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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. Server noo

    1. Viscen
    2. Urahra
    3. Tayelikel


      Server...what you doin



  2. About to burn someone for herecy, server crashes :(

  3. People can't distinguish OOC from RP very good. I'm certainly not like how Lancel is Icly ;p Silly Lotcers

    1. The Lion

      The Lion

      I know that feel.

    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      Lion is like Lion irl. He shoots people with crossbows whilst saying westside.

  4. Canker sores mang

    1. Phibbup


      You're a Hightower, right? I would think of it as a canker sore. . .

    2. Redbaron™
  5. I update LOTC's status more then I do facebooks

  6. My new photo describes what canada is like.

    1. everblue2er101


      Speaking from experience, yes, yes it does.

    2. aron.


      BC is nothing compared to manitoba..

  7. Creepy ass spiders walking up the sides of my wall when I'm working -.-

    1. meg


      Crazy spidas.

    2. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      whack it with a broom

  8. SDFkSDFS congrats my protector ;)

  9. Oh I like my new avatar, looks like Lancel.

    1. Zezimus


      I like it. :P

  10. Any tips for the seleucid empire? I always get like triple team and killed early before I have time to evolve and grow my army :\

  11. #Turnforumsintotwitter2012

  12. Server is in chaos all over again.

  13. Any guys got a formula for woman''s feelings? I'm drawing up blanks

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Maybe you should ask a real woman. But not Panda... because Panda needs to sleep being unicorns are stabbing into her stomach lining with flaming horns of RAGE

    2. TeaLulu


      10 parts rage and 90 parts hatred.

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda can only love... And tear our organs to feast upon for later :<

  14. Thinking about taking english as my major, opinions? I planned to try and get into writing, specifically sports writing for a magazine or something along those lines.

  15. Old Spice Man for Halloween? I think so

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      Sadly, your status isn't me. But it could smell like me, if it used Old spice body wash.

    3. Kaiser


      Look at your costume

      now back to mine

      now back to yours

      now back to mine

      sadly your costume isn't mine

      but it could if you dressed like me

      Look down

      now up

      where are you?

      your in a street trick or treating

      whats in your hand?

      back to me

      Its your candy you got

      look again, the candy is now money

      anything is possible if you dress like old spice man

      I'M ON A HORSE

    4. Redbaron™
  16. Sleeping in so hard that you miss all hours of school completely.

  17. Wait.. availer gets blamed for stealing money from server, gets removed, comes back months later, comes back holds and fundraiser then leaves as soon as it's over? :s

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