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House Claxdon

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House Claxdon


House Claxdon is the Noble House lead by His Lord Matthew Claxdon the first of his name. Lord Claxdon and his cousins, John Claxdon and Abe Claxdon rule over the House and the bannermen. John and Abe Claxdon are both the Lord Commanders of the Claxdon Military.

*Criers are out in the major cities, they wear tunics with the Claxdon sigil on it. They speak out the following message.
“The Lords of House Claxdon ask for men who are willing to fight for them! To serve and protect and to live under the Lords. The Lords promise to be fair and just in return for their peoples service. The promise them safety within their lands and pay for those who work underneath them. If you wish to join House Claxdon and share in its glory, come speak to us and we will give you the following notice to fill out then send to the Lords.”

The Ranks:

Ranks of House Claxdon
The ranks of the House are as follows, going from most powerful to least powerful.

House Patriarch
This is the leader of the House and all the lands that are under his House. When within his lands his word is law.

Member of the Claxdon Bloodline
These are as said, the Claxdons which have been born into the name, and those who have been married into the name. They are second in Command and there level of command goes in terms from eldest to youngest.

Lord Commanders of the Claxdon Guard:
These are normally men and women that are within the Claxdon Bloodline, although sometimes they are outsiders that have proven their loyalty to the Claxdons.

The second in command of the army. They will each be in-charge of a squad of the Claxdon army which may be sent out on different missions. They will each be in-charge of up to a maximum of five men.

If the Captain is unavailable to lead the squad, the part falls down to the Lieutenant of the squad, which is chosen by the Captain.

These men make up the squad and the main military force of the Claxdon army. These are the loyal men who serve the Claxdons and protect their lands. They are highly respected among the citizens and will not be disrespected by any of those below them within the Claxdon lands.

The High Guard:
    These are men who have proven themselves in battle and have proven their loyalty to the Lords of the House. These men travel with the Lords as their personal body guards. They accompany the House Patriarch to meetings. They have sworn oaths of fealty to the Lords of the House and have vowed to protect them with their lives. Failure to do so, or the breaking of this oath will result in death. They take up masks of silver and are skilled warriors.





House Patriarch:
Lord Matthew Claxdon (Beast720)

Lord Commanders:
Abe Claxdon (TaylorStriff)
 Joseph 'Jon' Claxdon (Jspencer10)

Chirr Feta'iyat (guenther)
Lucia Marcil (Tekek)

Kaede 'Wither' (Rukio13)

Thomas Reid (colaone1)

'Patrick the Peasant' (Idioticozzy)

Daniel Brom-Hadrian (Extreme4001)

Max Ruffle (Pepperspikes)


The High Guard:

Visha (Oblivionsbane)

Kaede 'Wither' (Rukio13)






Application to become a Bannermen:

In Character:




Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

Previous line of work:

What are your professions and talents?:

Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?

Out of Character:



Apply here as well:


The Lords of the House will contact you personally (Over Forums) to arrange a meeting if you've been accepted.

Upon acceptance you will be provided arms, armour and food.


Shall be discussed IG.

The Claxdons Need You!


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((What lands and holdings do you own?))

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((I notice you are all Blood eagles, would that make me a Claxdon? I was a blood eagle along with you guys.))

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((What lands and holdings do you own?))

((We hold land near the Marshes, on an island just off the shore.))



((I notice you are all Blood eagles, would that make me a Claxdon? I was a blood eagle along with you guys.))

((To be blunt you were never a true Blood Eagle. Your character would follow our orders for reason we knew not. We have told your character often in game he was not an Eagle. Only three hold the name Claxdon. The others, as you can see when it says "Ranks" do not hold the last name Claxdon. So to answer your question, no, you are not a Claxdon, but you can apply for a position in the Claxdon Army.))


Edit: ((There has also been a change of leadership, so whichever deal you made with the previous leader, I am currently unaware of and was never told of, therefore, I must give my answer I gave above. Also, becoming part of the Claxdon army doesn't make you a Claxdon, it makes your a server of the Claxdons.))

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((Who gave you that land? What size is it? What is it called? Who is your liege lord?))

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Name: Patrick, but most people call me Patrick the Peasant

Age: 34

Race: Human

Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):  

I was born in Ager, both my parents were farmers, like there parents before them, and there parents before them. I was grown up in the trade, day in, day out, until my hands turned raw and hard as iron. I had many brothers and sisters growing up, boy did my parents like the ol' child makin', they would help me with the tasks round the house as well. I also had a hobby when I was a kid, archery, I practiced every day for months, until I could hit a rabbit between the eyes from fifty yards away.


Years later, when I was tilling the far end of our field, I came across a corpse! He had a sword right between the eyes, and from that point on I knew what I wanted to do (and it wasn't farming!). I gathered some food from the larder, and wondered off down into the sunset, with my bow around my back and a sword at my waist.

Previous line of work:


What are your professions and talents?:

Archery, and farming.

Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?

To make a name for myself, and to get some of the ol' minas!

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A red haired man wanders over to the noticeboard in Abresi, he then puts a flier on the board, the front with the description of the house, though on the back is an application.


In Character:


(( All of the answers are lies as my character doesn't do the most honorable things. ))




Thomas Reid.










Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):


Born as a middle class child, both my mother and father cared for me quite well, I had quite a few friends and a large family, a happy life still, when I had come to the age of 14 I had worked as a laborer for shipments of spices and food to a local tavern in Abresi, I have lived a laid back life since I was born, the most excitement I had seen was at the local Brothel.


I have not much else of importance that I would see important to state, as I stated before, I live a normal life.


Previous line of work:




What are your professions and talents?:


I can lift heavy stuff, though I'm not much use with a sword nor a bow.


Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?


I wish to live a life of excitement and thrills.

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((Who gave you that land? What size is it? What is it called? Who is your liege lord?))

((The land was given to us by Burkester. The size of it would be better off if you found out about it IG. When we get more land it will be called the Country of Forgewood. And our liege lord is also Burkester. Any other questions about our land, the liege-lord, and other things I suggest you find out IG. Ask around about us, and then maybe you will be directed to myself or someone else who would be able to answer the questions IG. 




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((Unless Horen has approved you as a noble house, you aren't one, even if Burkester gave you land. ^.^))

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Name: Patrick, but most people call me Patrick the Peasant

Age: 34

Race: Human

Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):  

I was born in Ager, both my parents were farmers, like there parents before them, and there parents before them. I was grown up in the trade, day in, day out, until my hands turned raw and hard as iron. I had many brothers and sisters growing up, boy did my parents like the ol' child makin', they would help me with the tasks round the house as well. I also had a hobby when I was a kid, archery, I practiced every day for months, until I could hit a rabbit between the eyes from fifty yards away.


Years later, when I was tilling the far end of our field, I came across a corpse! He had a sword right between the eyes, and from that point on I knew what I wanted to do (and it wasn't farming!). I gathered some food from the larder, and wondered off down into the sunset, with my bow around my back and a sword at my waist.

Previous line of work:


What are your professions and talents?:

Archery, and farming.

Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?

To make a name for myself, and to get some of the ol' minas!

You have been accepted! You will be contacted shortly. ((IG))


A red haired man wanders over to the noticeboard in Abresi, he then puts a flier on the board, the front with the description of the house, though on the back is an application.


In Character:


(( All of the answers are lies as my character doesn't do the most honorable things. ))




Thomas Reid.










Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):


Born as a middle class child, both my mother and father cared for me quite well, I had quite a few friends and a large family, a happy life still, when I had come to the age of 14 I had worked as a laborer for shipments of spices and food to a local tavern in Abresi, I have lived a laid back life since I was born, the most excitement I had seen was at the local Brothel.


I have not much else of importance that I would see important to state, as I stated before, I live a normal life.


Previous line of work:




What are your professions and talents?:


I can lift heavy stuff, though I'm not much use with a sword nor a bow.


Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?


I wish to live a life of excitement and thrills.

Welcome to the Claxdon's! You have also been accepted!



We are still taking in applications! Come join the might of the Claxdon Bannermen! With a promise of supplies, weapons, shelter, and food! The Claxdon's offer a great life!

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In Character:

Name: Evangela Dioskry

Age: 26

Race: Human

Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

Evangela is mute. She detests talking to others and refuses to talk to those she believes beneath her status. Despite her seemingly cruel attitude towards others, she is a kind and gentle thing. She has no weapons skill at all, and her abrasive nature can sometimes put people off of her. The muteness stemmed from an attack upon her when she was young. It is psychologically set in deep, and a cure will not be found any time soon. Her attitude comes from being badly treated by many who don't understand her or her disdain for speaking. She is a capable farmer and cook, but would like to be a dancer. At the very least, she'd want to marry and settle down.

Previous line of work: None.

What are your professions and talents?: Farmer and a cook.

Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen? For a job.

Out of Character:


Minecraft IGN: MigynMadness

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In Character:

Name: Evangela Dioskry

Age: 26

Race: Human

Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

Evangela is mute. She detests talking to others and refuses to talk to those she believes beneath her status. Despite her seemingly cruel attitude towards others, she is a kind and gentle thing. She has no weapons skill at all, and her abrasive nature can sometimes put people off of her. The muteness stemmed from an attack upon her when she was young. It is psychologically set in deep, and a cure will not be found any time soon. Her attitude comes from being badly treated by many who don't understand her or her disdain for speaking. She is a capable farmer and cook, but would like to be a dancer. At the very least, she'd want to marry and settle down.

Previous line of work: None.

What are your professions and talents?: Farmer and a cook.

Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen? For a job.

Out of Character:


Minecraft IGN: MigynMadness

Welcome to the Claxdon Bannermen! You have been accepted into our ranks and will join Captain Chirr's squad!

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Application to become a Bannermen:

In Character:


Fulgrim Blackheart

Around 20


The Master Race: Human


Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs):

Not much to tell really. I'm a drifter. My parents were killed by Orcs and I was abandoned. I lived for a while in Abresi and have done some mercenary work. Decent with a blade, crossbow, heather shield, and half plate. Not that bad with a Halberd either. I'm able bodied, sharp, and loyal. I'm the man for the job.

Previous line of work:


What are your professions and talents?:


Decency with strategy

Sharp wit


Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen?

A man needs to eat, and a purpose in life. I really just want something worth doing, and some comrades that I can trust, and that I can believe won't gut me for a bit of extra money on a contract. That sort of thing happens as a mercenary, and that's why I'm coming here.


MC name:


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