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Everything posted by Le_Psit

  1. ☘~The Nimblefoot Family~☘ The Nimblefoot family is a cadet branch from the much older Applefoot family. A realatively new family, compared to other Halfling families, with the first Halfling of it’s name being Breasal Nimblefoot appearing on the continent of Almaris. Even so, with the establishment of the family and the new lands of Aevos, the Nimblefoots are here to stay. ☘~Traditions~☘ It is well known that the Nimblefoots are a family of proper Halflings, so much so that on an early age members of the family are taught the traditions of Halfling properness; to such extend that the analysis of the traditions for loopholes takes place rather often. Another characteristic is their adventurer origins, as Breasal Nimblefoot was an avid adventurer up until his retirement, adventuring takes an important role within the family. The act of adventuring is encouraged, as one can improve their skills and expand their knowledge of the outside world, but only if the family members are to return to their Halfling roots and settle. Lastly, the Nimblefoots often pursue careers that aren’t associated with agriculture, the case being that farming and helping out in the community is regarded as a regular activity. ☘~Beliefs~☘ The Nimblefoots are proud Knoxists that praise Lord Knox, while condemning Arugula, as any proper Halfling would do so. Yet there are two characteristics that make them different from other Halflings. The first being a belief in greater Wee-kind, this being that not only Halflings are considered Weefolk, but also the following races: Dwarves, Gnomes, Musin and Sprites. The second belief is that of accepted faiths, in essence, any faith that is accepted within Halfling soceity is allowed to be practiced in the family; the most prominent being Spiritualism. ☘~Appearance~☘ There are no specific traits that determine a Nimblefoot, although their most common features are red hair and fair skin, with exceptions being made here and there. On the matter of height, they are usually around 2’6”ft. Their appeareance isn’t as standardized as other families, due to the fact that adoption is often taken place. ☘~Recipes~☘ Due to their new appearance within Halfling kind, there are no unique food recipes as of now, yet that can change within the forseeable future. ☘~Family Memebers~☘ Breasal Nimblefoot – Alive Mimosa Applefoot-Nimblefoot – Alive Moira Nimblefoot – Alive Marigold Nimblefoot – Unknown Dahlia Nimblefoot – Unknown Rory Nimblefoot - Alive (If you are interested in playing a new member of the family, either join this discord chat: https://discord.com/invite/nmzvpQpQy6 Or contact Le Ψιτ#5419 in the Halfling discord)
  2. Name: Breasal Nimblefoot Froggekemp of Frogtoppia Race(Only one t'is valid unless ye are a known adventurer): Halfling Who ye vote for Sheriff?: Mimosa Applefoot Who ye vote for Mayor?: Rosebud Applefoot Anything else t'ae add?: A go' los' on the way tae the boa's an' missed 'em all, A'll catc' up tae ya in a week er two. (P.S. goin' fer a stop a' Tesco, ya folks need anythin'?)
  3. "Noo this be a c'ance tae experiment with new flava's, A 'ope they like cigars. Lup'Laklul" noted the Halfling
  4. +1 Finally more Arugula lore. Also Marinefolk
  5. It was a calm day in the Shire of Bywater, like any other, as Breasal would finish his breakfast he would begin his prayers in his personal shrine room "Wise Sageking Ogradahd, bless me with wits so that I may outsmart my enemies. Dear Lady Luck, grant me your blessing so that I will return to my family. Mighty Laklul, give me strength so that I may defeat my enemies. Lord Knox, Guardian of all Weefolk, watch over me so that I may protect those in need." After the prayers were finished, he'd gear up, with everything ready he'd start walking away from his burrow down to the shire's marketplace. "Lo paw! Are we training today?" his firstborn daughter Marigold Nimblefoot would ask, "Aye, are ya ready? Follow me then", the two would walk towards the lake near the village. Their training would begin, this time it was about weapon strikes, blocks and riposte. Moving in slow and soft movements the two would synchronize as their canes striked each other, "Good, in the same way ya adjust yar strikes and blocks, either higher or lower". Breasal would then hug his daughter "A have to go now dear, for my last adventure, ya behave yarself and listen to yar momma ok?" "Are you going to return paw?" Marigold asked as she hugged her dad as well. "Aye, A will, that's a promise. A love ya sweety" he said giving a kiss on his daughters forehead. Walking away from the Shire, he'd watch over it and appreciate it, "One last adventure" he said with a smile before putting on his pumpkin helm and leaving for Amathea. [Skip to the end of the battle] Finally, after hours of siege and fighting hundreds if not thousands of foul bugs, he'd catch a breath and tend to his wounds. Burned by acid the damage was light, with proper care and attention, the wounds would soon heal. Though witnessing the unending swarm of Mori and bugs, he too would evacuate with the rest of his group, grabbing some kind of trophy on his way out. Thus mounted on his trusted pony he'd watch as Amathea fell to the dark forces "One last adventure", he'd say to himself before leaving as fast as possible and towards to his beloved Shire. After arriving in Bywater, tired and mentally exhausted he'd put down his gear down and tend to his burns. "And now, it's time to retire, A am needed here. My family is my most beloved adventure, and A plan on being here for them". Thus a chapter came to a close, who knows, perhaps another Halfling would make a name for themselves; for now peaceful retirement is what awaits Breasal. (OOC: It was a really fun event, even though it was very late for me I still enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed this perspective of my character, happy Easter and I hope to see you another time, see ya)
  6. Treaty of Shovel & Wyvern With the cooperation of the leader of The March of the Barrowlands, Lord Uriel Pendraic and Bywater diplomat, Breasal Nimblefoot a treaty between the two settlements has been reached. The two settlements have agreed on the following terms: On Trade: Both settlements agree for trade to flourish between the two, where citizens of either settlement are able to sell their goods and set up shops or carts, on each other’s land. On Darkspawn: Both settlements agree to join arms against the Darkspawn menace, as such both will support each other in case of an attack, where both sides will fight such monsters in the crusade declared by Thain Cyris of Bywater. On Religion: Both settlements agree to recognise the legitimacy of each other’s religions, so that both can respect their respective faiths. In doing so, both sides hope that there may be no religious conflict between the two. As such, neither side will send missionaries or preachers to each other’s land as The March of the Barrowlands won’t try to bring citizens of Bywater into the Canonist faith, The Shire of Bywater won’t try to bring citizens of The March into the Knoxist, Spiritualist and Druidic faiths. In conclusion, both sides have agreed on this treaty so that the people and states may prosper, working together as friends. Glory to The March of the Barrowlands and glory to The Shire of Bywater. Signed, Uriel of House Pendraic, Chieftain of the Harren'hil, Lord of the March of the Barrowlands, Protector of the Adunians, Templar of Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm Breasal Nimblefoot, Froggekemp of Frogtoppia, Spider’s Killer, Dwedfriend, Veteran Adventurer, And esteemed diplomat of Bywater
  7. *An invitation would be placed among various mailboxes* "Lo' my fellow friends, you have been formally invited to Breasal Nimblefoot's & Mimosa's Applefoot's wedding ceremony. These two Halflings found love between them, and we would like you to join us in this joyous bond of love. All residents of Bywater, Dwed and fellow Spiritualists are invited to the wedding. Feel free to bring your family & friends. The ceremony will be held in The Village of Bywater, in the following pumpkin days, we hope to see you there!" - Yours truly, Breasal Nimblefoot Froggekemp of Frogtoppia Special invitations have been sent to: King Georg I of Haense and his family High Chieftain of Hefrumm Garedyn the Green and his clan Grand King of Urguan Agnar Grandaxe and his clan Mr. Flour and his friends
  8. If you want some casual rp or interested in crp adventures, you should try out Halflings/Gnomes. The main difference between the two, other than some cultural differences, is that Gnomes don't have the Properness restrictions.
  9. Name: Breasal Nimblefoot, Froggekemp of Frogtoppia Race: Halfling Mayor Vote: Mimosa Applefoot (X) Xob Wobson ( ) Dolly Peregrin ( ) Sheriff Vote: Breasal Nimblefoot (X) Taylor Woodrun ( )
  10. For some reason I can't find you, try messaging me at Le Ψιτ#5419, you can also find me in the Halfling discord
  11. Update: We will have a headquarters/meeting hall in Bywater, where we can host our events there. Because this volunteer guild isn't going to be only helping people in need, I'm also planning to host events like free lessons and such.
  12. We may or may not have a headquarters in Bywater(Halfling settlement), if people decide to join in now, I'll try to get things sorted out and then we'll see to attract more players.
  13. Name: Breasal Nimblefoot Race: Halfling What are ye running for (Mayor or Sheriff?): Sheriff Anything you'd like to add: I will do anything in my power and beyond to keep our homeland and my kin safe
  14. Probably something like that
  15. The name is still not decided yet, so maybe we can think of something together (with starting members). For a lair I'm not so sure, probably if we grow big enough we'll see what we can get. On the topic of pvp, actively like joining wars, probably not. Passively like pvp training, yes if a player member is willing to teach. Since it's all about volunteer work, picking sides in a conflict is a bad move, so we'll try to be as neutral as possible.
  16. I think it's an interesting change, something that will definitely be unique to lotc
  17. Looking for at least 4 players to join my to-be-guild. The guild itself will be a volunteer force, where will basically do our best to help people and cultures, so if you just like doing good deeds and earn some reputation this is to your advantage. I'm looking for basically anything, fighters, mages, medics, craftsmen etc. One "downside" you could say is that members won't gain anything, hence why it's a volunteer guild. If you're interested simply reply to this topic with your discord here so I can contact you (with your permission of course).
  18. If you want some casual rp, message me at Le Ψιτ#5419
  19. (OOC: Event will be held today at 4pm EST in the Knoxist church, if I or KingOfHearths can't make it today we'll move it to another date. See you all there)
  20. Done, your commission is in your Discord dms (don't worry folks I know jumper ever since I joined lotc). Feel free to save your commission on HeroForge
  21. Hello folks, I'm a new player (joined in last year's September) and I've been having a blast, as the title says I'm open for mini commissions. I've been making minis in HeroForge for a couple of months, and I think I'm pretty good at it, so if you want your character in a 3D tabletop mini (which in the end you can order!) feel free to reply here. Granted I'll need details and see what your skin looks like, nevertheless here are some of my works: For a commission comment using this form: IGN: (your ign so I can see your skin and do tell which one you want me to use) Discord: (your discord here, I will @ you in the main lotc discord for any questions. I'll only dm with your permission) Character's name: (your character's name) Description: (a small description of your character, such as race, body shape etc.) References: (any references here such as pose, hairstyle or a drawing of your character) Details: (any specific details such as equipment, scars, birthmarks etc.)
  22. *notes are pinned outside of every building in Bywayer* "Lo there my fellow kin, friends and residents of Bywater. It is with great displeasure to inform you about the improper acts of Thain Cyris Collinwood. In the previous pumpkin days I had planned to conduct an open lesson on teaching some skills, where Sarah Artenin and Cyris were present. As I was trying to teach miss Sarah, the Thain wouldn't stop interrupting me and continue causing trouble, thus denying of my merry-making. Furthermore, Mr Collinwood had broken into my burrow without my permission, causing even more chaos and trouble. As such, I'm condemning Thain Cyris Collinwood for improperness and suing him for his unprovoked wrongdoings upon me. I shall present my case at court." -Yours truly, Breasal Nimblefoot Froggekemp of Frogtoppia (OOC: The date for court is to be added, hopefully beginning at 4pm EST)
  23. *Notes are posted all over Bywater and Cloud Temple* "Lo there my fellow kin and strangers, with danger lurking and our people unprepared I'm conducting an open lesson on some basic Roguish skills. Anyone is free to join so long as they arrive on time and abide the laws of Bywater. For our first lesson we will learn about stealth and hiding, the lesson will take place near fields, I hope to see you all there. -Yours truly, Breasal Nimblefoot Froggekemp of Frogtopia" (OOC: Event at 27th of January, meaning tomorrow, at 4pm EST)
  24. *a note has been posted in the event board* "My fellow Weefolk and friends, as I was walking in our beautiful village one day, I noticed the abundance of bugs around the village. When I commuted with the frogs about it, they informed me of more dire matters. As such, I call for the capture of these bugs, as a fun activity and a way of showing the frogs our gratitude. So ready your nets and bottles, in the following pumpkin days, we begin to catch these bugs." -Yours truly, Breasal Nimblefoot Froggekemp of Frogtopia OOC: event will take place Monday 16th 5pm EST, non-residents of Bywater may come as well, see you all there folks :)
  25. Breasal poured a cup of ale in the ground then filling up his cup again, he'd drink it in one go " Agh.... C'eers tae ya mista King, A 'ope yar spiri' res's in peace, ya were a kind frien' tae us Weefolk an' A t'ank ya fer t'a' ".
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