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Status Updates posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. why do treaties have to go through staff that's beyond stupid, let stuff happen in roleplay and stop forcing an ungodly amount of staff intervention on people

    1. Guest


      staff do what they  want pyro ok....

    2. Thatpyrodude


      wtf dewper is staff shill now...

  2. Will there be an actual list of what we can

    1. argonian


      Punctuation kills statuses

    2. Harri


      Last year it was anything that won't give you an inherent advantage at the start of the map: Weapons and Armour, crafting regents, tomes, recipes, enchanting books.

  3. worst warclaim ive ever been apart of

  4. You come at the king you better not miss

    1. Space


      I thought being gay was illegal in Oren

    2. Mrlollytime
    3. big narstie
  5. You need to talk bro?

  6. *Dusts off jacket and tosses his Western hat on*

  7. /sigh It seems The work 'Clemsoning' is back

  8. 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. 151515151515151515151515511515151515151515151515515151 MINUTES

  11. 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED GETHYPED

  12. 8 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Alright guys, let's take a chill pill. Let Knox make a ban appeal reguarding his ban. Until then keep status updates clean of the ban. If you have proof of other people breaking rules, bring it to a GM or make a BR

  14. Arya a real killer now!!!

  15. Arya a real killer now!!!

  16. As much as I hate the SEC and want the streak to end, I'm sorta rooting for Auburn to hop OSU and win the Natinal Championship

  17. Auburn vs. FSU anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cruzazul


      Nah it'll be Auburn/ FSU vs. Bama. All of BSC circlejerks over them

    3. cruzazul


      Also FSU hasn't lost yet so they will probably get the bid over Auburn

    4. Thatpyrodude


      What, it's going to be FSU vs. Auburn, how do you see it going differently? No way Bama gets in over Auburn, I along with half the nation would quit watching College football

  18. Bama's kicker gunna cost them the game 0/3

  19. Barring a miricale, Canda again wins gold

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