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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Thrym

  1. Quick! What is the first word that comes to your mind?

  2. Random shout out to all moderators, admins, and various app team members: Keep up the good work, we appreciate it!

  3. Right. SO I want to add my current character to the wiki BUT I have the small problem of I have no idea how to get an account on the wiki. Who do I need to talk to about the code thingy needed to make an account? Actually....am I even allowed to have a wiki account?

    1. LaCabra (Soda)
    2. Thrym


      Thanks. Now I just need to figure out how to post a new thing :/

  4. Same place you got yours. Cooltext

  5. So what is everyones favorite LotR/Hobbit/Silmarillion/Children of Hurin/Any other LotR Tolkien works character?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luchian


      Thorin Oakenshield or Balin

      From the Hobbit

    3. CraftPrime


      Gandalf. Nuff said.

    4. Kaiser


      #1- Ori

      #2- Gollum

      #3- Bilbo Baggins

  6. So, could someone explain to me how to Delete/Restore posts? I'm feeling like a noob but I can't figure it out.

    1. Saviordude


      I believe you need to be an Aether level donator.

    2. Thrym


      No, it says on the perk list that you can do it as diamond.

  7. So....who else can't understand half of what orcs say?

    1. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      *Raises hand

    2. Swgrclan


      *Slaps Sheumgal's hand away&

      I think it's fairly easy

      to understand them. Atleast

      if it's not Blawharag. <_>

    3. chaotikal


      Nub'hosh nub gunna blah blah! ash jus' cun' blah blah wit'ut bein' bub'hosh, nub'hosh!

  8. Thanks! I'll dig up the link to the website I got it from for you when I have time

  9. Thinking of playing a Kharajyr but I can't find the post about them so I can read up on their lore. Can someone give me a link to any forum/wiki posts that would be beneficial? Lore and speech would be appreciated, thanks.

  10. This DDoS has reached a new level of annoyance for me...

    1. Korvic


      I have to say this...

      "U mad bro?"

    2. BrandNewKitten


      One does not simply DDoS


  11. To all those LotR fans out their. Lets test your knowledge hm? Thrym Thistlebeard was the name Tolkien was going to use originally for which character?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Viscen
    3. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      Bishop Boiendl!

    4. Thrym


      Right. So none of those are right. The correct answer is: THORIN OAKENSHIELD

  12. True. However, my character only has access to a teacher of fire.

  13. VA got accepted, finally let out my breath.

  14. Version 2.1 of NC14's Doku LotC has been released. 1.3.1 is now supported!

  15. We've jumped from 201 to 85 on minestatus since I voted less than 10 minutes ago. Keep going!

  16. Well, I've decided that Danny's avatar is quite disconcerting.

  17. Well. The server is bugging out so I'm getting lunch

  18. What are your 3 favorite Book Novels/Series?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Draxon_Caeliat


      In no real order: 1. Like emerald Maximum ride 2. The hunger game series 3. And then the Warrior cat series.

    3. Raglin


      Lord of the Rings

      Leviathan Series

      Ranger's Apprentice probably.

    4. Thrym


      Ranger...Someone else who has read and like Ranger's Apprentice. I'm not alone! :D

  19. What's up with the wiki? I can't login.

  20. Which of his old skins? I went though a ton in my time as Thrym.

  21. Why can't I log into the wiki?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrym


      O, that is good. I really need to update a couple things.

    3. everblue2er101


      Save whatever it is and it can be changed later.

    4. Thrym
  22. Why Forums!?! Why do you crash for me?

  23. You have the best Reputation EVER. 111 ftw

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