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Status Updates posted by Shmeepicus

  1. Sedan, make sure you grab this on the way out. 




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shmeepicus


      @rukio please send the ss that was my most favourite rp 

    3. rukio


      I wish I had it bro LMAO

    4. Shmeepicus


      29 minutes ago, rukio said:

      I wish I had it bro LMAO


  2. so when will ST budget increase so I can do events?

    1. Deer__


      When will it increase so I can have my vault items...

  3. Some of y’all need to find God. 

    1. alexmagus


      I even think that I found god in the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras, pretty cameras, pretty cameras. Am I glamorous, tell me, am I glamorous.

  4. stop this fishacus slander on my name

    1. Shmeepicus


      im not a fish guys

  5. thas a lot of throwaway Helf personas loooool

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ReveredOwl


      its all the same people who get involved in every warclaim every time and the staff just let them do it

    3. TeawithFrisket


      1 hour ago, ReveredOwl said:

      its all the same people who get involved in every warclaim every time and the staff just let them do it

      Tbh I don’t think they will be allowed to enter- watch something will pop in during this war, the new rules will be tested- the stage is set for a conversation upon improvement of the new war rules. I wish staff luck tho!

    4. Shmeepicus


      couldn't have put it better @ReveredOwl we've oft been on diff sides of LoTC history- but ion really play anymore and couldn't care much- just something I've noticed

  6. The Mods who changed PvP to MRP need to be held accountable for their crimes against us.

  7. time to create basketball thread #34 for some ez rep

  8. y'all take minecraft way too seriously lmfao

    1. Milenkhov


      pwease sirrr i reallyyy  want tto sleep i need my schleep schleepicus let meee goo... help...

    2. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      You see the problem is that we're not playing minecraft. We're doing roleplay on a medium called Minecraft. No matter what happens, roleplay in it's essence will never be fair to you because ultimately, your character has to die. We have forgotten over the years what we're really doing here and it saddens me so much to see the community forgetting its roots. It is an unique experience and everyone should have to live it once in their lives. Roleplay will never be fair because you have to experience the feelings and thoughts of a character in order to properly "roleplay". 

      Edited by UnbanCharlesTheBald2021
    3. Freischarler


      how profound for one with as crispy lips as yours charles

  9. you have a full 5 stars for your garner rep spree- pls stop immediately Mr. 2k, else we will be forced to sic the Army on you

    1. argonian


      had 2 get the trinity at least once

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