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Toren Neminis

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Status Updates posted by Toren Neminis

  1. Great to see the server still thriving; where my other old farts at, yo!


    Still sometimes get that hankering to RP.

    Edited by Toren Neminis
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Knights5544


      Hearing you say "thriving" nearly made me laugh! Unfortunately my vocal chords were recently surgically removed so that I could sell them for rent money, or else I would've laughed!

    3. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      @Toren NeminisThe server is still plagued with the same problems it always has, yet people still play on it. Some things its improved on, some things it hasn't. And I feel you, about to hit my 10 year as well, lmao

    4. Laeonathan


      Some issues are just human. They'll never be fixed. But yes, it is still thriving! 

  2. I found my way home...but in Aegis.

    The Museum for old maps is a neat feature. I'm glad they were archived in some shape and form.

  3. I know it's been awhile since we last saw one another and it's been longer still since we've had our adventures. We had a lot of fun.


    Hope you're doing well.



  4. Sometimes, I get really nostalgic about this server

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      I dunno, Liri...decrepit Toren with only passing moments of lucidity might be fun to play for a little bit

    3. Lirinya


      .....Do it.

    4. WestCarolina


      Blessed Be, Ole man Toren

  5. Awww yeah! In the coming update of MC, mobs can be named. http://i35.tinypic.com/ic5jyx.png Dat horse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JtPv


      That's....already possible...You just rename the spawn egg at an anvil...

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Hush now, don't go dashin' his dreams.

    4. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      Can't be renaming spawn eggs in survival...Hence, name tags.

  6. Cannot reply to any of the threads in the debate forum? :(

  7. D:

    I miss RPing with you!

  8. EFFF, got a blister from making risotto :(

    1. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      Totally worth it though. Was delicious.

    2. Lykos


      Gerd, Why don't I have blisters and risotto...

    3. d3athfall


      Never had it but sounds and looks pretty darn good.

  9. Glad to see the community still thriving!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      Naaative!! <3

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Aedan is 460 and still breathing, married to Arial Meadowbloom.

    4. TeaLulu


      if u come back be a hobo storyteller with me

  10. Happy one year LoTC anniversary to me :3 It's been a fun ride guys.

    1. Akeron


      Not quite. We both still have 8/9 days to go bud.

    2. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      :P I know it says I joined the 21st of June but I had to recreate my account because the forums were wiped or corrupted or something terrible happened a week or two after I joined. My original application has also been lost because of this :(

  11. Hey Native!

    I think you're pretty ace!

  12. I don't like eggs. There! I said it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ayresalex


      Don't look at it like it's bad Simon! More eggs for you!

    3. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      Cake! Let them eat cake!

    4. JoakimVonAnka


      -cough- I can't even eat eggs.. ^.^

  13. I hope you roll another character soon :D

  14. In response to /that/ recent thread, on which I cannot reply, I only wished to say that I think expecting or forcing people to roleplay a character that is the same gender as they are in real life may only engender lying (no pun intended haha). If, for whatever reason, someone desired to roleplay a character opposite their gender and there was a rule in place that told them otherwise; they may be inclined to simply lie about it on their application and never reveal themselves, much like how p...

    1. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      much like how pre-teenagers may lie on a website about their age. I rarely hang out in the OOC channel or even chat OOCly at all, all my time spent on the server is roleplaying but is finding out people's gender something that happens often in casual conversation? Would this new knowledge somehow suddenly change the person whom you befriended? Which is where I really think the heart of this matter may stem; a change of opinion in light of new information.

    2. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      In all of my years spent on the internet, I've met a lot of people and some of them I've befriended, and remained close to for a number of years before losing touch...keep in mind that we do not ever know everything about anyone. There is always some hidden facet that remains to be seen, discovered and shared. I cannot even say I know everything about my best friend whom I have known since elementary school, have known for 20+ years.

      Just my opinion.

    3. Elfen_


      Lol the person my character is in love with and such is a guy irl. It did not affect roleplay at all. For I mean roleplay is rolepla and ooc is ooc isn't it?

  15. In the event that you ever want to view the Minecraft world as a sweet, delicious candy land of amazing, awesomeness: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1169705-16x125-high-on-sugar-v13updatedmay4/ I usually go for RPG packs like Doku or John Smith but I have to admit this is a pretty spiffin' texture pack.

    1. Wheatley


      I'm a straight male, and this texture pack makes me wanna go all Freddie Mercury.

    2. Rilath


      This pack gets me hard. Erm.. As in.. Stale..

  16. Liriiiiiiiii. Hai~

  17. Oh fine! :P

    I don't even know how to begin. Toren's life is boring XD

  18. Wow! Things have changed. :) Hope everyone's still having fun.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TeaLulu



    3. Toren Neminis

      Toren Neminis

      Oh my lovely! I thought you had quit the server! Much <3

    4. TeaLulu


      <3333333333~ loviest of loves~

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