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Lawrence Berell

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Status Updates posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. It appears my last comment didn't appear. q.q

    Anyhoo, I was wondering if I could add you on Skype? That way, I can confirm through that whether VA applicants are lying/telling the truth about being Frost Witches.

  2. It goes up in 10% chunks.

  3. It has been a good run, but I no longer deserve this. Thanks LoTC, it's been great while it lasted.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag
    3. Zarsies


      No. No, no, no... Q_Q Atleast be on Skype often. p-p

    4. Coconuta


      See ya' ninja, your a decent guy :)

  4. It means everything, noob/let/

  5. It sounds so indeed.

    Although, when RPing with you I get the vibe it's a lot more fun to skin you alive than make small talk.

    Don't judge.

  6. It takes a bit longer than a day.

  7. Just wanted to say I've fallen into inactivity once more during the summer, because I'm staying at my parents house while sorting out some shenanigans with uni (basically my flatmates pulled out of a deal at the last second and went off by themselves so I was left without a house for the summer or new academic year). This is making it a little harder than anticipated to log in, so I'll probably rejoin the community around September with a new application and the such. Until then,...

  8. Learning Lua while watching The Walking Dead. Awesome.

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      I also appear to of killed the Show Yourself Thread =/

  9. lolz u leave nao n00b

  10. Looking forwards to a beautiful sla- relationship... heheh?

  11. Loth, just for you I am removing all these comments on your profile :D

  12. Loves the new website design

    1. V0idsoldier


      OK, it wont let me PM you this is so weird, it says "errors found" then under says "array" ... weird.

  13. Lurking is something creepy people do. Also, hey bro.

  14. m8 add me on skype again, joseph.hunterharris . Also remind me how you know of my sister again.

  15. Mind if I kidnap your Skype?

    By that, I mean if I add you. It'll make it much easier to confirm Frost Witch recruits.

  16. My flower is mine own to tale- you shall never own it!

  17. Netheryeah!

    Looks like I'm the only one with a custom forum title! Neeeerdgasm!

  18. Never, ever click a link from Cataris again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      No, you WILL go click another Link.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      ... This intrigues me

    4. Rhisereld


      You clicked one of Cataris' links? Pfft. Sissy.

  19. New character? or still the Missy kitty?

  20. No, it's a scary compitition, in reference to when he challenged me as Vardak to a scary compitition, which I won.

    I will not say how due to laws on minors

  21. Of course I sparkle... with my victims blood in the candlelight >:I

    I am offended you would think me a twihard. 3

  22. Oh stop, you're making me blush.

    1. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Meant to be posted on Remans profile. Whoops.

    2. Terafir
  23. Oh stop, you're making me blush.

    1. Bawd


      Well done on the status update :3

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