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Status Updates posted by parasolsys

  1. happy pride month nerds

  2. Anyone interested in playing a dark elf female child? I've got a skin available for this, she's 5 years old.
    If you're interested, fill out this form please!

    1. Pureimp10


      @indiana105 might be interested, i heard he was looking for a side character if you're okay with that

    2. parasolsys


      Yeah sure I'd be down @Pureimp10

  3. chatgpt was threatening people earlier and nobody was talking about it

  4. context is important.

  5. Isn't it fun seeing ableist slurs on the forums & status posts from nation leaders
    really puts into perspective how these people lead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok


      Instead of making a cringe and frankly pathetic whine post consider pinging me directly next time. The person in question had an insane tantrum and tried to pugsy two of my players. My comment was entirely warranted. This type of vapid tone policing is one of the worst aspects of the server.

      Consider facebook or twitter as alternatives. 



    3. parasolsys


      "Instead of making a cringe and....pathetic whine post..." "My comment was entirely warranted"
      Yeah sure, have fun thinking that. You used an actual legitimate slur against someone who is very likely to be a minor after they rightfully called out your friends for making sexual comments about their character and then harassing them in VC and begging for their IG to harass them more. Just because they were angry or throwing a tantrum doesn't warrant calling them a derogatory term.

    4. RLNGO


      What a loser lol.

  6. you just lost the game

    1. Netphreak



  7. hearth is FREED

  8. homosexual

  9. ******* loser

    1. HugoAntero
    2. parasolsys


      he and i were in vc last night i get to bully him all i want

  10. Hey guys I just finished my realm application writeup for a high elven nation. I'm calling it New'relm

  11. You truly genuinely disgust me beyond what words can describe. I will accept if a mod gives me warning points for this, but you lied so many times, I even gave you a chance to be honest and you still continued to lie. You pretended to be someone entirely different. You pretended to be your own sister. You pretended you "gave your sister your computer." You knew a *few* people in Florida and you pretended to be someone entirely different in order to get close to the same people you manipulated. You did the exact same things you did before and you got caught. Again. And you'll continue getting caught.


    Stay off of LOTC. You're not wanted here. I think everyone has made that perfectly clear, Comic.

  12. y'know, i just wanna say that... SOME people on this server, not naming any names,

  13. give me upvotes im cute and short

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rukio


      u broke the combo

    3. squakhawk


      bet you look like a keebler elf irl lol nice tree idiot 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Someone needs to make a Keebler Elf culture unironically.

  14. Hi everyone I exist

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