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Creative Wizard
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155 Brilliant


About Myrthe

  • Birthday February 17

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  • Character Name
    Ailis | A'lia | Maria |
  • Character Race
    Human | Adunian | Human |

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  1. Name: Elvira Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld: yes Madelyn Noryth (1-5): 3 Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw (1-5): 2 Vauban Daesmon (1-5): 2 Lin (1-5):4
  2. A woman was busy feeding her pets, as her vision blurred she sat down. Passing into the vission what felt endless. She would try to keep calm, even if she was not... Eventually she awoke trembling surrounded by her worried pets. She let out a sigh, trying to continue on even if what she saw was on the back of her mind...
  3. MC Name: myrthe17 Discord: Myrthe1 Image: Description of Image: Persona art of a friend, Painting for on the wall Dimensions: 1 Wide, 2 high. 1x2
  4. Maria would be worriedly trying to bandage her mamej, trying to help. Somehow. Someway. But in the end the young woman wasnt able to save her. A sense of guilt washed over her as she stumbled back, as she stared at her papej begging his wife not to go. Maria wasnt sure what she was feeling anymore, she was oddly num to the pain. To the grief. She did feel it. She cried. But not in public.. Simply in her room, Or behind the Veil that hid her face.
  5. A'lia happy to have got a letter, The woman didn't get letters that often anymore. But she was happy to have one, and went to rush to open it excitedly. At first when she opened it, she got confused seeing the feather, but quickly set the realization in. Her closest friend.. Her Best Friend. The light of her days, had passed. And in a horrible way at that. The half-elf woman let out a wale in agony as she realized what she had been send. She couldn't believe, her nightmares had come true, she wished she had just spend one more day with her, just one more moment.. Anything, she couldn't leave her behind like this.. Tears streamed down her face, she wouldn't have.. Right? This must be lies? A lot of questions and hopes rushes through her mind, only to be met by the truth of the letter and words of others. She really had passed. Her mind would wonder of the thoughts over the weeks to come. "Was she really gone..? just like that? what about me... " "You cant leave yet.. I need you!" Anikas niece meanwhile, with her family went into mourning. The young woman staying silent, about her regrets, and simply tried her best to not think about the passing of her beloved Tia.
  6. . Written on: The 7th of Horen’s Calling En El Año de Nuestro Señor, 90 Despues de Restauración The Ball of colours [!] The image would show bright colors like someone loosely painted something. Things to do at the ball: Get ready to party at the Vibrant Spectrum Ball as we celebrate Maria Denodado's 27th! Join us for a laid-back and lively night with music, dancing, and good vibes. There'll be a game of pumpking’s, and plenty of fun. (Perhaps even prizes will be won!) So throw on your favorite party outfit and come make memories with us. We can't wait to see you at this special celebration! Theme of the night, Colorful Fiesta: Each guest is requested to wear their favorite color to create a vibrant and colorful ray of guests and colors. The person with the best outfit of the night will win a 100 mina prize. Or a special Item made especially for them. To sign up simply tell Maria and there shall be a vote that will happen during the end of the night. The gift of giving: Attendees are encouraged to take a gift with them to hand not to Maria herself, but to someone else. Someone you find special, and deserves to hear so. Make it wild! make it simple. But do make it colorful! As to fit in the theme of the night. Hopefully everyone gets a little, colorful gift to brighten their day. Signed, Maria Sophia Denodado , Lady, heir of Viscounty of Banderas.
  7. A young woman was mid conversation when she zoned out, fading from the conversation she was confused at what she saw and even more so why she saw it. When she woke again from her daydream she was disorianted and confused at what she just went trough a tear rolling down her cheek in fear, as she had not a clue what it all meant.
  8. The 6th of Snow´s Maiden year 167 of the second age After some years of peace, the Sutharlainn´s pronouce the passing of heir to Lorcan Sigurd MacMarcus Sutharlainn. As I Ailis NicDùghas Sutharlainn am getting older. After more than half my life of being the head of the Sutharlainns, I feel like it is time to pass on the information to a new generation, two below my own. For now as long as I am still alive I will fulfill my duties, alongside Lorcan as he learns. After him his future kids will take over. As many of you know, I already lost my first heir, Sorcha, and her siblings, and even some grandkids. But I hope Lorcan and I will bring out the best of the Sutharlainns in the time I have left. And after me he will continue to do so. I am sure of it. Signed: Her Grace, Jarl of Rathonia, Chieftess Sutherland, His Grace, Future Jarl of Rathonia, Chief Sutherland,
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