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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Hiebe

  1. Yo dog I heard you like to play minecraft, so we removed the mining part so all you can do is craft

  2. Time to start plannign 4.0 lul

  3. Time to start plannign 4.0 lul

  4. That funny feeling you get when you see someone you made the skin for being sold as a slave

  5. I am trading a steam copy of Civ 5 gold, anyone want to give me DA Origins ultimate for it? :P

  6. How badly a PG is it to make a sword with an Obsidian base and Diamond edges?

  7. Remember kids! It's pretty bad when you have to cheat to win!!

  8. Dragon encounters... fun or boring?

  9. Dragon encounters... fun or boring?


  11. My best friend on the server is banned for 10 months. Hiebe, i'm going to miss you. ;_;

  12. My best friend on the server is banned for 10 months. Hiebe, i'm going to miss you. ;_;

  13. I like to see someone try and take your life and you cant do anyhting about it. What would you think then? Abortion will always be a terrible thing to do to any human being.

  14. Someone posted a ban report on an entire race... is this a joke? xD

  15. All the builders were removed from the Dev server. 3.0 is coming fast ;)

  16. Spelt 'Hiebi' wrong... q-q

  17. I need some help! What can I do for a 2 month anniversary? I want to do something grand but not too amazing.

  18. Why you take full LWC away from iron vip D: whyyyyyyyyy it's what I paid for O_o

  19. Still waiting on a mixed race or a neutral human nation/city-state that won't be engulfed by Oren.

  20. Time to leave :I

  21. Good for you orcs, cause of your bitchin they nerfed the axe. Maybe now you can actually win a battle

  22. Good for you orcs, cause of your bitchin they nerfed the axe. Maybe now you can actually win a battle

  23. Good for you orcs, cause of your bitchin they nerfed the axe. Maybe now you can actually win a battle

  24. The Dark Brotherhood is coming back for 3.0 :3

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