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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Hiebe

  1. It's officially Dwarfie time for me. Yay

  2. If you want to make the server fair do it or make the races have special reasources or items.

  3. If you want to make the server fair do it or make the races have special reasources or items.

  4. If you want to make the server fair do it or make the races have special reasources or items.

  5. Give a Shot Out to Thu'um and Heibe; the two newest Guides!

  6. Can I be changed to the Event Team group on the forums?



  9. Lol, the strongest members of the Druidic Order and the Shamans.... Both Dwarves! XD

  10. First day playing my new character, I get made a noble of Oren. Sweet.

  11. Hiebe: Your grammar is absolutely atrocious and you abuse your forum moderator powers while acting like you're important. Nobody respects you. Stop f-cking trying to seem special [mind you, you're a bit special in the head]. -Cataris

  12. What is your ALL-TIME favorite moment that you have had on The Lord of the Craft?

  13. Hiebe: Your grammar is absolutely atrocious and you abuse your forum moderator powers while acting like you're important. Nobody respects you. Stop f-cking trying to seem special [mind you, you're a bit special in the head]. -Cataris

  14. Hiebe: Your grammar is absolutely atrocious and you abuse your forum moderator powers while acting like you're important. Nobody respects you. Stop f-cking trying to seem special [mind you, you're a bit special in the head]. -Cataris

  15. Hiebe is a racist

  16. To bad there is a new rule that evidence that is over two weeks old can't be taken into consideration >.>

  17. The hate on htis server is too dam high. Also banned my first person from the forums today.

  18. The hate on htis server is too dam high. Also banned my first person from the forums today.

  19. Hey let's reform the original Alras in 3.0 :D... :(

  20. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  21. Now that I think of it... is there an RP reason as to why everything is pre built when we get to the land of 3.0?

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