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Everything posted by ydegirl

  1. AHH thank u!!! n yeah!! i’m planning on comin out 2 my parents and brothers tonight at dinner. i know my brother, mom and dad will accept me but not sure abt my twin.. we’ll see if he rlly wants to be in my life tho so begone. 100 gecs is an artform, a lifestyle, a new form of art. the new picasso, the new beethoven; they transcend reality.
  2. thank u ! it’s nice to know that 🙂 HHGHHJ !!! thank u neo :*)
  3. well im not gonna put dorian electra (i was but the song i chose + music video was rlly sexually explicit and i didnt wanna put it on the forums but u should listen to it !! it’s called gentleman/m’lady)
  4. edit as of 9/11/20: not sure about my gender . staff pls take this down if u dont then its fine BUT please do. also if anyone sees this call me nico
  5. The babe emerged on the 8th day of The Grand Harvest, 1769. Born into a life of comfort, the girl would never know what it’d mean to be poor. Her earliest memory was the funeral of her aunt, Arianne Reneé, who had died in the Scyfling wars. She was only 3, or 4, at the time. But she remembered stuffing her face into Lorena’s dress, her eyes dry from how much she cried. She vowed to be like her one day; but she knew that would never be the case. Theodora’s father told her stories of her late aunt, who she’d never meet. She was fierce, brave, and loyal. Theodora was only one of those things. They hid inside the Varoche, Wilhelmina screaming for Theodora to get out of the courtyard; uninvited intruders came, looking to cause a problem- or worse. She strayed away from her cousins and sister. So, with fear she quickly ran into the storage pantry in the kitchen. “Fromm im Gebet”, she murmured to herself. Theodora began to pray, pray for the intruders to leave, for them all to be safe. The news hit her like a rock. She was betrothed. Theodora felt stuck, helpless, and alone. She stayed in Kaedrin for the next few years, until the betrothal was announced by Queen Viktoria. Theodora packed up her stuff, and was shipped off to Haense within a day. She arrived at the walled city, it seemed dull and grey to her, the people seemed to match this description. She didn’t like the cold of Haense, nor the walled city. She missed the Kaedreni countryside, looking out her window longingly. Theodora remembered catching frogs by the river, and finding Hubert; the rat that lived under her bed. She’d occasionally visit, greeting her sister Lorena, her father, she visited the church, sometimes. Wilhelmina’s wedding was an extravagant ordeal. A rather unfortunate turn of events (yet, good for her) led to Wilhelmina marrying John Charles, the next Emperor after his mother, Anne Augusta. The wedding was attended by almost everyone in the Empire, including the Barbanovs. She didn’t see her father there, however. Theodora finally met a few friends, Aidevo and Red. They were nice to her; and were from a far away land known as Aeldin. She knew someone else from the land, but thought of it as some story they made up. They made her feel certain in a time of uncertainty, sane in a time of insanity, and felt like the world was going slower in a time where the world felt like every week was a new year. To be continued. . . OOC: Will be updated periodically! (also please don’t take any of this icly/metagame this)
  6. i think some backwater duchy rp would be cool, but i’m not entirely sure how possible it’d be
  7. Hey if u still need a skin from me pls dm me on discord. I’ve forgotten who you guys are ! And I don’t want to leave you without skin 

  8. Hello! My Apologies, I fell asleep and just woke up. @SteepledShip Wins Deep Pink Dress for 500 Mina @Gamer1578 Wins Pious in Pink for 1000 Mina @Princeton wins Adventurer for 800 Mina @Epistile Wins Red Slavic for 500 Mina.
  9. you guys are forgetting your discords
  10. hello! ! ! i will be selling off old skins of mine. the auction ends Wednesday @ 1pm est. RULES ARE: - do not edit your original comment, instead post a new one - bidding starts at 500 mina for each dress - all bidding increments should be 50-100 - no irl cash money - you MUST be able to pay the amount of mina needed Bidding Format: Discord Skins and Bids (i.e. Red Slavic, 500 mina, Pious in Pink, 500 mina) Tag the person who bid before you: DA SKINS Red Slavic Pious in Pink Deep Pink Dress DnD Bard (+ Removable Cape) Adventurer Red Norse Dress
  11. oh also i have a playlist of songs like these . . . so if u like these i will give u my playlist
  12. @Epistile :3

    1. Epistile


      she’s a mammoth, of course

  13.  entry 6 is up :3

  14. Theodora wondered why criminals resided in Kaedrin.
  15. if any of u use my skins on lotc without my permission/buyer’s permission i have the right to)

    commit several crimes against u

    harass u

    block u

    hate u


    1. osumanduas


      I’ve never understood why skinners post their stuff on public forums meant for download and use with a caveat of /hey can you please not use these?/ Seems counter productive.

  16. yeah. so! i thought while we’re all still (basically) in quarantine, it’d be fun to do a skinning game. so, basically, you can pick a character of yours (or multiple) and dress them up in an outfit from ye olden days + today! you won’t win anything (other than probably getting somewhat better at skinning!) if you can’t read the font for whatever reason, or it’s broken, here’s the list! 1000s 1200s 1300s 1400s 1500s 1600s 1700s 1800s 1900s 2000s → Bonus ← Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Middle East Religious Your Character as a Monarch Your Character as a Different Race (Elf, Human, Dwarf, Orc, Etc) Feel Free to Post your skins in the replies below! : ) have fun skinning !!
  17. entry 5 is up!! 


  18. updated theo’s diary! in entry #4, theodora rambles on and on



  19. hello madame urara the stinky feorc!! i was wonderin if you’d like to do a skin trade, since ur style is one of my favorites i’ve seen. reminds me of old skins but somehow new, kinda like that retro vibe repurposed into something new, if that makes sense. this is my pmc: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/froeggy/ (i understand if u dont wanna do one!!)
  20. i listen to depressing musical songs
  21. in entry 1 of 2.0 theodora complains

  22. so. whats ur ultimate guide to staying motivated to write diaries. i’ve tried to write diaries before (see: theodora) and im like “i’ll do it later” and i never do it later
  23. sorry! but thats already 5 slots filled up.
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