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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Agnub

  1. [2:28:40 AM] Nathan / Bircalin: "We got another female initiate today. Not that I'm against it, but 80% of the Lumi is female." http://goo.gl/3TKqa

  2. Hightowers breed like rabbits. I suggest a Hightower hunting season. It's open season people!

  3. Hightowers breed like rabbits. I suggest a Hightower hunting season. It's open season people!

  4. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What settlement was built out of four tiers?

  5. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What settlement was built out of four tiers?

  6. gaaaah screw you neighbors and your freaking fireworks

  7. Sitting here drinking hot chocolate on July 4th. Hoorah for torrential rain and 60 degree weather. Sure is summery up in here.

  8. Someberdy switch meh accounts. Unwhitelist kooldriftzz and whitelist TheH0neyB33, have to switch because OOC reasons. (And switch the bedrock VIP too.)

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Why did King Tarus leave the Kingdom of Renatus in year 8 in Asulon?

  10. We immolated Malinor. It was a good day.

  11. Is it possible to get the new marble blocks in LoTc?

  12. I didn't know the fun police were North Korean enforcers.... *grumble* "Delete my posts my status updates....hmph"

  13. Any other Canadians celebrating by eating smoked bacon, maple syrup, and riding your Moose around town?

  14. I lived in Alstion before it was cool :c (I also had a sexy underground basement in the lake for Undead stuff :D)

  15. I don't usually listen to Finnish folk metal but when I do I listen to Korpiklaani. Stay rocking my friends.

  16. On this day, two filthy darkies were born

  17. In the almighty words of the creator: "Tunak tunak Tun Tunak tunak Tun Tunak tunak Tun Da Da Da"

  18. My cat stole my room from me. Why, kitty? :c

  19. Once you become an antagonist can you ever return to normal?

  20. *notes all the undead statuses are from former undead from Aegis. Laughs at scrubs. Get burned alive for being a redhead what*

  21. Undead returning, Yay or nay?

  22. What kind of guild would you be interested in seeing pop up in Malinor?

  23. *sets up a perfect Firing Line in Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars...realises the AI is too stupid to move from its spawn...wishes he had an enemy commander to fight.. ; _ ; *

  24. I'll be MIA for the next 2-4 days. Computer in the shop for repairs ^^ Take care folks, don't get into too much trouble.

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