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Status Replies posted by MartinDaMartian

  1. Panda can no longer approve because shes dead.

  2. -Goes to bed at midnight- -Wakes up normally-

  3. I am a dwarf and Im digging a hole diggy diggy hole im digging a hole

  4. I have been informed that a certain Bread Fight perhaps broke the server 0_0

  5. I am a dwarf and Im digging a hole diggy diggy hole im digging a hole

  6. I now know the secret of the Fancy Fedora.

  7. I've only seen the first LoTR. Now, after seeing all these annoying statuses, I feel like watching the others.

  8. "You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!" ~Dark Shadows

  9. Question o' the Day: What is your favorite place to hang out in LoTC?

  10. Loria got attacked by vampires again, you think your LOTC childhood was bad, just think if you actually had to live it o-o

  11. I will be rping on lotc once again by tomorrow!

  12. Well me ma just called Lord of the Craft World of Warcraft. Now i may just cry.

  13. Oh my god... In school just now, got this kid laughing REALLY hard because the teacher was talking about bowel movements... He laughs so hard that he pisses himself... Then HE VOMITS. Still laughing. Then he goes down onto the floor facefirst into his vomit, still laughing. Then he looks up and his nose was bleeding from both nostrils, still laughing. Ha

  14. Oh my god... In school just now, got this kid laughing REALLY hard because the teacher was talking about bowel movements... He laughs so hard that he pisses himself... Then HE VOMITS. Still laughing. Then he goes down onto the floor facefirst into his vomit, still laughing. Then he looks up and his nose was bleeding from both nostrils, still laughing. Ha

  15. Psh, forget Kairi, Sora. Go Riku o3o

  16. Browsed 9gag out of boredom and found what I believe is ShadowGun's show yourself pic......

  17. Just posted my goodbye message on the Wolf Pack thread. *sobs*

  18. Just posted my goodbye message on the Wolf Pack thread. *sobs*

  19. Lord of the Rings: Why didn't they just fly the Eagles to Mordor? Instead of spending 3 days walking through on a perilous and life-threatening journey!? The best answer was: Because, It's all about the quest.

  20. Leaving soon for my flight to the US so hello major timezone adjustments

  21. For the sake of curiosity is the soul stone bug still around?

  22. damn i telport to my soul place getin dammage of sufcating and i log out, now minecraft.net is down :(

  23. EVERYONE! Go outside and look at the night sky, its BEAUTIFUL tonight!

  24. That feel when you find a ROCK in your eggs.

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