thought. For they are the names of two Worlds. These bodies are tethered together by the nearby Moon and made to be cared for by the preserving hand of Celestia. Man and Woman long to be together, but their coming together will be apocalyptic. In our Mortal Realm we come to perceive them as two different faces to the same coin. On one side is the Realm of Aegis (Man) where the Fatherland rests. On the other side the Realm of Asulon (Woman) where our beloved Motherland rests. These separate entities begin to bind lost souls to the Mortal Realm, thus creating Mortal Man and Woman. Immortal Souls cannot simply travel between these worlds in the same way as Bound Souls and thus the actions of Aemon in one Realm rarely change the Laws of the other land. This perplexes many Aemon as their abilities work differently in the Mortal Realm than they do in the Seven Skies. It is for this built-in mechanism we owe our thanks. For this is why Iblees wasn’t able to follow us to Asulon when we flee centuries later. Now the Merciful Creator appoints a third Aemon to manage this newly created Mortal Realm. Limited to mere observation as it could not expand creation any further. The new game Creation played against the Void was to simply maintain its lawful shape and work with what had already been created. The Prehistoric Age The Moon becomes apparent when Man and Woman are created. It begins to dance around their bodies, creating a different dimension of Time in the Mortal Realm. A rapidly and chaotic version compared to the dimension of time observed by the Seven Skies. It is from this more accurate picture of The Mortal Realm that changes our understanding of how Man and Woman birthed their children; Malin, Krug, Horen and Urguan. It explains how these Four Souls had offspring without begging-the-question of how exactly four brothers could mate and populate the world with their respective children. Everything occurs faster in the Mortal Realm. A blur from the perspective of these Seven Skies. Mortal Souls are drawn to mortal vessels that compliment them. Binding them to Man and Woman’s Mortal Realm. Time causes life to spring up all at once across both Worlds as the Merciful Creator allowed Users to create souls for the Mortal Realm. They create and control a few different interpretations of mortal vessels and evolved them to reach certain desires. Eventually the Four Races (with the influence of several Aemon) were actually born by this process. It is in this moment that I see Krug and Urguan are actually born sisters. Malin and Horen brothers. A family of Four is made to share the World of Man. The flagship souls of Malin, Horen, Krug and Urguan become the versions synonymous with each race and most Users evoke souls in one of the four vessels. It is forest dwelling Elves that first discover language and set about naming the World of Aegis. Desert stalking Orcs are influenced by Daemon to develop warfare. Abundantly powerful Humans discover a knack for organisation. The earth dwelling Dwarves are captivated by the riches found in the earth and develop trading. Initially Mortals complemented and teach each other the skills they had personally developed, but over time, the influence of Iblees from all the way across the Universe in the Veil begins to corrupt Mortal minds into having different views. Krug is the first to fight her way to the top of the Orcish food-chain through sheer conquest over adversity. Becoming the Rex of the Orc War Nation. Civil wars like Krugs erupt across the world of Man as Iblees grows in power. Some species of mortal are completely wiped out by these wars for consolidating power under one roof. One such example is Malin’s eradication of an Ape-like species of mortal deriving from similar Daemonic origins to the Kha based on what can be seen. These civil wars displace millions, destroy hundreds of years of tradition and knowledge and finally leads to short-lasting peace in a flash of time. The Flagship Four reveal themselves as perfect examples of each adaptation of Life with right to rule over their respective people. Malin, Krug, Horen and Urguan live in peace as four superpowers. Yet again, utter chaos began to form as desire took hold of Mortals once more. The Daemon Iblees uses its new power to become the Chief of the Veil by now. Secretly plotting against the Merciful Creator. Captured by desire for power as great as Celestia and the nameless Daemon, Iblees betrays the Merciful Creator and seeks his own answers to gain more power from the Void instead of Origin. I could look into the defection of Iblees in more detail, but what’s important to this story now is that Iblees succeeded in finding immense power from the Void. Rivalling that of Celestia and The Veil’s Daemon. Immediately seeing his betrayal, Celestia informed the Veil’s Daemon and legions of Aemon came to stop Iblees from using the Void. They attempted to destroy Iblees by sending him into the Void, but he had other plans and decided to manifest with his Nether Realm in the Mortal Realm to escape the Aemon assault. Forever weakening the Veil in the process. Fighting for its own survival, Iblees bound himself and his Realm to the world of Aegis in-order to stabilize. Thought to be initially thwarted, Iblees was now rife with anger and desire bred by time. He eluded the other Aemon for now. Finally the Creator witnessed the reaction of the Void that the Veil had been waiting for. Evil was bred into the heart of Iblees and the Void began to vigorously assault the Veil. Now part of the Mortal Realm, Iblees caused evil to engulf the World of Man. The Four tainted by his evil go to war with each other. Iblees manipulates the Mortals directly by turning Malin, Horen and Urguan against Krug. It isn’t until Krug’s retort to Iblees that the other three are enlightened to what was occurring on a spiritual level; realizing the error of their ways. Iblees was outraged by the sudden shift in power and arrogantly started its campaign against the world earlier than scheduled, thus sparking The Great War. Evil reigned throughout the world of Man as Iblees conjured demons from the Void to fight his battles. The Aemon too distracted by the Void’s invasion to actually be able to turn their attention to the World. For now, the World is left to fend for itself. Despite hordes of demonic-evil creatures murdering mortals, mortals driven mad by evil also murdered other mortals. We Hanseti come into existence during this period. Witnessing that Iblees had already won the war by capturing the hearts of Man regardless if they defeated him in combat or not. It was because of a threatening genocide among Horen’s realm that we turned to the Aengul named Availer who informs us of the tethered connection between the worlds of Man (Aegis) and Woman (Asulon). Bearing witness to this information is the elf Larihei. Availer tells of how he manifested himself into the Mortal Realm on the orders of Celestia to keep an eye on Iblees. The only other Aemon manifested in the Mortal Realm at the time. He was tasked to search for clues of Iblees’ whereabouts and aid in his destruction when the Void was pushed back. Before we left through the rift to Asulon that Availer created for us, he stopped us suddenly. Standing in horror as Iblees takes its final stand and lays inflictions upon Mortal Souls. Corrupting the races to be slaves to their own desires. Yet, the rest of the Aemon register the power used by Iblees as it ripples throughout the Universe and begin to mobilize the legion towards the Mortal Realm as the Void relents. Celestia turns her gaze upon Man and Woman in an instant and vanquishes the army of Voidal Horrors. The nameless Daemon of the Veil sends in his legions of Aemon to wipe out the rest of Iblees’ horror. Celestia attempts to undo the curse of Iblees by instilling in the tainted souls of Mortals blessings to help them live with their afflictions. It was in these very moments that Availer felt hopeful by the blessing and let us pass through the rift from Man to Woman. We’ve left to the Motherland to avoid the evil Iblees created on the Fatherland. We adapt to our surroundings to survive and discover Asulon. Although Iblees is banished to the Nether Realm shortly thereafter by the legions of Celestia and the nameless Daemon of the Veil. We foresee one day Iblees will figure out a way escape his prison and infect the Motherland as well. Making Hanseti constantly vigilant of the nature of the threat. The First Age Recording Time at this point became a Worldwide trend when the Users implemented the calendar and the first year began starting at 0 just as Hanseti goes to the Motherland. Thus the First Age begins. All Time prior to this day becomes the Prehistoric Age. Malin of course didn’t seize at the opportunity name the components relating to the new Time Record and coined the terms we still use today evident by our continued use of Malin’s Year and being on Elven Time. I see during the start of the First Age in Asulon, the Hanseti splits into three tribal-dynasties; The Dervas, Subudai and we, the Hansetians. To avoid further persecution from the Dervas and Subudai who since betray us with war. We isolate ourselves behind the mountainous wall of the eternally wintered south of Asulon and by the end of the 2nd century become the first to abandon our nomadic-tribal society in favour of settled civilization. This comes as a result of discovering our Blessing; allowing us to begin exploring the Seven Skies, Realms outside of the Mortal. Developing our understanding of science and knowledge to advanced levels over the next seven centuries in almost total isolation from the rest of the Mortal Realm. I see the end of the First Age will come in the 11th Century when Time reverts from 1 back to 0 and starts the Second Age. In preparation to protect what we’ve worked endlessly to create. We are ready to survive potentially destructive events that may occur at the end of the First Age. Souls Users give us a soul when they manifest us into the World. We mortals are mere physical manifestations that act as vessels to hold our mortally bound soul. With a soul we are given the opportunity to experience free will and live with our choices. The soul is perhaps the most powerful force known to the World and of great scholarly interest to Hanseti. Souls are manipulated in many ways. The most common example of soul manipulation is evident by the Law of the Soulstone. Souls give us the ability to transcend the physical realm. However, there exists more forms of soul than the mortally bound soul we are most familiar with. Most likely also defined by a hierarchy according to their function. In essence, all souls have been found to be the same. Whether it’s an Immortal Soul belonging to an Aemon in the Seven Skies or a Mortal Soul belonging to a being, they are fundamentally the same. The only difference between the Immortal and Mortal is that Immortal Souls are unbound to a physical vessel. Perceiving soul is spiritual process that takes years to understand. Interacting with a Soul thereafter is a skill that takes at least a decade to learn. Soulstones The soulstone can be as small as a pebble. The soulbound token comes in a variety of shapes and colours, but at its core every stone has the same function: It brings the user back home. Soulstones are not naturally occurring, nor even truly physical objects. They are basically figments of our imagination that represent memories of places we’re deeply connected to. The connection process to make points A and B usually done through the erecting of a pillar or similarly imbued object that is memorable enough to recall, but is not necessarily a requirement for the soul to jump to. We can the power of soulstones for the same reasons we see a magician’s abilities; the essence of creativity. This how they’re able to be evoked by merely thinking it there. Although immensely powerful, they require little ability to actually use. Using only the innate power of life essence within all of us referred to by magicians as mana. As with most things related to souls, we lose memories when using the power. Just as we don’t remember how our souls end up back in anchor points like the Cloud Temple, we do not remember the trip from A to B that our soulstones provide. This is simply due to the fact that most Mortal Souls cannot comprehend the non-physical process occurring. When watching someone use a soulstone they seem to take on a pink-ish haze and vanish into thin air. However, one cannot always seem to be able to teleport using their stone when their mind believes them to be trapped or in danger as is the case in such instances as being confined in prison or a place without an exit. Only when peace is in the heart do they seem to work for a majority of people. The tool therefore is quite psychologically linked and may not even need to be manifested into physicality to be used as it inherently exists within our vessel. It wasn’t until scientists started experimenting with soulstones that it was realized the way the soul travels from A to B. The travelling of a soul is by a dream-like process. We call it Astral Projection, a concept Shamans are well aware of: The ability to transfer the location of your soul to anywhere you’ve established a connection to. When the soul settles in the desired location, the vessel that usually contains the soul will find its way to hold it once more. Thus demonstrating the reason that most have no memory of how they got there and why some people do not return to the physical realm after being defeated by man or nature. The experience is completely metaphysical, a concept that the ignorant cannot understand and thus repress the memory of much like a dream. It does mean that in theory you can link your soul to find virtually any location desired. The process of utilizing the power of the soul begins with recalling dreams reports most Practitioners. The more interesting topic is how souls work and the feats one can do by controlling them with devices which we will discuss in the next chapter. [The next several pages were sadly lost when being transported to the Prince of Hanseti’s private collection.] Notes On Aemon However organised they may be, Aemon are not like exactly us Mortals. As we carry out our daily lives, they exist as underlying energies and psychological processes that influence us at varying degrees. They often fight each other for dominion over Origin to gain more powerful Realms for themselves. [Pages missing] Only on special occasions does an Aemon truly manifest as Mortal and directly manipulate our World. One such example is the Force of Ruin itself; Iblees, a Daemon. (In the mid-14th Century, the Soulkeeper itself; Aeriel, the 7th Sky Aengul did manifest as a mortal woman in the city of Alras.) [Pages missing] A powerful manifestation that has been warred over for centuries by opposing Aemon. Once in the possession of the Daemon Metztli. Now the Aengul Aeriel has come to claim it as a power source for her Soul Stream. After Note Fragments of the Omnichronicle, an Ancient Hansetian book of secrets were recovered by the Teutonic Order in the year 1393. Pages have been translated and state the following simplified versions: The Ancient Hansetian Creation Story Users are beings that ultimately control everything. God is a User. Chaos creates God, God creates Order. Chaos wants chaos. God wants Order. A bitter struggle ensues. God creates Universe. Chaos creates Time. Universe creates souls. Souls inhabit three different planes of existence; The Sky Realm, Mortal Realm, and Veil. In the Sky Realm which existed first: God creates the servant race Aemon, A created by the duality of light. God appoints two guardians of the Universe; First soul is an Aengul named Celestia, her realm manifests as the Sun. Celestia illuminates the Universe and vanquishes shadow. Chaos creates Desire. Second soul is a Daemon without name, his realm manifests as the Veil. Celestia replicates more Aengul to use as servants, who are in-turn God's servants. The Veil replicates more Daemon to use as soldiers, who are in-turn God's legion. Lesser Aengul fall victim to desire after envying Celestia's mighty grasp of God's power. They discover they can steal the Merciful Creator's power and use it to make powerful Realms. Anger is bred in the souls of Daemon for having lesser Realms than the Aenguls who had stolen most of God's power by the time they got to it. Daemon stay bitter and scrabble over power throughout their dominant Skies. One Daemon is very butthurt, Iblees. A Military Chief in God's legion. Chaos creates Hate. Iblees blames God for being a lesser Aemon and enters the Veil looking to the Void for power. Iblees causes a panic among the Aemon and is sealed into the Void by the Nameless Daemon. In Fear Iblees manifests his newly founded Nether Realm using the Void's power. He manifests this Realm and himself into the newly created Mortal Realm. He remains hidden form Aemon by the cloak of Time for mortal-aeons. Mortals grow to populate at least two Words in the Mortal Realm, Aegis and Asulon. Malin, Horen, Krug and Urguan come to be the 4 Monarchs of the Elves, Humans, Orcs and Dwarves respectively. Iblees attacks the Mortals with a great and terrible power. Much is lost in the ensuing 30 year Great War. The attack is felt in all Seven Skies, turning the Aemon's attention from the Veil to the Mortal Realm above it. Celestia's gaze on the Mortal Realm vanquished all Voidal Horrors that Iblees had spawned. God's Legion uncovers Iblees and destroys the rest of his followers. Iblees' manifested form is cast from the Mortal Realm by Celestia, Iblees' soul bound to the boundless Nether Realm. Celestia looks upon the crippled Mortal Race and blesses them with enlightenment. The Aemon turn their attention back to the Veil War against Forces of Chaos. Users invent The Calendar to remember how long Iblees has been gone, starting the First Age. Ancient Hanseti leaves to the World of Asulon. Life in Aegis goes on. Hanseti splits into 3: Hanseti, Dervas and Subudai. Hanseti isolates itself in the Motherland and discovers cool things about souls. Hanseti write their dogma down in the Omnichronicle, the collective history of Ancient Hanseti. THIS LORE MAKES POSSIBLE THE EXISTENCE OF THIS BOOK. I promised to deliver 434 words on the Users for Korus on my last post. This all made me just as nervous to post as the last, but I decided I'd just post all the other words I had written around the User topic as well. I've been writing parts of the Omnichronicle for weeks and this is definitely not the end of my lore posts about Ancient Hanseti. I understand many questions will be raised to which I will try my best to answer.
  5. (Due to my previous lore submission being denied because of certain spells being "overpowered", I have decided to make very minor alterations to the spell list in order to see to it that this somewhat new lore submission is acceptable. PLEASE NOTE: This is literally First Generation Necromancy, but just under a different name. I had to name it 'Vocomancy' in order to prevent the confusion regarding Second Generation Necromancy and First Generation Necromancy. Hopefully, this will shed more understanding to the 'but it's like Necromancy' replies.) The Nether's Boon It is known that the Dark Arts are seen as repulsive in the eyes of many. It causes some to writhe with hatred or spit at the surface by simply having a name of a grotesque magic be uttered into their ears. It breeds conflict if one were to publicly mention their support of it, a man who was once tranquil may even lose their sincere state of mind if they were to stand before a proponent of the Dark Arts. Even the most content among men will find their lust tempting them to tap into such prohibited practices. Shades, necromancers and those alike have all been tempted through either weak minded thoughts, pursuits of power, or reasons that they themselves don’t know. The Dark Arts were passed down from the loathed Iblees to mortal men, spreading from troubled minds to pure souls, evolving and advancing one step further when one generates an interdicted spell. With each passing year, magic from the minds of the ill grow stronger and newfangled arts sprawl from the minds of the great and the unhealthily curious. Yet, as the more fiendish side of the Descendant races continue to expand their wicked arts, some older arts tend to die. These old arts were buried among other arts void of practitioners. Even the eldest Art that had greatly influenced other taboo practices was a victim of this cycle. However, there do exist minds so curious, that they seek to traverse back to the source that sparked this domino effect, for reasons that may grant them fine power, additional wisdom, and prime knowledge. ------------------ The Undead were a malignant group. They had utilised the great and substantial powers of their figurative father, Iblees. They brought twisted horrors into the mortal realm with little consideration of the consequences. Repercussions were null to them as long as they pleased the entity of the hand that fed them. Each Undead carried out individual tasks in an endeavour to please the Defiler. None, bar a certain few, had disappointed their leader. The Undead shared havoc with the Descendants when they were nearing the end of their reign, this led to the amounted peak of their conclusion. In a march towards the Druid’s Grove, the remaining Undead and The Deific Shadow tossed aside the druids that made themselves present in an attempt to defend their once pure terrain. With struggle and livid determination, the Undead managed to infiltrate the Father Tree. Within the grand organism, a manifested Iblees conjured the Axe of Krug into his midst and had it meet the body of Lillith Winterleaf. This divine instrument which met sinful hands, soon came into contact with the Aspect Stone. Once the distinctive weapon having connected with the special stone, the object promptly crumbled before the might of Iblees. Though the Undead did leave their mark of grotesque taint upon the Druid’s Grove, it came with the cost of their once admirable power. Fortunately for the descendants, what they knew as baleful agents of Iblees, all eroded back to their petty mortal forms. The loyal servants of the Betrayer had lost all memory of their ignoble drudgery. Though, two individuals were free from this downside -- two of Iblees’ highest soldiers. Joseph and the ***** Sprat had been gifted the boon of recalling vague occurrences during their unlife. Within the foundations of the soul of the accursed ex-Prophet, lay a very delicate correspondence to him and the infernal underworld known as the “Nether”. The frail Elf was quite oblivious to his relationship with the hellish plane, an indirect link to the infernal regions lurked in cryptic regions of Joseph’s knowledge. For weeks, Joseph had been riddled with despondency thanks to his peer’s death. In his state of dejection, he went to hiding in a location that was not known much to the public. In the noiseless vicinity, Joseph scratched at the walls of mystery for weeks in attempt to fathom what ghastly soot-stained his soul. Incoherent exasperation filled his mind. However, he eventually came to the realisation that such emotions were developing fissures in the highway that led him to his objective. He concluded that he must commit himself to days free of distraction emotions in order to dissect what clutched at the core of his being. Meditating, pondering and theorizing consumed most of his days -- Fortunately, his efforts bred results. This watery relationship he had with the Nether soon evolved into something viscous, something that held density but did not easily remain in Joseph’s grasp. Akin to an unannounced bolt of lightning, during his meditation, Joseph had witnessed a virtually indescribable region of the Nether. The murky, twisted environs that filled his eyesight were essentially unidentifiable. The diabolical and distorted landscape broadened Joseph’s cognitive horizons. The visions brought nostalgia to him, both longing and joy befell him. However, before he could completely relish in what his patience delivered, a boundless amount of memories flooded the entrance to his mind. The mass experiences that all occurred in a rapid succession within his mind was far too overwhelming for him to handle. Similar to a household being loaded with copious amounts water, some portions of those memories remained (despite being unwelcomed), while other portions were forced to exit the construction that was Joseph’s psyche. With this bizarre happening, he was quickly broken down into a comatose state. Unexpectedly, after regaining his sense of self, he had garnered the ability to fully recall his nefarious doings from his time as an Undead grunt, to a Zealot and finally to a short lived Prophet of Iblees. The isolated Elf was practically reborn in mind and soul, an ever-burning and eccentric sensation flickered in many areas of his form. Fiendish knowledge which was lost to him, found its way back to the ex-Undead. Despite his efforts, he still wasn’t satisfied due to the fact there existed no confirmation of the deity he still remained devout to being present. Regardless of discovering his newfound prowess, he was still concerned for the confirmation of Iblees being existent. He had wasted time wondering whether if his deity had been deceased or vanquished from his own realm; for he could comprehend a connection to the Nether, but not Iblees himself. Joseph was brought to a perplexed state, he wanted to serve what provided him a purpose. Yet, the alienated Elf was not sure if the Defiler would even approve of his actions of tampering with the Nether. With his concrete link to the hellish underworld, he tried to delve further into the ominous realm. His mind was beating about in its place as he continued to expand his eccentric endeavour. He desired to locate the whereabouts of his praised and fallen Daemon. But, with his limited connection, he was only able to pick on Iblees’ existence on a metaphysical level. Though, that was he assumed to be Iblees due to the immense and overwhelming clutch that held a vague yet wicked grip Joseph’s limited mind. Visibly, he couldn’t notice him. But on a level of abstract comprehension, he was capable of pinpointing his existence. And beyond the Defiler’s existence, Joseph gathered information of other entities that were inhabiting the Nether -- weaker, yet still sturdy beings. The grim vibe these underlings of the Nether set a familiar taste to Joseph’s buds of thought, their souls were stagnant in the the unholy grounds of the Nether, the nigh-spectral lifeforms were seemingly untampered with. After being worn and well aware of multiple existences in the Nether, he grew satisfied with this experience to take note of and promptly he cut his tether to the underworld. It was until the next day, the Elf was approached by another entity that was ethereal, it was far too familiar. No mistake was open to be made. There was something he had felt before, which had clutched at his mind, it bore the power to pluck away at the strings that held his mind together. However, this recognisable, antagonistic force did not do such things. Instead, it spoke. A misanthropic weight clung to these words which fell upon the Elf’s befuddled mind. The voice that resonated in his head was none other than the being which Joseph had proudly served. The voice, that resounded throughout Joseph’s mind held such an iron hand that it pinned down the bewildered Elf in place. No external forces prevented Joseph from trying to move, it was merely the voice of malignant influence that weighed him down. The words that were spoken left acidic spittle of turpitude that seeped through the confines of Joseph’s mind, it instructed him to submit to this force. Be one with it. Accept it. Understand it. Any form of resistance Joseph tried to put up was crushed by the words that carried such an unchallenged strength to them. Not only the words of great influence affect his mind, but it chipped away at the foundations of his soul. The soul of the man, who drowned in the abysmal waters of consternation, was being dislodged. Joseph no longer owned what made him ‘pure’, such an invaluable possession now belonged to The Defiler. The renewal of a forgotten art. This reformation of first generation necromancy has finally stepped foot into land for a second time. The unholy practices under the name of The Betrayer has spawned to offer wicked events in the mortal realm. The art, while considered an ungodly force from such a great being, does not leave its user without any harrowing consequences. While bearing the name “first generation necromancy”, one would expect it to carry a propensity for having more power than Second Generation Necromancy. However, that is not truly the case. Second Generation Necromancy and First Generation Necromancy may seem similar in some aspects, but the pair do share very different ways of functioning. The Summoning/Connection process. 1. The Vocomancer summons taint from the Nether (through the proper channels) to open the Nexus. 2. The Vocomancer then enters the domain of Iblees, utilising their link to Iblees as aid to garner their required tools from the Nether (essentially taint). 3. After mustering enough taint required from The Betrayer, the Vocomancer then makes use of the The Betrayer’s boon in order to bring forth something of their desire within their own power. 4. The Vocomancer will then release whatever power they have manifested into the mortal realm, as a product of Iblees. 5. Once the product of taint is released, the Vocomancer is free to do as they please with their spawn or creation. However, the user must bear in mind they do not have complete, direct control over their ethereal entities; for unlike SGN, the minions of Vocomancy are not a product of life force which is from the user’s self, but a product of the Nether -- a realm which is constructed by Iblees. Mechanics: The magic’s ability is to summon most products of taint from the underworld. Imagine the performance of Vocomancy as a blind person painting. The FG Necromancer doesn’t understand what exactly they are doing or how, just as a blind person cannot see what they are painting and are unaware of what they are producing, however they know they are doing it and are given instructions on what to do. These instructions come from Iblees himself, functioning as a pseudo-canvas and Taint functions as the ‘paint’. When the user is done with their ‘painting’, they can finally bring it into their for all to see Additionally, a Vocomancer can prepare rituals for Iblees’ gain. The source of the hand that feeds them cannot go unrewarded for what marvelous strength it provides. By arranging a ritual, an unfortunate soul can be sacrificed for Iblees’ benefit. A ritual can be prepped in any desired location of a Vocomancer. If an individual is slain as a result of the ritual process, then it is up to the player of the victim to decide whether their death is to be a PK or not. If a perma-kill occurs, then their soul is to successfully be set in the hands of Iblees. This magic consists of a blend of spells from the three branches of the Undead, the Devourer branch, the Obliterator branch and the Blighter branch. The user will be capable of spawning beings from the Underworld, make use of Iblees’ wrath in the form of bolts being hailed from the sky, manipulate deathly miasma and flames from the Nether and soothe the wounds of others. Unlike before, this style of Vocomancy does not entirely focus on the utter, senseless destruction of the Descendants. Because of this, there now exists only two branches: The Priests of Iblees and The Soldiers of Iblees. The Priests of Iblees are the ones that bear the potential to alter the opinions of those who originally loathed the Daemon thanks to their given prowess. They are mostly provided with the spells from the Undead’s Blighter branch. They are gifted with mending the wounds of those who are tainted, or fall under the definition of ‘tainted’. They are capable of manifesting miasma and summoning only a fair amount of entities from the Nether. They are not fighters. Akin to the Blighter Branch, they only exist to wile others into finding trust and keeping trust in Iblees. The Soldiers of Iblees are those who possess formidable strength, they are examples of Iblees’ prowess. They may not be capable of swaying others into following Iblees so easily, unlike the Priests of Iblees, but with their strength alone they are able to give others a taste of what happens if one were to oppose Iblees. They are capable of summoning a fearful number of beings or a fearful being from the Nether. They are gifted with casting dreadful lightning from the sky and are able to produce vehement flames from the Nether which consume the life of opposers. Similar to the Obliterator branch and Devourer branch, they only exist to display Iblees’ power, fending off any who are seen as adversaries and protecting those who are seen as allies. ‘Taint’ Mending (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): The Priests of Iblees are granted this altered and watered-down Blighter branch spell, which was originally used in order to keep the forces of Iblees alive. Now, such a spell exists to not only benefit Iblees' wounded acolytes, those who are 'tainted' as well can fall under the effects of this modified Blighter branch spell. Additionally, no agent of Iblees would be able to effectively convince others to follow the will of their overseer, without being able to display that their deity now has but a tinge of being capable of lending aid in the most efficient form. Individuals who are ‘tainted’ are the only ones who can mended by this spell. In order for a Priest to execute this spell, they must make contact or be extremely close to making contact with the being of ‘taint’ they wish to aid. A viscous liquid that resembles the ichor of Iblees will be formulated from a Priest’s hand, if the ichor meets the desired target of the Priest, then the rich ‘blood’ of Iblees will alter its form to match the original lost body parts of the victim that bears 'taint'. If a hand of a tainted being were to be lost, then the ichor of Iblees will function in a sentient manner once it comes into contact with the severed hand. The liquid will try to imitate what the lost limb once was, it will firstly assume the shape of the lost portions of the hand in its liquid form, then it will begin to alter its substance to resemble that of flesh. This will require the priest to continue producing more of Iblees' ichor until the hand has fully recovered. If a tainted individual were to be harmed by Holy Fire, then consuming the ichor will be most suited, as it is taint given form. The victim of lost taint will not be promptly rejuvenated, but the speed at which they recover their taint will be heightened. Additionally, ruptured interal organs cannot be mended by this spell, poison and other deadly toxins cannot be removed the system of a tainted being and mental impairments cannot be repaired. Those healed will be left with slightly grotesque welts and minor bruises that will recover over time, this indicates that Iblees is not the one to be especially relied on for aiding those incompetent enough to end up hurt and all those that are lent his aid will also experience his affliction. However, much like oil meeting water, the ichor will simply run off the body of an injured victim who is free of 'taint', refusing to blend with the pure being. An example of those who fit the definition of ‘taint’ goes as follows: Wraiths Dread Knights Wights Those who have certain noteworthy intent that may appease The Betrayer Necromancers Ghouls (Please note, this is merely an example of what kinds of individuals can be mended. Those who actually bear any form of actual taint, can fall under the effect of this spell.) At tier 1, a Priest of Iblees will only be capable of healing extremely minor cuts. Up to tier 5, a Priest will be capable of recovering a lost hand. Nether Spawns (Usable by both sects): Nether spawns are beastly fiends which reside within the Nether. They are very frequently abnormal or misshapen creatures, never the same as the last and, unlike any other summoning magic, cannot be controlled. Nether spawns are quite literally Taint given form. They are ravenous, unruly, and mad monstrosities that raze and ravage. But just as the other effects of Vocomancy, they do not harm those which are tainted or that which is comprised of Taint just as it does not harm them. They are blind to their summoner and spawned brethren, only seeing them as other products of the Nether. They do not outright harm their ‘allies’ but are definitely not ones to be careful either. Their eldritch bodies are their weapons and what which isn’t corrupted by Taint is their target. Novices who decide to spawn horrific entities from the Nether will only be able to bring forth something as insignificant as an inchworm or insect, unlike a novice Second Generation Necromancer, who can raise something larger such as a dead rat. (A 'tier 5' Vocomancer user can summon a maximum of 4-6 humanoid beings or one large abomination of flesh from the Nether, whereas a 'tier 5' SGN user can raise 12 humanoid beings. A Vocomancer user can summon beings on a whim, whereas a SGN user will have to kill the living to actually garner 12 corpses. This is why a Vocomancer can summon less than a SGN user, for the sake of fairness.) Additionally, much like a Conjuration user summoning a Primordial, both Priests and Soldiers of Iblees can bring forth creatures that bear properties of the Nether. A standard summon of a creature from the Nether might be maintaining decayed flesh and nothing more. However, advanced acolytes of Iblees can go further than just mere flesh sustaining their creatures. They can be capable of having their summons bear 'flesh' of any compatible material from the Nether (this excludes lava though, for it is far too powerful for a summoner to bring forth into the mortal plane). This will of course, be more of a demanding spell for Iblees' acolytes. For example, beings of netherrack can be set ablaze by any fire present that makes contact with their skin, though due to the properties of netherrack, the creatures made of this hellish material are bound to be more fragile than their flesh ridden counterparts. Beings that bear the properties of soulsand become harder to slay, yet their destructive prowess is not as intimidating as beings of netherrack or actual creatures of flesh. It is worth noting that Priests of Iblees can only summon a maximum of 4 humanoid entities from the Nether, while Soldiers of Iblees can summon a maximum of 6 (The larger the body, the smaller the number. The smaller the body, the higher the number). The numbers become lessened if they were to produce organisms that hold properties of the Nether's materials. The cast time of this spell is akin to the time it takes for a conjuration user to summon an entity from the Void, roughly 3-6 emotes will be required for a satisfactory spell attempt. Nether’s Flame (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Similar to that of a pyromancer, the flames created from the sheer hatred of Iblees alone are channelled towards the user. It is up to the user to decide where they redirect this embodiment of The Defiler’s loathing towards. The flames that are spawned from Iblees act in a way which can be considered Holy Fire’s polar opposite. Instead of seeking to eviscerate taint like its counterpart, the flames from the Nether ignore such things and instead aim to use its own tainted properties in order to devour the lifeforce of a victim’s body. The flames will persist until its target is utterly void of lifeforce. It can only ‘burn’ organic matter, which causes decay and emits a substance akin to smoke due to the evisceration of lifeforce. Once it comes into contact with nonorganic material, nothing occurs. The 'oxygen' of Iblees' hellfire is life, nonorganic material does not provide that, therefore the flames are most likely bound to ignore inanimate objects and/or vanish if it does not meet its 'oxygen'. Depending on the limb the flames have taken a liking to consuming the life force from, the skin is likely to blacken to the point where it resembles an ebony black pigment. The afflicted limb may be rendered briefly disabled if the victim were to survive a continued assault of the hellfire, for the life force from the victim has been forcibly eviscerated. However, due to Iblees being weakened, the flames function differently from how they once they did. The flames from the underworld are no longer vehement as they once were, now they burn away the life force of entities with a weaker force and no longer spread like wildfire, they cannot challenge the likes of Holy fire, and it is far easier for an individual affected by the flames to pass the ebony fire to another entity (be it fauna or flora), in order to avoid further damage. Additionally, Healing from Clerics/Paladins/Ascended etc... can undo the damage. The cast time for this spell is similar to that of a Fire Evocation spell. Roughly 3-5 emotes are needed for a satisfactory spell execution. Iblees’ Lightning (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Bolts come down from a baleful sky once an agent of Iblees makes use of this spell. When a Soldier of Iblees calls forth for the clouds to gather, the once uncontaminated sky becomes populated with a mass of opaque, ebony clouds. Compared to the rest of the tools at a Necromancer’s disposal, this spell is fairly simple. If successful, a small array of bolts will descend towards the surface they are directed to, leaving behind a mark that indicates the ire of The Betrayer. Due to the Defiler himself having lost a portion of his destructive potential, he is no longer able to direct his grim lightning towards the flesh of Descendants exclusively. They are now naturally attracted to the likes other fauna, much like how natural lightning is attracted to the likes of metal. For example, casting this spell while in the centre of a forest will make it difficult to actually strike a single, desired target, especially if one's target is a Descendant who happens to be within said forest. 3-5 emotes will be required to execute a satisfactory spell. Miasma (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): Miasma is a thick, cloudy haze of lime green and black mists. Its foggy consistency makes it nearly opaque, the miasma acts like a harming smokescreen and therefore cannot be controlled, only directed. It is mostly fatal when inhaled, but can also be damaging if it makes contact with skin. It of course, saps life force, the rate at which it consumes life force is determined by how much miasma is coating the victim. It varies from being nearly useless to causing its victim to simply be uncomfortable at ‘tier 1’. Though, with more practice over time, the cloud of miasma will be capable of causing immense pain, minor paralysis, and bleaches the skin and scars with causing ulcers and blisters. (This will not be as powerful as Undead Miasma, it will be akin to a necromancer’s drain, without any benefit to user. It travels at a steady, moderate speed; it can be considered somewhat sluggish. It is not fast nor too slow. It can only reach a maximum of roughly 3-3.5 metres) This spell should be treated much like a Necromancer's drain. 3-5 emotes will be required to execute a miasma spell properly. Soul displacement (Usable by both sects): Through aptly manipulating taint and the link to the nether, a user becomes capable of generating a ritual to further Iblees’ goal and his prowess. This will require the aid of other Vocomancers that are also adequate in performing this spell. If enough space is present, the user will be formulating a crooked shape of abnormal proportions with an outline bearing a lime-green pigment tainted with hues of ebony black. The area surrounded by the peculiar shape will, over time, have its appearance be distorted to represent the likes of the Nether. Sand and its delicate texture will turn to malformed soul sand, wood will have its appearance altered to look much like obsidian, dirt and grass will have its aspects degraded to netherrack and so forth. It is much like tearing a vicinity of the Nether itself into the mortal realm, the specific vicinity is a place where only Iblees can act. If someone, a sacrifice, were placed within this corrupting shape, their souls will be ripped from their being by The Defiler himself, soon relocating itself in the hands of Iblees. If Iblees does not obtain a sacrifice within a certain period of time, the Vocomancer is at risk of having their connection with Iblees severed. OOC consent is required before such acts are carried out. The victim must be comatose/immobile. Approximately 7-12 emotes will be required to make a satisfactory execution of this spell. Sever (Usable by both sects): Severing is the act of a master Vocomancer severing the connection of a Vocomancer to the The Betrayer. In a similar act of Shade magic, only a skilled tutor may disconnect ineffective soldiers of Iblees. Through the approval of The Betrayer himself, the experienced Vocomancer is capable of disconnecting those who prove to not aid anyone. Roughly 4-7 emotes will be required in order to execute this spell. A Vocomancer's (expected) endgame: A Vocomancer must adhere to Iblees’ code of conduct. He is the one supplying them with his power in the end and therefore as a cult to an aengudaemon they must serve their master with the intent to achieve his goal for him. Ater Caelum is Iblees’ end goal, meaning Vocomancers are merely pawns for Iblees to fulfill his goals. One who betrays the efforts of Iblees will be an marked an enemy, be it a Vocomancer user, a cleric, or an everyday commoner, they will perish under the name of Iblees. In addition, a Vocomancer must seek to provide Iblees with another power so that they can achieve their forms they once had when the Defiler was truly formidabble (this does not mean that Iblees is required to reach antag-power levels again) Note: This is a deity magic, of Iblees, properties of Undead magic (first generation necromancy) exist within proper reason. Drawbacks - Vocomancers will lose their previously acquired magics after progressing two tiers into their magic. - Much like other dark arts, Vocomancers are prone to being eviscerated by the likes of Holy magic. However, due to Vocomancy being powered by Iblees himself - the personification of taint - they will suffer and experience much greater pain, especially more than a Shade normally would, when coming into contact with Holy magic. Vocomancers may even become paralyzed after a few seconds of exposure to Holy fire. - Vocomancy is bound to render the user more fragile than most magics that currently exist, since they are sustaining power given to them by a dreadful deity whose magic is nothing but taint. This may fuel the lusts for Vocomancers wanting to obtain their (previous) skeletal form, in order to no longer bear with the issues of maintaining their weakly mortal flesh. Red Lines - As it is known, taint does not affect tainted beings. This means that Nether spawns and spells alike will not harm tainted entities such as Wraiths, Dread Knights, Shades, etc... However, Nether spawns can be commanded directly by their summoners to harm specific individuals. - Exceeding the limit and/or size of nether spawns is powergaming, even if it were to occur in-character, the user will most likely be under a mass of stress. - Vocomancers are tainted (extremely tained, even), they must react properly when coming into contact with holy magic. The player of a Vocomancer mustn't treat Holy Fire lightly, since it will eat away at their tainted being as if it were nothing. - The one rule that applies to all magic also applies to this magic, if someone were to significantly interrupt a Vocomancer during the preparation of their spell, then the manifestation of their spell will come to an abrupt end. Ater Caelum - Iblees’ Endgoal "This is the name for Iblees’ end game goal. “Ultimate Goal: Iblees wants to overthrow the Aenguls and Daemons. He wants to corrupt, rule over, and bend them to his will. The mortals are just in the way. Iblees wants to become the Arch-Soul, the Prime God over the Archdaemons and Archaenguls. Essentially he wants to become the Creator and all powerful by making all the Archaenguls and Archdaemons underneath him. Iblees believes it's what the gods do; they want to be stronger than the rest around them so they can be safe above others. Divine survivability. And as Archdaemon of Ruin, this appeals to his desire for ruination. To dissolve the established order (or lack therein) of aengudaemons with their own will and their own purpose. Iblees would degrade this and bring them all under himself. But, note, Iblees is the ‘villain’ of our tale and is likely to never succeed in this goal, albeit it is possible should we wish for some form of lore-wipe where numerous things disappear or change. This being his take on the truth, Iblees wants to become the Creator / Arch-Soul / Prime God to ensure his own success but the implications of that are far from what most other aengudaemons believe, thus their frequent opposing standing. Should this come to be and all the Aenguls and Daemons are under Iblees, there would be no cataclysm or apocalypse for all existence. He doesn’t want the death of everyone and thing, he wants power to have his way, and his way once in that position would be rather peaceful. There’d be no inter-deity squabbles, no fighting divine factions. He’d probably leave the mortal beings alone entirely, likely moving away to make his own mortals with his own interpretation. Iblees intends on achieving the throne by persuading fellow deities, beginning with relatively smaller ones he can manage to turn alone, via corruption." Iblees would sit down with them one-on-one and have a lengthy discussion. "This discussion would be over the matters of how their kind always have a struggle amongst one another that leads to chaos and damage; Iblees means to make one final fight to end them all to instill everlasting order (truly primal chaos, Iblees would just be a bullying superpower) among the gods (if he is to keep them to begin with. Iblees may want to wipe the slate clean than have to deal with those who once opposed him) by any means necessary..." "Corruption is used in the sense that they are turning to Iblees’ side and we are the ones (mortals too) who paint Iblees as evil and vile. As for those who utterly oppose Iblees and say that they will never join his cause, they will meet enslavement or eternal banishment.” (Source: Old Vocomancy lore)
  6. The Nether's Boon It is known that the Dark Arts are seen as repulsive in the eyes of many. It causes some to writhe with hatred or spit at the surface by simply having a name of a grotesque magic be uttered into their ears. It breeds conflict if one were to publicly mention their support of it, a man who was once tranquil may even lose their sincere state of mind if they were to stand before a proponent of the Dark Arts. Even the most content among men will find their lust tempting them to tap into such prohibited practices. Shades, necromancers and those alike have all been tempted through either weak minded thoughts, pursuits of power, or reasons that they themselves don’t know. The Dark Arts were passed down from the loathed Iblees to mortal men, spreading from troubled minds to pure souls, evolving and advancing one step further when one generates an interdicted spell. With each passing year, magic from the minds of the ill grow stronger and newfangled arts sprawl from the minds of the great and the unhealthily curious. Yet, as the more fiendish side of the Descendant races continue to expand their wicked arts, some older arts tend to die. These old arts were buried among other arts void of practitioners. Even the eldest Art that had greatly influenced other taboo practices was a victim of this cycle. However, there do exist minds so curious, that they seek to traverse back to the source that sparked this domino effect, for reasons that may grant them fine power, additional wisdom, and prime knowledge. ------------------ The Undead were a malignant group. They had utilised the great and substantial powers of their figurative father, Iblees. They brought twisted horrors into the mortal realm with little consideration of the consequences. Repercussions were null to them as long as they pleased the entity of the hand that fed them. Each Undead carried out individual tasks in an endeavor to please the Defiler. None, bar a certain few, had disappointed their leader. The Undead shared havoc with the Descendants when they were nearing the end of their reign, this led to the amounted peak of their conclusion. In a march towards the Druid’s Grove, the remaining Undead and The Deific Shadow tossed aside the druids that made themselves present in an attempt to defend their once pure terrain. With struggle and livid determination, the Undead managed to infiltrate the Father Tree. Within the grand organism, a manifested Iblees conjured the Axe of Krug into his midst and had it meet the body of Lillith Winterleaf. This divine instrument which met sinful hands, soon came into contact with the Aspect Stone. Once the distinctive weapon having connected with the special stone, the object promptly crumbled before the might of Iblees. Though the Undead did leave their mark of grotesque taint upon the Druid’s Grove, it came with the cost of their once admirable power. Fortunately for the descendants, what they knew as baleful agents of Iblees, all eroded back to their petty mortal forms. The loyal servants of the Betrayer had lost all memory of their ignoble drudgery. Though, two individuals were free from this downside -- two of Iblees’ highest soldiers. Joseph and the ***** Sprat were gifted the boon of recalling vague occurrences during their unlife. Within the foundations of the soul of the accursed ex-Prophet, lay a very delicate correspondence to him and the infernal underworld known as the “Nether”. The frail Elf was quite oblivious to his relationship with the hellish plane, an indirect link to the infernal regions lurked in cryptic regions of Joseph’s knowledge. For weeks, Joseph was riddled with despondency thanks to his peer’s death. In his state of dejection, he went to hiding in a location that was not known much to the public. In the noiseless vicinity, Joseph scratched at the walls of mystery for weeks in attempt to fathom what ghastly soot stained his soul. Incoherent exasperation filled his mind. However, he eventually came to the realisation that such emotions were developing fissures in the highway that led him to his objective. He concluded that he must commit himself to days free of distraction emotions in order to dissect what clutched at the core of his being. Meditating, pondering and theorizing consumed most of his days -- Fortunately, his efforts bred results. This watery relationship he had with the Nether soon evolved into something viscous, something that held density but did not easily remain in Joseph’s grasp. Akin to an unannounced bolt of lightning, during his meditation, Joseph had witnessed a virtually indescribable region of the Nether. The murky, twisted environs that filled his eyesight were essentially unidentifiable. The diabolical and distorted landscape broadened Joseph’s cognitive horizons. The visions brought nostalgia to him, both longing and joy befell him. However, before he could completely relish in what his patience delivered, a boundless amount of memories flooded the entrance to his mind. The mass experiences that all occurred in a rapid succession within his mind was far too overwhelming for him to handle. Similar to a household being loaded with copious amounts water, some portions of those memories remained (despite being unwelcomed), while other portions were forced to exit the construction that was Joseph’s psyche. With this bizarre happening, he was quickly broken down into a comatose state. Unexpectedly, after regaining his sense of self, he had garnered the ability to fully recall his nefarious doings from his time as an Undead grunt, to a Zealot and finally to a short lived Prophet of Iblees. The isolated Elf was practically reborn in mind and soul, an ever-burning and eccentric sensation flickered in many areas of his form. Fiendish knowledge which was lost to him, found its way back to the ex-Undead. Despite his efforts, he still wasn’t satisfied due to the fact there existed no confirmation of the deity he still remained devout to being present. Regardless of discovering his newfound prowess, he was still concerned for the confirmation of Iblees being existent. He had wasted time wondering whether if his deity had been deceased or vanquished from his own realm; for he could comprehend a connection to the Nether, but not Iblees himself. Joseph was brought to a perplexed state, he wanted to serve what provided him a purpose. Yet, the alienated Elf was not sure if the Defiler would even approve of his actions of tampering with the Nether. With his concrete link to the hellish underworld, he tried to delve further into the ominous realm. His mind was beating about in its place as he continued to expand his eccentric endeavour. He desired to locate the whereabouts of his praised and fallen Daemon. But, with his limited connection, he was only able to pick on Iblees’ existence on a metaphysical level. Though, that was he assumed to be Iblees due to the immense and overwhelming clutch that held a vague yet wicked grip Joseph’s limited mind. Visibly, he couldn’t notice him. But on a level of abstract comprehension, he was capable of pinpointing his existence. And beyond the Defiler’s existence, Joseph gathered information of other entities that were inhabiting the Nether -- weaker, yet still sturdy beings. The grim vibe these underlings of the Nether set a familiar taste to Joseph’s buds of thought, their souls were stagnant in the the unholy grounds of the Nether, the nigh-spectral lifeforms were seemingly untampered with. After being worn and well aware of multiple existences in the Nether, he grew satisfied with this experience to take note of and promptly he cut his tether to the underworld. It was until the next day, the Elf was approached by another entity that was ethereal, it was far too familiar. No mistake was open to be made. There was something he had felt before, which had clutched at his mind, it bore the power to pluck away at the strings that held his mind together. However, this recognisable, antagonistic force did not do such things. Instead, it spoke. A misanthropic weight clung to these words which fell upon the Elf’s befuddled mind. The voice that resonated in his head was none other than the being which Joseph had proudly served. The voice, that resounded throughout Joseph’s mind held such an iron hand that it pinned down the bewildered Elf in place. No external forces prevented Joseph from trying to move, it was merely the voice of malignant influence that weighed him down. The words that were spoken left acidic spittle of turpitude that seeped through the confines of Joseph’s mind, it instructed him to submit to this force. Be one with it. Accept it. Understand it. Any form of resistance Joseph tried to put up was crushed by the words that carried such an unchallenged strength to them. Not only the words of great influence affect his mind, but it chipped away at the foundations of his soul. The soul of the man, who drowned in the abysmal waters of consternation, was being dislodged. Joseph no longer owned what made him ‘pure’, such an invaluable possession now belonged to The Defiler. The renewal of a forgotten art. This reformation of first generation necromancy has finally stepped foot into land for a second time. The unholy practices under the name of The Betrayer has spawned to offer wicked events in the mortal realm. The art, while considered an ungodly force from such a great being, does not leave its user without any harrowing consequences. While bearing the name “first generation necromancy”, one would expect it to carry a propensity for having more power than Second Generation Necromancy. However, that is not truly the case. Second Generation Necromancy and First Generation Necromancy may seem similar in some aspects, but the pair do share very different ways of functioning. The Summoning/Connection process. 1. The Vocomancer summons taint from the Nether (through the proper channels) to open the Nexus. 2. The Vocomancer then enters the domain of Iblees, utilising their link to Iblees as aid to garner their required tools from the Nether (essentially taint). 3. After mustering enough taint required from The Betrayer, the Vocomancer then makes use of the The Betrayer’s boon in order to bring forth something of their desire within their own power. 4. The Vocomancer will then release whatever power they have manifested into the mortal realm, as a product of Iblees. 5. Once the product of taint is released, the Vocomancer is free to do as they please with their spawn or creation. However, the user must bear in mind they do not have complete, direct control over their ethereal entities; for unlike SGN, the minions of Vocomancy are not a product of life force which is from the user’s self, but a product of the Nether -- a realm which is constructed by Iblees. Mechanics: The magic’s ability is to summon most products of taint from the underworld. Imagine the performance of Vocomancy as a blind person painting. The FG Necromancer doesn’t understand what exactly they are doing or how, just as a blind person cannot see what they are painting and are unaware of what they are producing, however they know they are doing it and are given instructions on what to do. These instructions come from Iblees himself, functioning as a pseudo-canvas and Taint functions as the ‘paint’. When the user is done with their ‘painting’, they can finally bring it into their for all to see Additionally, a Vocomancer can prepare rituals for Iblees’ gain. The source of the hand that feeds them cannot go unrewarded for what marvelous strength it provides. By arranging a ritual, an unfortunate soul can be sacrificed for Iblees’ benefit. A ritual can be prepped in any desired location of a Vocomancer. If an individual is slain as a result of the ritual process, then it is up to the player of the victim to decide whether their death is to be a PK or not. If a perma-kill occurs, then their soul is to successfully be set in the hands of Iblees. This magic consists of a blend of spells from the three branches of the Undead, the Devourer branch, the Obliterator branch and the Blighter branch. The user will be capable of spawning beings from the Underworld, make use of Iblees’ wrath in the form of bolts being hailed from the sky, manipulate deathly miasma and flames from the Nether and soothe the wounds of others. Unlike before, this style of Vocomancy does not entirely focus on the utter, senseless destruction of the Descendants. Because of this, there now exists only two branches: The Priests of Iblees and The Soldiers of Iblees. The Priests of Iblees are the ones that bear the potential to alter the opinions of those who originally loathed the Daemon thanks to their given prowess. They are mostly provided with the spells from the Undead’s Blighter branch. They are gifted with mending the wounds of those who are tainted, or fall under the definition of ‘tainted’. They are capable of manifesting miasma and summoning only a fair amount of entities from the Nether. They are not fighters. Akin to the Blighter Branch, they only exist to wile others into finding trust and keeping trust in Iblees. The Soldiers of Iblees are those who possess formidable strength, they are examples of Iblees’ prowess. They may not be capable of swaying others into following Iblees so easily, unlike the Priests of Iblees, but with their strength alone they are able to give others a taste of what happens if one were to oppose Iblees. They are capable of summoning a fearful number of beings or a fearful being from the Nether. They are gifted with casting dreadful lightning from the sky and are able to produce vehement flames from the Nether which consume the life of opposers. Similar to the Obliterator branch and Devourer branch, they only exist to display Iblees’ power, fending off any who are seen as adversaries and protecting those who are seen as allies. ‘Taint’ Mending (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): The Priests of Iblees are granted this altered and watered-down Blighter branch spell, which was originally used in order to keep the forces of Iblees alive. Now, such a spell exists to not only benefit Iblees' wounded acolytes, those who are 'tainted' as well can fall under the effects of this modified Blighter branch spell. Additionally, no agent of Iblees would be able to effectively convince others to follow the will of their overseer, without being able to display that their deity now has but a tinge of being capable of lending aid in the most efficient form. Individuals who are ‘tainted’ are the only ones who can mended by this spell. In order for a Priest to execute this spell, they must make contact or be extremely close to making contact with the being of ‘taint’ they wish to aid. A viscous liquid that resembles the ichor of Iblees will be formulated from a Priest’s hand, if the ichor meets the desired target of the Priest, then the rich ‘blood’ of Iblees will alter its form to match the original lost body parts of the victim that bears 'taint'. If a hand of a tainted being were to be lost, then the ichor of Iblees will function in a sentient manner once it comes into contact with the severed hand. The liquid will try to imitate what the lost limb once was, it will firstly assume the shape of the lost portions of the hand in its liquid form, then it will begin to alter its substance to resemble that of flesh. This will require the priest to continue producing more of Iblees' ichor until the hand has fully recovered. If a tainted individual were to be harmed by Holy Fire, then consuming the ichor will be most suited, as it is taint given form. The victim of lost taint will not be promptly rejuvenated, but the speed at which they recover their taint will be heightened. Additionally, ruptured organs cannot be mended by this spell, poison and other deadly toxins cannot be removed the system of a tainted being and mental impairments cannot be repaired. Those healed will be left with slightly grotesque welts and minor bruises that will recover over time, this indicates that Iblees is not the one to be especially relied on for aiding those incompetent enough to end up hurt and all those that are lent his aid will also experience his affliction. However, much like oil meeting water, the ichor will simply run off the body of an injured victim who is free of 'taint', refusing to blend with the pure being. An example of those who fit the definition of ‘taint’ goes as follows: Wraiths Dread Knights Wights Those who have certain noteworthy intent that may appease The Betrayer Necromancers Ghouls (Please note, this is merely an example of what kinds of individuals can be mended. Those who actually bear any form of actual taint, can fall under the effect of this spell.) At tier 1, a Priest of Iblees will only be capable of healing extremely minor cuts. Up to tier 5, a Priest will be capable of recovering a lost hand. Nether Spawns (Usable by both sects): Nether spawns are beastly fiends which reside within the Nether. They are very frequently abnormal or misshapen creatures, never the same as the last and, unlike any other summoning magic, cannot be controlled. Nether spawns are quite literally Taint given form. They are ravenous, unruly, and mad monstrosities that raze and ravage. But just as the other effects of Vocomancy, they do not harm those which are tainted or that which is comprised of Taint just as it does not harm them. They are blind to their summoner and spawned brethren, only seeing them as other products of the Nether. They do not outright harm their ‘allies’ but are definitely not ones to be careful either. Their eldritch bodies are their weapons and what which isn’t corrupted by Taint is their target. Novices who decide to spawn horrific entities from the Nether will only be able to bring forth something as insignificant as an inchworm or insect, unlike a novice Second Generation Necromancer, who can raise something larger such as a dead rat. (A 'tier 5' Vocomancer user can summon a maximum of 5-7 humanoid beings or one large abomination of flesh from the Nether, whereas a 'tier 5' SGN user can raise 12 humanoid beings. A Vocomancer user can summon beings on a whim, whereas a SGN user will have to kill the living to actually garner 12 corpses. This is why a Vocomancer can summon less than a SGN user, for the sake of fairness.) Additionally, much like a Conjuration user summoning a Primordial, both Priests and Soldiers of Iblees can bring forth creatures that bear properties of the Nether. A standard summon of a creature from the Nether might be maintaining decayed flesh and nothing more. However, advanced acolytes of Iblees can go further than just mere flesh sustaining their creatures. They can be capable of having their summons bear 'flesh' of any compatible material from the Nether. This will of course, be more of a demanding spell for Iblees' acolytes. For example, beings of netherrack can be set ablaze by any fire present that makes contact with their skin, though due to the properties of netherrack, the creatures made of this hellish material are bound to be slightly more fragile than their flesh ridden counterparts. Beings that bear the properties of soulsand become much harder to slay, yet their destructive prowess is not as intimidating as beings of netherrack or actual creatures of flesh. It is worth noting that Priests of Iblees can only summon a maximum of 5 humanoid entities from the Nether, while Soldiers of Iblees can summon a maximum of 7 (The larger the body, the smaller the number. The smaller the body, the higher the number). The numbers become lessened if they were to produce organisms that hold properties of the Nether's materials. The cast time of this spell is akin to the time it takes for a conjuration user to summon an entity from the Void, roughly 3-6 emotes will be required for a satisfactory spell attempt. Nether’s Flame (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Similar to that of a pyromancer, the flames created from the sheer hatred of Iblees alone are channeled towards the user. It is up to the user to decide where they redirect this embodiment of The Defiler’s loathing towards. The flames that are spawned from Iblees act in a way which can be considered Holy Fire’s polar opposite. Instead of seeking to eviscerate taint like its counterpart, the flames from the Nether ignore such things and instead aim to use its own tainted properties in order to devour the lifeforce of a victim’s body. The flames will persist until its target is utterly void of lifeforce. It can only ‘burn’ organic matter, which causes decay and emits a substance akin to smoke due to the evisceration of lifeforce. Once it comes into contact with non-organic material, it causes it to dwindle and wither away into ash. However, more sturdy materials such as stone won’t be broken down at all. Depending on the limb the flames have taken a liking to consuming the life force from, the skin is likely to blacken to the point where it resembles an ebony black pigment. The afflicted limb may be rendered permanently disabled if the victim were to survive a continued assault of the hellfire, for the life force from the victim has been forcibly eviscerated. Healing from Clerics/Paladins/Ascended can undo the damage. The cast time for this spell is similar to that of a Fire Evocation spell. Roughly 2-4 emotes are needed for a satisfactory spell execution. Iblees’ Lightning (Exclusive to the Soldiers of Iblees) Bolts come down from a baleful sky once an agent of Iblees makes use of this spell. When a Soldier of Iblees calls forth for the clouds to gather, the once uncontaminated sky becomes populated with a mass of opaque, ebony clouds. Compared to the rest of the tools at a Necromancer’s disposal, this spell is fairly simple. If successful, an array of bolts will descend towards the surface they are directed to, leaving behind a mark that indicates the ire of The Betrayer. It is worth nothing these bolts are not attracted to metal or water, but instead the flesh of Descendants. These are bolts that come from The Defiler and anything that is spawned from his domain is known to seek out the demise 3-5 emotes will be required to execute a satisfactory spell. Miasma (Exclusive to the Priests of Iblees): Miasma is a thick, cloudy haze of lime green and black mists. Its foggy consistency makes it nearly opaque, the miasma acts like a harming smokescreen and therefore cannot be controlled, only directed. It is most fatal when inhaled, but can also be damaging if it makes contact with skin. It of course, saps life force, the rate at which it consumes life force is determined by how much miasma is coating the victim. It varies from being nearly useless to causing its victim to simply be uncomfortable at ‘tier 1’. Though, with more practice over time, the cloud of miasma will be capable of causing immense pain, minor paralysis, and bleaches the skin and scars with causing ulcers and blisters. (This will not be as powerful as Undead Miasma, it will be akin to a necromancer’s drain, without any benefit to user. It can only reach a maximum of roughly 4 metres) This spell should be treated much like a Necromancer's drain. 2-4 emotes will be required to execute a miasma spell properly. Soul displacement (Usable by both sects): Through aptly manipulating taint and the link to the nether, a user becomes capable of generating a ritual to further Iblees’ goal and his prowess. This will require the aid of other Vocomancers that are also adequate in performing this spell. If enough space is present, the user will be formulating a crooked shape of abnormal proportions with an outline bearing a lime-green pigment tainted with hues of ebony black. The area surrounded by the peculiar shape will, over time, have its appearance be distorted to represent the likes of the Nether. Sand and its delicate texture will turn to malformed soul sand, wood will have its appearance altered to look much like obsidian, dirt and grass will have its aspects degraded to netherrack and so forth. It is much like tearing a vicinity of the Nether itself into the mortal realm, the specific vicinity is a place where only Iblees can act. If someone, a sacrifice, were placed within this corrupting shape, their souls will be ripped from their being by The Defiler himself, soon relocating itself in the hands of Iblees. If Iblees does not obtain a sacrifice within a certain period of time, the Vocomancer is at risk of having their connection with Iblees severed. Approximately 7-12 emotes will be required to make a satisfactory execution of this spell. Sever (Usable by both sects): Severing is the act of a master Vocomancer severing the connection of a Vocomancer to the The Betrayer. In a similar act of Shade magic, only a skilled tutor may disconnect ineffective soldiers of Iblees. Through the approval of The Betrayer himself, the experienced Vocomancer is capable of disconnecting those who prove to not aid anyone. Roughly 4-7 emotes will be required in order to execute this spell. A Vocomancer's (expected) endgame: A Vocomancer must adhere to Iblees’ code of conduct. He is the one supplying them with his power in the end and therefore as a cult to an aengudaemon they must serve their master with the intent to achieve his goal for him. Ater Caelum is Iblees’ end goal, meaning Vocomancers are merely pawns for Iblees to fulfill his goals. One who betrays the efforts of Iblees will be an marked an enemy, be it a Vocomancer user, a cleric, or an everyday commoner, they will perish under the name of Iblees. Note: This is a deity magic. Red Lines - As it is known, taint does not affect tainted beings. This means that Nether spawns and spells alike will not harm tainted entities such as Wraiths, Dread Knights, Shades, etc... However, Nether spawns can be commanded directly by their summoners to harm specific individuals. - Exceeding the limit and/or size of nether spawns is powergaming, even if it were to occur in-character, the user will most likely be under a mass of stress. - Vocomancers are tainted, they must react properly when coming into contact with holy magic. The player of a Vocomancer mustn't treat Holy Fire lightly, since it will eat away at their tainted being. - The one rule that applies to all magic also applies to this magic, if someone were to significantly interrupt a Vocomancer during the preparation of their spell, then the manifestation of their spell will come to an abrupt end. - Edit - Ater Caelum "This is the name for Iblees’ end game goal. “Ultimate Goal: Iblees wants to overthrow the Aenguls and Daemons. He wants to corrupt, rule over, and bend them to his will. The mortals are just in the way. Iblees wants to become the Arch-Soul, the Prime God over the Archdaemons and Archaenguls. Essentially he wants to become the Creator and all powerful by making all the Archaenguls and Archdaemons underneath him. Iblees believes it's what the gods do; they want to be stronger than the rest around them so they can be safe above others. Divine survivability. And as Archdaemon of Ruin, this appeals to his desire for ruination. To dissolve the established order (or lack therein) of aengudaemons with their own will and their own purpose. Iblees would degrade this and bring them all under himself. But, note, Iblees is the ‘villain’ of our tale and is likely to never succeed in this goal, albeit it is possible should we wish for some form of lore-wipe where numerous things disappear or change. This being his take on the truth, Iblees wants to become the Creator / Arch-Soul / Prime God to ensure his own success but the implications of that are far from what most other aengudaemons believe, thus their frequent opposing standing. Should this come to be and all the Aenguls and Daemons are under Iblees, there would be no cataclysm or apocalypse for all existence. He doesn’t want the death of everyone and thing, he wants power to have his way, and his way once in that position would be rather peaceful. There’d be no inter-deity squabbles, no fighting divine factions. He’d probably leave the mortal beings alone entirely, likely moving away to make his own mortals with his own interpretation. Iblees intends on achieving the throne by persuading fellow deities, beginning with relatively smaller ones he can manage to turn alone, via corruption." Iblees would sit down with them one-on-one and have a lengthy discussion. "This discussion would be over the matters of how their kind always have a struggle amongst one another that leads to chaos and damage; Iblees means to make one final fight to end them all to instill everlasting order (truly primal chaos, Iblees would just be a bullying superpower) among the gods (if he is to keep them to begin with. Iblees may want to wipe the slate clean than have to deal with those who once opposed him) by any means necessary..." "Corruption is used in the sense that they are turning to Iblees’ side and we are the ones (mortals too) who paint Iblees as evil and vile. As for those who utterly oppose Iblees and say that they will never join his cause, they will meet enslavement or eternal banishment.” (Source: Old Vocomancy lore)
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