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  1. another thread derailed. we cant get anything done around here.

    @Werew0lf save us

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Well if there was a conversation to be had, maybe your side and the OP would bring better arguments than strawman arguments.


      The rules are already in place, stop trying to influence what people do outside of LotC and if you want to argue about something, well you better bring something better than like banned player quotes, that will already derail your trail like who cares about banned players ?

      Edited by Charles The Bald
    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Jandy went and posted the same "People who do this and this outside of lotc should get banned" without any other arguments like his word his gospel, i'm sorry but that's now how arguments works to begin with.


      I understand that some of you have not hit the professional world and haven't faced critical decisions, the debate that goes on better be better than "Well we shouldn't do this because of this" , it's usually "Because of X, we shouldn't do this, it will affect X in this manner, then X in that other manner then the result will be X so the client might not accept X".


      You can always bring your strawman arguments but you're going to be the first person fired as a general experience.

    4. ferdaboy


      >locks thread

      >must support OP 


      i saw a thread u contributed to derailing and i locked it

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