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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. I'm baaaack

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Salamandra


      Hello Ogland :3

    3. Sagwort


      Welcome back Ogland....ever think about re-joining the Mages Guild? Read our post, I could use a Master of the Order.

    4. Redbaron™


      I'm here pursuing other things besides what I've done my whole lotc career, perhaps in the future Ambros.

  2. Just got a Saint Bernard :)

    1. Braxis


      Those dogs are AWSOME!

    2. MrWizzard


      Why is it that I always think of beer when I see them...


  3. 27 apps this morning *dusts his hands clean*

    1. Nero


      Good work :D

  4. Starting the book game of thrones, hopefully good as people say.

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Best series of the genre that I've ever read, except maybe for Tolkien's work, maybe.

  5. Happy valentines day LOTC

  6. Does lotc even have a livestream channel on the new livestream? O.o

  7. Come one vote people. Not like I wanna do more Apps but I want the player base to increase >.>

  8. Worst part of the A team is when I deny people they destroy my user rating T.T

    1. VonAulus


      I Q.Q for you.

    2. Rhisereld
    3. Vaelgar


      You still have a 5 star rating :D

  9. Votee people -.- holy eff this comunity is lazy. Rank 13th and we have #1 amount of players on...

    1. Salamandra


      It's not our fault we don't use voting bots X+X If vaq wanted to, we'd probably have 1,000,000,000,000,000 votes right now

    2. Salamandra


      It's not our fault we don't use voting bots X+X If vaq wanted to, we'd probably have 1,000,000,000,000,000 votes right now

  10. Can anyone else not connect to minecraft? I can't login...

    1. nachotp


      try using your email instead of user, happened to me

    2. Mitchamaya


      I think you'd only ever use your E-mail to log in if you've migrated your account to a Mojang account.

    3. Redbaron™


      Thing is this isn't really my account, gift from a friend O.o not sure what the email is

  11. Ravens please trade cundiff... my god they lost :'(

  12. "kicked to make room for reserved user" k cool :p

  13. Someone should make a server we can survive on

    1. Ogedi


      I admin a freebuild creative server? sponsered by legendary servers, but lets stay true to lotc for now :)

  14. Every time you spam the livestream with links... puppies get cancer. Is that what you want?

  15. So is everyone gonna have to apply again? -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      think they are just checking everything is alright, such as the spawn, etc.

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      No, it's simply under-going maintenence, meaning basically, they're transfering. making sure everything's ship shape (See whhat I did there?) before everyone clusters on and starts complaining

    4. Lugmak


      Also they have to reset the skills and stuff me thinks


  17. God damn you black screen

  18. Thanks aegis for everything you have given me! I still remember first stepping out of the temple. RIP

  19. RIP server.. till vaq resurrects you of course

  20. Gave my dad the controller to skyrim and watching him play... highly amused.

    1. Dante


      I remember letting my Mom mess with my PS2. She would get jumpy every time the controller shook.

  21. Common beat the steelers broncos!

    1. ℓαтєяяє ~
    2. Taiga


      Damnit~! I'm from PITTSBURGH.

      I R OFFENSE.

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