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Status Replies posted by Hiebe

  1. So, with ESO being released in 2013, how many of you will be playing on it - and will anyone be roleplaying?

  2. So, with ESO being released in 2013, how many of you will be playing on it - and will anyone be roleplaying?

  3. Who remembers December-time, eh? Aegis. Oren guards. Few moany plebs. Fun Iblees battles. More exciting roleplay experiences. A world of possibilities. Yes, I'm bringing up Aegis. A time I feel the server was at its highest. Before all of the seasoned roleplayers left and the new generation appeared.

  4. You know what, Taylor Gang or Die, Fug Deadmau5 and all dem' Dubsteps, YOLO!

  5. I can see lotc becoming a steampunk universe

  6. It wouldn't break RP for a large underground complex being used for a science facility, right?

  7. A house has four windows. All the windows face south. A bear walks near the house. What color is the bear?

  8. Taking a break from LoTC.

  9. 7th lost in a row goddamnit. Who wants to play some LoL with me? I'm only level 12, but, meh. I'm kinda good.

  10. Wrote a note for 100, got 50 (not near a bank). Wrote a note for 1000, got 100 (near a bank)

  11. Okay; some things that are needed to be explained. This lore that went viral is an "Idea", It was never official. Calm down, we'll make a death star some other way.

  12. As a member of the free lore act, I request the Tueton lore be shown to the public!

  13. Reading all them Hate Status Updates. Making me giggle a bit. ^^

  14. IN THE WORDS OF THE GOD, HIEBE, CLAM. Down. I am writing lore for this, but it shall be hidden for fear of stealing clams'. 3:

  15. Making lore about Jaffa Cakes

  16. Can we all just calm down? Please? This is turning into a flame war, and I don't think anyone is satisfied as of now. When we're ready to sit down, talk about this, and get things done, then we can talk about it. Grow up, please

  17. Hey guys, I'm gonna write lore that will give all Elves magical shields that make all attacks bounce off of us. Anyone else down for it?

  18. If you watch Jaws backwards, it's a story about a shark that throws up so many people, they have to open a beach.

  19. I'm making lore for Demons of the Abyss to slaughter everyone. The lore will be hidden from everyone.

  20. I have to say banning the Dwarves from warring is incompetence. -_-

  21. Hey Hiebe, I suggest unlocking that topic, speaking like an ignorant person sure won't stop me from scolding your poor choice of words ;)

  22. And from this day forth, Hiebe is now Rhia's stalker.

  23. Just lost all my items...damnit...

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