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Aislinn Aronokath


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Character Name Aislinn Aronokath

Nicknames: Aislinn, Ais

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Elf [Mali'aheral]

Status: Alive


Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 175

Body Type: Somewhat thin, but muscular and toned.

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Naturally blond, but is usually dyed with charcoal and ink to a black color.

Skin: Pale white

Markings/Tattoos: None.

Health: Healthy

Personality: Having accomplished Justice for the first time in his adult life, and atoned for a wrong against him, Aislinn now has a chipper and upbeat attitude. He is brave, outgoing, and intelligent. He is also somewhat naive and foolish, and tends to get into problems that could have been avoided otherwise.

Inventory: Aislinn carries a journal with him at all times. He has a small, strong rope used for binding or restraining people. His weapons consist of a sleek, well tempered short sword, and a somewhat long dagger. He prefers weapons that reflect his build, which involves quick and dexterous blades, and he also has 2 well balanced throwing knives.

Further Details: None at the moment.

Life Style

Alignment*: True Neutral

Deity*: Aeriel

Religion: The Way (His own made up religion)

Home: Malinor

Job/Class: Unemployed

Title(s): None

Profession(s): None

Special Skill(s): Aislinn's most valuable skill is that he is a quick learner. He has picked up on things like carving, basic medical treatment, tree hopping, and other minor things like that.

Flaw(s): Is naive, foolish, and until he trains or works at something, he is not good at it. For example, he's only a mediocre swordsman.


Current Status: None


Fighting Style: Quick and fast attacks, keeping an opponent off balance and striking for weakened areas.

Trained Weapon: 2 throwing knives, a shortsword and long dagger.

Favored Weapon: Shortsword and dagger.



Parents: Killed when he was young, his adopted father is Markin Aronokath.

Siblings: None.

Children: None.

Extended Family: Still none..

Pet(s): A large, black Raven that was his father's. It is well trained, capable of carrying small objects and notes to anyone assigned to a name or letter. It also responds well to vocal commands.


A short version of his past begins when he was around 6. His family, his High elf mother and father, were travelling when they were attacked by a group of bandits, likely racist against High Elves. They were killed, but Markin saw and grabbed Aislinn, pulling him away and hiding him, which saved his life. He lived with Markin for another 6 or 7 years, before running away and living as a thief and beggar. Eventually he grew up, having not learned much of his race's culture and customs.

Will probably add more later.

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