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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by argonian

  1. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

  2. So what is it with this redstone thing? Are Elfs allergic to it?

  3. Why is there so much hate towards the elves? I don't understand.... What have I missed?!

  4. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

  5. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

  6. I personally hope they bring Iblees back in 3.0... It seems odd that he'd never be used against after Aegis considering he's the main villain in all of LotC.

  7. 'Temp. Server will be up shortly' -some time later- Not on ;l

  8. yayfun thinks star wars 1, 2 & 3 were better than 4, 5 & 6. Shun him.

  9. My goal is to get old hat without posting in the GD/OT forum any more than I have.

  10. How would I go about appealing a warning when the FM that warned me isn't an FM anymore?

  11. Gangnam style is now youtubes #1 most viewed video.

  12. Anyone wanna play on a server with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

  13. Goodness I hate when I post apps... I end up spending half my time impatiently lurking on it...

  14. Goodness I hate when I post apps... I end up spending half my time impatiently lurking on it...

  15. If I bought website hosting for 3.50 a month. Would that be hard to get back in advertising?

  16. What if we took the Whiterose, and changed them into dark elves.

  17. Never, ever, drinking anything which contains caffine, I just took notice of how senseless my past status updates were, toooo much ecstatic behaviour.

  18. 1.4.5 works with LotC!

  19. Do you need to be ex-staff to be a fancy fedora?

  20. Do you need to be ex-staff to be a fancy fedora?

  21. Hmmm, interesting villains... All the ideas have been taken and my only other idea will result in lots of rage and probably ban reports. -cries-

  22. ... ppl need to stop using the words who.re and sl.ut in rp .w.

  23. Anyone else miss the shop plugin? =/

  24. This may be a bit rash, but Mojang needs to get their act together. We've payed for this service, and it should be one that works.

  25. Can't wait to join the server!

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