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Status Updates posted by blindmind

  1. I'm gonna miss the Undead.

  2. I'm not sure if it would be realistic to expect RP leaving posts for each of these characters. Could we chalk it up to the antagonist getting really busy?

    1. MetaSolaray


      Seconded o_O to many threads.

  3. If I were to try facilitating an intelligent discussion (not a debate) about the White Rose issue, where would I put that?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. blindmind


      Right-o, thanks.

    3. Zebanamana


      What kind of discussion? Why the White Rose is the way they are or why people don't like them/is the server better with or without them.

    4. blindmind


      None of that, really. I think we've overshot our mark when it comes to discussions, and we resort to hearing who shouts the loudest to discover who's right. We'll see how it goes.

  4. If only marauders had the patience to chat for a bit!

  5. In response to your comment on my status, they other day:

    I'm not sure Caldwell has it in him to weave magical energies and wield its arcanum. Maybe down the line, when he's wizened beyond his trusty sword and survival skills.

  6. It's blindmind's birthday today

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Salamandra


      0 member(s) have a birthday today

      No members are celebrating a birthday today

      The forums say otherwise >:D

    3. Praetor



    4. Goldrim


      Happy Birthday^

  7. It's dangerous business, going out your door. For me, it's time to go.

  8. Just finished Bioshock Infinite. Everything I hoped it would be.

  9. Just found a cool tower in an alpine woodland. I think it's called the Mallowyln Woodland.

  10. Just picked up some grimoires as research for my fiction. I do not know what to expect.

    1. Ever


      just don't summon anything you can't handle!

    2. blindmind


      In the words of Sam Jackson: Aw, hell no! Just reading this things for the benefit of inspiration and understanding of magic in a historical context.

  11. Just saw the title "Kruggernaut". I can't help but smile. 8D

  12. Kickin' back with some Doctor Who and goin' to sleep. Night everyone!

    1. Cappy


      The Time of Angels.

      No, no. Blink!

    2. Lucas


      Doctor who. <3

  13. Look! It was him there, ser guard! HE IMMOLATED THEM!

    1. Fid


      Ave Blindmind! Ave, Ave Blindmind!

  14. LotR Movie Marathon Complete.

  15. Loving these new nameplates.

  16. Malinor, why you so empty?

  17. May have the flu... Oh nooooooo

  18. Moved into a new house, loads of connection problems, finally have internet for desktop.

  19. My epic week of magazine editing, CRW class critiques, and a collective reviewing of 61 pieces of fiction and poetry is finally over. Listening to Stairway and enjoying some "me" time. Life is good.

  20. My internet is a-go. Time to abuse my awesome speeds.

  21. Never thought I'd be doing this, but it'll be time to go act in a web-series soon...

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