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Everything posted by ShinyB

  1. The Great Norlandic ART RAFFLE! The Great Norlandic Arts Faire was a resounding success, but that is not all for the festivities! The art raffle continues throughout the month! Buy your tickets now or save up your mina and buy in later! The art raffle ends... (OOC time): Sunday, June 30th, 6pm EST (OOC) Please contact ichigomaster98 (Discord: aliay) or Saun_399 (Discord: saunless) for raffle entries! Rules for the raffle: A new faire will be planned and posted soon to host the announcement of art raffle winners!
  2. The Great Norlandic Arts Faire Join us, people of Solheim, at the Great Norlandic Arts Faire held by the Norlandic branch of the Bard’s College! It will be hosted at the Gylldene Fairgrounds. [!] A map is attached to the missive OOC Time: Friday, May 31st, 6pm EST There will be many bards and tradespeople alike selling their wares and celebrating the arts! Come shop and partake in the festivities- be it the scavenger hunt, axolotl naming contest, or the art raffle! A preview of events is detailed below. Art Raffle Buy your tickets for the art raffle at the Faire, or buy them anytime before the end of the raffle (Sunday, June 30th, 6pm EST). (OOC in Green) Rules for the raffle: Scavenger Hunt Not interested in shopping? Spend some time doing the Faire’s scavenger hunt! Figure out the riddles, find all the objects and win a magnificent (and secret) prize. Anybody can win, so long as all objects are found and recorded in the correct order by the end of the Faire. Happy hunting! Axolotl Naming Contest Once you’ve perused all the stalls and spent a fair amount of mina on the raffle… why not try and win some of it back in our axolotl naming contest? There are three pink axolotls and one, rare, golden axolotl. If you suggest a name for a pink axolotl and it gets chosen, you win 50 mina. If you suggest a name for the one and only golden axolotl and it gets chosen, you win the grand prize of 150 mina! The winner will be announced at the end of the Faire, but winners can be contacted afterwards to receive their prize. Interested in a Stall? Stalls are free, but in limited supply! If you have any wares you would like to sell, please contact Farian Malto-Gylldene to secure a spot. (IGN: PestyWarlock - Discord: pestywarlock)
  3. ♫ Bardmancy Lessons ♫ [!] Brightly colored fliers would be posted around every settlement and nation. Do YOU want to become a Bardmancer? Learn from a Master today! Bardmancy is a magic for ALL! You don’t need to play an instrument to be a Bardmancer! Interested in writing, sculpting, dancing, or any other artistic endeavor? Then Bardmancy may be the magic for you! Put your creative skills to the test and bolster your artistic abilities by learning how to magically enhance your art! Need a teacher? Come to the Norlandic Branch of the Bard’s College! We have many amphitheater locations and host regular lessons. Either attend one of these lessons, find one of our teachers, or send a bird! Our Teachers: Farian Malto-Gylldene teaches Aesthetic, Movement, Sound and Word. Hosts regular lessons at The Golden Lyre, inside the city. [OOC: Sundays at 4:00pm EST] Sera Gylldene teaches Aesthetic, Movement, Sound and Word. Hosts regular lessons at The Gilded Goldfish, outside the city. [OOC: Mondays at 4:30pm EST] Io teaches Aesthetic and Movement. [Io will find you…] [!] Three mana seals adorn the bottom of the flier. When pressed, a generic human voice would read the contents of the flier aloud. Except Io's, instead providing the flier with a sparkly sheen! [OOC: Join the Bard’s College discord! https://discord.gg/wxWYXfDe ]
  4. You're #1 of course @PestyWarlockI wouldn't be able to survive on this server without you. I can't wait to create future stories with you! @simpleglitchbrois always dependable and a great friend. I look forward to seeing all of your accomplishments in the future. @PanicZealot@Calise11@Aimy_lol@Saun_399I couldn't ask for better clanmates or family members. You make my time on LoTC worth it. @Carson@Dj_McMuffin@AngdupsilonYou're, of course, my other favorite family members and wonderful people to talk to and roleplay with. @tgrt@Hyperdron@AuJy @UniBearseThank you for being my amazing bard buddies and thank you @Nagisa02for being my favorite student and provider of art. @Elennanore@ichigomaster98You guys drive me nuts and keep me sane all at the same time. I don't know how you manage it, but it's working somehow. @Fleur___Thank you for keeping the discord in tip-top shape, your work does not go unnoticed. @Operator_BugmanYou are always so helpful and a joy to be around, more than I think you know. @VoidTermniaThank you for ferrets and Musin antics. And thank you @MangoManMinifor being you. Keep on being you, it's great. @Athoniralso deserves a special mention for creating so many great Figura models for the server. I know you will create many more amazing works of art. I think it is safe to say, based on my words above, that what I appreciate the most on this server are the wonderful people that make it worth playing.
  5. Sera cries tears of joy. That's it. She's just happy.
  6. Sera reads over the missive. “This seems entirely less pressing than the other news I received today.”
  7. A fellow Norlandic bard gasps upon reading the news! “What lengths will they go if even we are not safe? Attacking bards? A new low.”
  8. These are amazing. I would sell my soul to have them in my life.
  9. "I only hear a coward making excuses." A certain Norlandic bard scoffs as she crumbles up the letter. From her window, she unceremoniously tosses it to the Ashwood.
  10. I need this in my life. I can't believe you made homework mandatory.
  11. No one had seen Haelera Scrivener for the past several weeks, but that would change come the 24th of the Amber Cold. As the sun rose over the fields of Haense, a horrifying sight was revealed to passersby. The ground was marred by scorch marks and ashen patches of grain. In the fields lay the body parts of the once intact women. She is drenched in blood, more blood than what would suitably belong to a human of her stature, and her form is mangled almost beyond recognition. The killer acted with surgical precision, contorting the poor woman’s corpse into a sickly symbol of an ouroboros. The skin and cloth around her wrists were burned and melted. Just above the cut of her neck were two puncture marks. Upon her lifeless eyes a severed bat's wing has been placed. Aside from her blackened wrists, her skin was unusually pale. The body parts were cold and stiff. It seemed that where she lay now was not the place she took her final breath. Aside her body tattered and burned pieces of cloth rest; a massacre of green and orange.
  12. Please update the store page so that it has updated information on what all the perks are for each rank. I am a new player and I am really enjoying the new map so far and would like to support it, however I have no idea what I would be getting in exchange. I have tried asking on the discord and to other players personally, but to no avail. The consensus seems to be that the store page here on the forums is out of date, but no one actually knows what the correct information is. Maybe I was asking the wrong people, but regardless the store page should have up to date information.
  13. ShinyB


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) (I didn't know if you wanted me to write this in 2nd person pov, so I just did as the example showed) "My story?" you ask, cocking your head to side. "Oh, you must be looking to buy something!" you plop down on the cushion across from the hag. "Ah, well, I don't actually have anything to sell yet," you answer sheepishly. "I know, right? An Everlin without a penny to her name..." you say with a shrug. "My family has always produced the best merchants, but I don't want to live off their backs forever." You stand up with a short hop. "I'll show them though! I'll make my own fortune!" you exclaim. With a quick twist of your heel and a few short steps, you're already one foot out the tent. "Oh," you say, pausing in your charge. You turn your head back to face the old hag. "Could you point me towards the nearest shop?"
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