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Status Replies posted by Jarkarll

  1. You know, what if the Roses built forts on both the Salvus Roads and Malinor, and made everyone pay taxes to pass?

  2. Media Team might be starting an original LOTC official texture pack, thoughts?

  3. Where's the mines? #stillwaiting

  4. You guys need yolo in your lives.

  5. What do you think of advising players to lose the RP to powergamers?

  6. Need a Minecraft downgrader, because I have no brain.

  7. Need a Minecraft downgrader, because I have no brain.

  8. Where's the mines? #stillwaiting

  9. And thus, the economy was destroyed.


  11. Why was the armor weight plugin removed again?

  12. I may be leaving LoTC for a long while.

  13. Why can't people learn to spell and type. Shows the effort and skill put into everything of my generation. It's not that hard. Use the shift key. Use commas. Geez.

  14. The giant wall on the Anthos Highway on the Elven path has really ruined it for me.

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In Asulon, Alras was founded near what large body of water?

  16. new foto u guys plz lyk 4 lyk

  17. new foto u guys plz lyk 4 lyk

  18. Well, I'm not dead. On the other hand, my computer is still broken.

  19. Just found out I got banned for telling someone that their skin wasn't good and they should look into having someone shade and edit it for them. A skin...

  20. Who is Maeghan Sterling, and why is she so important to have a shrine at the temple?

  21. I've explored the North extensively as Artyom. Let me tell you this. When we finally begin whatever events go on in the North. It's going to be amazing.

  22. There's always that one girl...

  23. monkeycoffee

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