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Everything posted by Malzar(Mythmaster26)

  1. What if cat?

    1. Alurid


      Common sense: Then dog :P

    2. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      Clearly, this man knows his stuff.

  2. Uncle sam makes the yellow orange go yum yum. Swing pop doodle bang, because marijuana doesn't grow on trees, son.

  3. Spoigkniffen. What you get when you cross a cat and how are you today. It's called Spoigkniffen, because bingo was his name oh and that's the way the cookie crumbles.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stevie


      I can't hear you. Stop speaking in parentheses.

    3. Snakeblade


      Sensible comment makes sense

    4. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      (No one will hear us in these parenthesies, my precious. yessss...)

  4. Reading Homestuck = LIFE OVER

  5. What was Ben banned for?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Taiga


      Lying and deceiving us all. He deliberately told us a false story about his 'near death' experience, and how he would be incapacitated for a long time.

      Then he goes and makes his 'sister' type up another story about his Overdose. And in the exact same spelling, grammar, as Ben, he typed up this little story.

      Then he comes back a few days later, saying he's miraculously cured.

    3. Taiga


      He caused quite and uproar, and quite a massive amount of people shed tears for Ben.

    4. Malzar(Mythmaster26)
  6. LOL I

    1. Austin


      He probably thought it was a troll/ Ben Powell is banned from the forums.

  7. What if the world was made of glazed doughnuts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nanook


      I'd finally be happy.

    3. Nanook


      I'd finally be happy.

    4. Swgrclan


      Well.. The world's crust would rot and melt apart from the sun's heat rays, then the planet would collapse into itself and we'd all die a horrible sticky death. :3

  8. I don't always intimidate younger students, but when I do it's because I'm intimidating them ;)


  10. Hey guise... you should like... check the apps section. OCHQ says he wants to donate cause I know him IRL.

  11. Stop advertising against weed! It just annoys the people that use more hard-core stuff :P

  12. A test to see how many people read this status bar. If you see this status, leave a comment saying anything.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. hypercrit
    3. Wobbajack


      I used to say anything in a responce to staus', but then I took an arrow to the knee.,

    4. Arkelos
  13. 6/10 You're always around Haelun'Or ;)
  14. Cats, cats, cats cats cats. Back in the day it's like cats cats cats... I'M ON CRACK!!!!

    1. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    2. EmeraldStag


      .....my opinion: I love cats.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      I enjoy cats.

      Cats are the best...

      I also love dogs too.

      I used to love dogs more than cats, I'm not sure what I love more anymore...

      They're equally cute. Except dogs are smelly.

  15. I love orcs as long as they're fighting on my side. Wrang, Ragnar, and Ker'Athri just killed like 12 people in Salvus xD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lykos


      Not if You have nipple lasers. Aislin.

    3. BannanaToYou


      Dental Appointments anyone?

    4. Malzar(Mythmaster26)
  16. ((I hide in Haelun'Or :P Lykos is a 6/10 because I've seen him only once but I love his Origami xD ))
  17. 10/10 I'm pretty sure you're one of the most well-known players... ever. I also RPed a shitton with you ;)
  18. Woah... lol, look at the 3 comments below, and then Gaius' comment xD You have a lot of guys after you.

  19. 6/10 I see you all over the forums, and I've heard about you a few times IG
  20. Ker'Athri laughs harshly at the pathetic valah. "When I'm done with you, human, you will be something amusing to look at indeed." ((I lol'd))
  21. Waiting for biological father to get more bandwidth. As of yet, he doesn't have a good enough internet plan to be able to play on the server. I am stuck here until Sunday night D:

    1. 154684321654951


      Tell me about it, I had to let a 14 second video stream. First world problems, amirite?

  22. What times R U usually on? I'm just trying to get perms :3

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