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Status Replies posted by Jarkarll

  1. I still wonder, what is the need for an alt account app? In all honesty, if you have already been accepted, why do you need to re-apply?

  2. Hmm.......the Frost Witches seem an interesting bunch.....How fun is their RP?

  3. http://oi39.tinypic.com/w2onsi.jpg - Rosie for next commander of the White Rose.
  4. Haha, congrats to Geo and Ever ^.^

  5. Haha, congrats to Geo and Ever ^.^

  6. Idea for a whitelist app bio: "My parents were killled by White Roses and I'm training in combat to get revenge on them and slay them all!"

  7. How to do Math:

  8. WOH! ConnorMagill slow down. You've almost spoken your weight in posts today

  9. Keep this in mind, guys: "Spamming of any sorts is prohibited, this includes constantly posting a topic in every section of the forums." - Forum Rules

  10. Dawn's Bakery has the best salad!

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Around what year was Dunwood founded? (Within 10 years)

  12. new profile picture, best part is that's not me


  14. My HighElf swag almost got me into a brawl.

  15. Science homework, why are you so hard? ;~:

  16. Anyone know how to not fail spanish.

  17. What makes a villain great? I'm trying to create a concept that is just as good as The Perfectionist, Knox, and Regaki.

  18. So it's bannable to pee on someone? The orcs have been doing it for months. =/

  19. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Why do some Orcs burn the petals of the Red Rose?

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