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Everything posted by bravery

  1. a drink called pony jar with coconut rum, heavy whipping cream, and a dash of strawberry syrup, blueberry syrup, and lemon syrup
  2. bravery

    A Sad Day

    [!] Notices would be passed around by Vivian's hand, tears falling down her face. Eoghan Balder O'Cathain is dead. As of the 21st of the Amber Cold, Eoghan Balder O'Cathain has passed. After a month of grieving, I, Vivian Maelstorm-O'Cathain believe that it is only proper to hold a wake for him, in our home city of Talon's Port. If you cannot make it, do know that you will be missed, but we understand that you are unable to arrive. There will be no casket, nor will there be any burial, as Eoghan requested a cremation, and for me to hold his ashes until the end of my time. But there will be a chance for his loved ones to say one final goodbye to him. Please, feel free to wear anything, so long as it is not red. Thank you.
  3. A loud scream could be heard echoing throughout Talon's Port, as Vivian Maelstorm-O'Cathain would receive notice of her husband's suicide. "Gods, I fucked up, I fucked up so badly..."
  4. While I doubt a good amount of people on this site know me, I figure I should make this post for the ones who do know me, and actually enjoy my presence. At this time, I will be taking my leave from the server due to a number of high-stress reasons, and until I know there's been a change made, a genuine change, I won't be returning. This server has been a good source of my happiness the past few months, but it's also been a good source of immense stress, with being stalked, harassed, sent threats, blatantly ignored by staff members when reporting users, dealing with pedophiles (we all know Internal...), dealing with "friends" who don't give a single damn about my mental health, the whole Settlement Issue™... I just need to leave, but not so quietly as to not say anything to my friends. As I'm sure a good few of you will miss Vivian Maelstorm-O'Cathain, a good lot of you won't even know who she was. And that's okay. Vivian was a jeweler and smith who lived in Talon's Grotto, going from the name Evelyn, to Eibhlin af Orvar, to Vivian Maelstorm, to Vivian Maelstorm-O'Cathain, being happily married with three kids. But it's time to shelf her, Solana Ashdown, and Lysithea von Ordelia, and scrap the ideas I had for writing lore. But now, it's onto the juicy bits of info that people really care about. I'm sure we all know [REDACTED FOR AVOIDANCE OF MY GOODBYE POST BEING DELETED] whatever username she decides to use today. And I'm sure we all know about her moderation application, her half-assed apology, and how she's driven numerous users off this server, how she's harassed users, gaslit people, and hurt others. But I'm sure that VERY FEW of you know some of the things she's done that went way overboard. Like telling a stalker somebody's new, private discord, where the stalker and victim had no servers in common. Where she egged on the harassment of a victim of (yes, real life) sexual assault. Where she claimed to be said victim's best friend, and then began to date the victim's sexual assailant. Where she claimed to care about the victim's feelings, then told the victim it was their fault for being sexually assaulted and that their assailant was depressed because of the victim not wanting to be around them. Where she then proceeded to gaslight said victim by saying that she "never" said that, and that the victim knew nothing. That the victim was lying. Was framing said assailant. Was making up stories about said assailant despite the victim bringing very obvious proof into show. Then, attempting to befriend said victim after she and the assailant broke up, and then saying that the victim had no idea what the assailant was like, and how the victim didn't know what it was like to be used, and abused, by said assailant. And I'm sure that very, very few of you know very little of how she nearly drove this member to suicide by harassing them, by telling their stalkers the victim's new discord, where the stalker brought up the member's problems with mental health, mocked said mental health problems, mocked self harm, accused the member of lying, and called the member a crazy [WORD THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED ON THIS SITE]. I'm sure very few of you also know that said member reported these users numerous times, but due to the bias that some staff members have regarding these two people, they've been allowed to stay. Even despite proof, despite screencaps, despite calling, despite begging for the staff to do something. But that's okay. You all know now. I'm not accusing current staff of anything regarding these situations. It was a staff member who was recently let go who refused to do anything, and I understand that is not the current head-admin's fault. I'm not mad at the current admins or mods. In fact, the current mods have done their best regarding private reports lately, and I'm glad to know a few of them take these reports seriously. It's nice to know that people care. Though I wonder if you know about said sexual assailant? He's been banned permanently, thankfully! Though a lot of people, including [REDACTED] will say that it was a shitty thing of the victim to do, to report him with evidence of him admitting his sexual assault, with evidence of the restraining order said victim had to get against him, with telling his former best friend about his assault... And I wonder if some of the users know about a pedophile [REDACTED FOR EXPLICIT MATERIAL] But he's banned! I think. I hope. Last I heard, he got a three month ban. I understand I'm being petty, but it is a goodbye post, of course I'm going to be slightly salty about the things I've endured on this server, whether by the fault of staff, members, or other. I'm sorry for leaving my friends. But you all have my discord if you need me. I might be back, I do love the community I've gotten to know. But I'm not sure.
  5. Bepto, you may be apologizing, but you've apologized before, and your behavior has never improved. I'm unsure of if your apology will result in action, and I don't mean to sound rude, but with your past, I don't believe it will get really anywhere. And not to mention, you never genuinely apologized to one person you truly screwed over, nor the people whom you've run off the server. You and numerous people harassed me, sent me threats, sent me accusations of false claims, accused me of framing somebody, you even told me that I was lying to you despite the clear screenshots I sent you. You claimed to be my "best friend," however you did not care at all for my emotions, my fear, my history, and instead relayed my secrets and my accounts to people who were already stalking me and harassing me- People I sought to avoid. They had no way of contacting me. You lied, you hurt me, and you caused me to nearly leave the server completely after the situation that occurred. And, honestly, after the show you put on for the month after the situation "cooled down," I wouldn't believe an apology nor would I accept it, as you proved that you never truly wanted to make up. I found out from others that you had been snaking, lying, and telling friends I lied about things that you and I both know are not untrue. I wish you luck in your growth as a person, Bepto. I cannot tell you what to do or how to live your life, but I can at least hope you learn and live and grow.
  6. Okay, so my piece on this new economy system will comprise of numerous different points, that likely have already been brought up but this is literally 5 pages long and I don't want to lose my train of thought, so bear with me here. Color ranged from highest priority concerns, to mid priority concerns, to lowest priority concerns. The whole issue with banks being nation-locked is truly unfair to settlements that do not wish to reside under nations. It takes away their ability to be able to hold roleplay with purchasing items, selling items, etc, and would make that kind of RP die out. Many people don't wish to keep an excess of mina on them in the event of pugsies or being bandited. Not to mention my next point: A ******* FIVE HUNDRED MINA CAP on what you can keep in your bank, without paying a fee? This is going to make people NOT want to pay their nation/settlement taxes even more than they already complain about doing. It's harmful to nations and settlements, especially settlements that are still attempting to grow, as these areas require more mina to continue growing and allowing for more housing, better tile developments, etc. Not to mention, SETTLEMENT TREASURIES were not included on the exemption list- only nation treasuries. It feels as if the world team is PURPOSELY trying to make anyone who plays in a settlement want to either quit or be forced to move to a nation so that they actually feel lumped into something. Settlement treasuries are just as necessary as nation treasuries, you cannot change my mind on this. The new system with mina is going to **** over everyone and anyone who makes skins. Are you going to make people resort to RMT? Or are you going to make them lower the prices of several hours worth of work? And what about those who donate skins to the server in order to gain mina? Is that system going away as well? The cap will ruin the idea of making skins for people unless for RMT, which inevitably brings losses to the server revenue, as less players will want to join unless they have a premade or donated skin, less players will want to spend their money on server ranks, and more artists will inevitably be scammed. Another issue regarding the nation exemption from taxes, but how are you supposed to know that users who are nation treasurers won't abuse the treasury exemption? Put their own funds into the treasury to avoid the taxation and keep track of what money they put into it compared to what money the rest of the nation civilians are paying so that they can continue to hoard their loads of money while the economy gets even more fucked than what you're hoping to keep it at. And where is the tax going, anyway? CT? Why does the Cloud Temple require mina? Shouldn't it be running on magick to keep it up and keep it safe? It's not going to help the mina just go back into circulation, because people are going to ask the same thing I am- Why is CT getting the mina if it's a literal godsent safehaven without any damage or government? The mina would be better going to working on making sure settlements, lairs, nations, and others aren't going to be landscars, allowing the users to clean things up easily and fix things around them. With the new economy ideals, what would happen if five players with five hundred mina each all up and left the server permanently? What would be done in that case, regarding the 2500 mina loss? And from the perspective of a friend, who plays amongst the Orcs race: They make a very, VERY valid point when you bring in the fact that the LOTC player base already has a low chance of wanting to interact with the Orc tribes due to the banditing that had occurred numerous times, or because they hear negative things about them-- not to mention, very few people already want to play orcs. This would cause a very lore-rich race die out.
  7. I love you Neo, I hope you’re okay. I’m always here for you and Talon’s Grotto welcomes you at any point in time. ❤️
  8. Hi everyone I exist

  9. bravery


    Thank you! My favorite song is “Last Song I’m Wasting On You” by Evanescence! Yours? Thank you!!!
  10. bravery


    I enjoy a lot of classic rock and general theatre music! Thank u!! ❤️ Alright, I’ll 100% keep that in mind ❤️ Thank u! Hi Gus!!! I’ll keep that in mind ❤️
  11. __..--''``---....___ _..._ __ /// //_.-' .-/"; ` ``<._ ``.''_ `. / // / ///_.-' _..--.'_ \ `( ) ) // // / (_..-' // (< _ ;_..__ ; `' / /// / // // // `-._,_)' // / ``--...____..-' /// / //
  12. bravery


    So I didn’t really know what to do for a while but I decided to make an intro post, since I’m making new friends here on the server. Hi, I’m Alyx, I also go by Sie or Cee. I’ve been RPing for years and I’m glad to finally find a community where I feel comfortable enough to do so. I’m 19 and I’m an aspiring singer. It’s nice to meet everyone!
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