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About ReveredOwl

  • Birthday 08/27/1999

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  1. how come the server doesn't have any world arch eventline anymore? I enjoyed the black scourge in anthos yet nothing like that happens anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unwillingly


      I mean the ST just finished one that lasted for multiple months last map. And not even september, like, around december we just came to this map lol

      personally I'm against large ass events like that because then you get fkn 50+ people packing all into one chunk spamming emotes. I'd rather have small eventlines focused on different magics, groups, or nations instead of a million /broadcast emotes. makes it feel a lot more personal and immersive

    3. ReveredOwl


      You surely remember that all large scale events before the inferi one was mostly PvE, sadly the ST can no longer do pve events anymore cause the server is so ****, random 'small eventlines' are pointless because they ultimately have no impact. A good event line was Mordskov and Aesterwald, we don't see stuff like that anymore.

    4. Shorsand


      i think the capacity exists to do a series of smaller-ish events that string together for a cohesive story while giving people opportunities to participate along the chain of events. start having similarly themed/connected events across the continent, giving people a shared experience, create opportunities for interaction between that, etc. could easily have a wide impact without catering to a 50 person event

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