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[Clan Jusmia] Sect Ruby

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Ruby was the third-born child of Jus and Mia. Ruby in early life turned her focus to the laws of Magara’lin and the laws of other realms. She studied statecraft with her father, Jus. In early adulthood, Ruby took up public service to the city of Magara’lin. Performing mundane tasks as record keeping. In addition to the recording of members of Jusmia, their roles and sects. Ruby focused her intent on the writings of the mortal world, for in them she found understanding and patience weighed true beyond all else. 
Sect Rubys’ Function in Jusmia
Ruby serves as the Clans voice of reason. Upholding decisions made by the collective clan, recording the actions of members. Adoptees, what resources are spent and traded between Sects, as well as outside nations or populations of mortals.  They maintain in the home isle of Reza’jer, the Hall of Theruz. Where documents as complex as ancient treaties to mundane writings as Birth Certificates are stored. Sect Ruby approves, and validates ledgers of all Sects. Each Sect of Jusmia is to give in an elven monthly report to the head of Sect Ruby on their activities.

In addition, Sect Ruby maintains and creates laws and regulations for Clan Jusmia. These laws require the vote and agreement of three out of the five Sect Heads of Jusmia.

Sect Ruby calls forth the clan to hold Ruby Courts. Where every member of Jusmia is welcome to come and weigh their input of clan matters to be voted upon by the clan. 


Sect Ruby holds the authority of the Ruby Senate. A group of Jusmia that answer to the Head of Sect Ruby, which revise, adapt, create the Laws of the Ruby Senate. 

Sect Rubys’ Ideology & Spiritual Theorem.
Those of Ruby maintain serenity in their lives, as law is order, and order is the boon of life. It is not uncommon for those of Ruby to study the statecraft of cities. Taking pieces of it back to the clan to be implemented in the rulings of the Ruby Senate. Luara sits atop all, as Mother Moon. Thus serenity must be maintained. Those of modern Ruby begin to revise the ancient laws of the Ruby Senate, to ensure they maintain this serenity. Those of Ruby often venture to joining other sects between their workings for Ruby. The spirit Velkumezt holds great favour in this Sect, as the Spirit of Law, Order, and cities aligns greatly with the ideals Ruby naturally reflects in their work. Genthuraz follows next, as the lord of industry and the patreon spirit of Jusmia. 

Sect Rubys’ Tatau

Sect Ruby Tatau is given upon completion of Sect Trials. These are mortal markings or shamanic markings as proof of growth.

Tatau of Ruby

Granted upon adoption to Sect Ruby.

Tatau of Velkumezt

Granted Upon Completion of Sect Ruby Velkumezt Trials

Tatau of Order

Granted Upon Completion of Sect Ruby Order Trials

Tatau of State

Granted Upon Completion of Sect Ruby State Trials

Tatau of Law


Given upon completion of Sect Ruby Law Trials

Tatau of Senate

Given upon Completion of Sect Ruby Senate Trials

Sect Ruby Trials

To be counted among the Ruby, the Jusmia must perform and complete at the very least, two Ruby Trails and be marked by their tatau by another Jusmia as proof of completion. Once two trials have been completed, they are marked with the Tatau of Ruby. The trials of Ruby are ones completed over years. Patience is key.

Trial of Velkumezt
Granted upon the completion of all Sect Ruby Trails: Trail of Order, Trial of State, Trial of Law, Trial of Senate.

Trial of Order

Ruby trails revolve around matters of law and state. The Trial of Order entails that who is undertaking the trial is able to disway conflict between any two mortals. Using words and simple reasoning or logic alone. No force can be applied for this trial, for it violates Serenity. Once completed, and proof given to another Jusmia. The Tatau of Order is granted. 

Trial of State
Ruby trails revolve around matters of law and state. The Trail of State requires dedication and time. Those who are undertaking the trial gain the ability to revise and make any measure of amendment to any mortal settlements own statecraft, be it in the form of laws, regulation, or beyond. Once proof is given to another Jusmia. The Tatau of State is granted. 

Trial of Law
Ruby trails revolve around matters of law and state. The Trial of Law, entails that who is undertaking the trial draft a revision or amendment to the Laws of the Ruby Senate, that is reviewed and taken to a Ruby Court. The trial requires that this law passed the voting process of the Ruby Court. Once completed, the Tatau of Law is granted. 


Trial of Senate
Ruby trails revolve around matters of law and state. The Trial of the Senate requires the approval of the Head of Sect Ruby to undertake. Those who undertake this trial are required to host three Ruby Courts, where matters of Jusmia are to be voted upon by doctrine that those who are taking the trial have created. In order for the trial to be completed, more than half of the voting body must vote in favor of the new doctrine. Once completed, the Tatau of Senate is granted.

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