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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. Gms can't even pin stuff in my sub forum -.- Any Admins wanna pin some stuff for me?

    1. shiftnative


      Which subforum is it that needs fixing?

    2. Skippy


      Salvus I believe

    3. Redbaron™


      Yes ^ Kingdom of Salvus under holy oren empire

  2. Rhia, you single? Gaius doesn't have to know ;)

  3. I spent 200$ for a head set just for Rhia

    1. Jarkarll


      You forgot getting your manhood stuck on the teeth of a zipper. Lego's don't even slightly amass to that!

    2. Redbaron™
  4. I guess I should make the Solace laws a little more serious >.>

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Goldd
    3. Goldd


      BTW you are missing A LOT and Erisa will fill you in when you get back.

    4. Geo


      *Applauds your use of common sense*<3

  5. It's effing cold in canada right now -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gemmylou


      man up and put socks on.

    3. Redbaron™


      Whats a sock? Don't you know canada gemmy, we just cover our bodies in seal skins and blubber from whales and ride our polar bears to our igloo school.

    4. moosehunter123


      Well the Albertan sure don't we have the oil feilds MUHAHAHHAHA

  6. Starting to update Solace on the wiki during my time off the server >.> this thing hasn't been updated in months...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jackbren


      Holy Lands were forced to become part of salvus

    3. Redbaron™


      Will add ^ Never knew that

    4. Goldd


      Aron took over, for Lancel Hightower (you) and is currently ruling until his return. So I have heard.

  7. First love is ones miss perception it will last forever.

  8. Reform after Reform

    1. Slic3man


      I blame corruption.

    2. Redbaron™


      I can't corrupt anymore then when I hired a known serial killer ;)

  9. Banned. Perma Banned. No chance of appeal.

  10. Finally downloaded the game of thrones movie, Love it.

    1. Chikachu


      Hahaha.... eh. Never seen any of it.

  11. Parent fights.. Gotta love em >.>

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Yeah...can't tell if thats for OOC or IC. If its OOC I know how you feel

    2. steelersfan1221
  12. -sips the lucky lady brew, if you know what I mean-

  13. I'll have you know, James is VVEERRRYY proud icly.

  14. Have mercy on your step son

  15. Late night gaming

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