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Ancora (pandalex12)

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Everything posted by Ancora (pandalex12)

  1. Reads the note and replies "Kastoria, never seen that place in my travels, hopefully I will find it in the next day of my adventures..."
  2. Looks at the poster in sheer confusion. "I need to give this place a look, but I forgot where he told me to go..." He then attaches a scruffy, worn-out piece of paper, hoping that a response will be issued. "Where was the place again? I can only confirm you determination in your purpose with a visit. As one says, what one sees is of better value than hearing or reading, the experience would prove more valuable than secondary accounts"
  3. Congrats on getting unbanned ^.^

  4. Have to resist urge to go back on. Still have studies to finish...

  5. Lets make this short and quick; I am leaving for QUITE a while ;)

  6. So, using pokemon moves in my writing helps, as they count as real words, some of them :3

  7. Better get off LoTC before item lust gets me...

  8. Am I the only one with 502 gateway issues?

  9. Request to Vaq, make the ./? command pop up in the welcoming message when you log in, this will help new players and people who need to know the commands.

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Maybe use ./? to learn the basic commands of this server?

  10. Bear

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      You knew Panda was coming, didn't you <3

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Somehow, just, somehow :3

  11. 1.3 sounds promising...less lag...

  12. Only some very old people say it now...

    Pity or disappointment :/

  13. Tav, wrong place to threaten pandas. Tut, tut, tut.

  14. I respect you, for being legit til the end, hopefully it will get you that program you always used :D P.S In some situations, torrent must be used e.g. LoL, forces you to use PMB which fails at downloading F2P games so a torrent is the only way, and the game is free so is torrent so in morals, it is good. Sorry for the spam this post has given on your wall, just another panda roaming the forums :|

  15. Feels sorry for the puppies that endure this heat with fur on, it's not possible ;(

  16. Must exercise in high heat temperature...TO THE EXTREME!!!

  17. Okay, it's no longer Friday the 13th, please go back up~

    1. danic


      It still is for the Americans.

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      W-What?! Damn time zone differences, still have to wait this out...

  18. Out of topic for the below but I had some nice rp today, especially with dat Witch Doctor, entertaining :3

  19. Damn forums...saying I'm a shop owner when I am a mere person who doesn't use land from die bank -.-

    1. Kaiser


      Well... you are a shop owner no?

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)
  20. Curse you, Pando media booster -.-

    1. Volutional


      I know right?

      Damn truth.

  21. Just realized how expensive photoshop is -.-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      I only know a few programs -.-

    3. 154684321654951


      Har har fiddly dee'..

    4. Dasaro


      Try PirateBay :3

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