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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by argonian

  1. I've been wondering... How do you pronounce minas?

  2. WHAT IS DIAMOND. Is it DIamond, Mithril or Steel, I see a ton of people RPing it as Diamond, wich makes NO sense AT ALL. Is it Mithril or Steel? I prefer RPing that its Mithril

  3. I think the server is being DDoSed.

  4. To many people in Arethor crashing the server lol!

  5. No offense to the VAT, but the VAs are piling up whilst nobody looks,at it... :I

  6. What what what. Christmas songs on radio already? ...Last Christmas, I gave you my heart... <___>

  7. I think we can all collectively call bullsh*t on "ESRB's" rating.

  8. I think we can all collectively call bullsh*t on "ESRB's" rating.

  9. Did any of the meet the Perfectionist crew last night? What did you think?

  10. Disney bought Lucasfilm and is planning a seventh Star Wars movie? Do *not* want!

  11. YAY! LotC is FINALLY 1.4!

  12. Did I crash or the server?

  13. That feeling when your teacher is a cool guy, and he asks you to be a clown at his daughters birthday party....then when your mom gives you her phone, he texts your mom saying "Good news, #1 (my nickname) doesn't have to dress up like a clown anymore, because the strippers are coming after all!"

  14. It has been so long... but lets see how far down the list I can go in correct order that I met players on LoTC.... Bourebro, Grimbeard, Andyboy, RedBaron, Brettdude20, TheRedNinja, King Perea, . . . some bandit... I lose.

  15. I hope I'm not the only one on LOTC who looks forward to school >.

  16. R.I.P our dearly Beloved, Burkester. His kind mannerisms and his innocent laugh of a thousand children will always be in our hearts. The times where he would make you smile in your times of strife, the times where he would eminate his laugh across the teamspeak channel when you were sad...those times are the times that show us the good side of Burkester...and not the evil money laundering scoundrel that he was found out to be.

  17. So, my friend, Alex_Pan, makes a trade post looking for somebody to come into his house and build him a potty, minas based on quality, and I see two comments that frustrate me. One person thinks it's a joke, and another gives him OOC instructions on how to make one. Is the idea really so forign that somebody would pay minas for a service that does not involve a minecraft item?

  18. I scored two goals in my soccer match, with only sleeping for four hours, I feel rather accomplished right now ^v^

  19. Is there any way to fix the steve virus?

  20. I keep facepalming because of how confused I am right now, I know that some form of Guide was made and was delted, and that people are posting statuses about it, so I am just gonna try to wait for an announcement about it to go up.

  21. Am /I/ The only one excited for school re-starting..? ;O

  22. Has hawke's modpack been updated?

  23. Has hawke's modpack been updated?

  24. how do you train in stealth? just sneaking? o_o

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