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Everything posted by KarmaDelta

  1. *looks at the person below him

    Shame..... to bad. But Auzey loves every soul ^.^ except those who she steals eyeballs from >_>

  2. Thanks Antharian.

    And Auzem, i became one last night ^.^. It really is nice though, gives me something to do besides playing on the server since i need to take off some rage. But i may come back soon. And no, I WONT TAKE A BREATHE!


  3. *breathes in and says something really fast


    *breathes out and inhales again


  4. I may dislike exersize but im good at it. Just sprinted when they said jog and jogged when they said walk........ So tired @_@

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LuigiNova


      I like exercise but I hate nothing really.

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      I envy your stamina.

    4. KarmaDelta


      I cant believe i did what i did. I even had to do 30 push-ups, lean against a wall, get on my forearms, and stretch. Its insiane.... doesnt make me want to be in the army >_> Oh yeah and these were army drills.

  5. Changed up my Profile, making my awesome Moe for everyone can see easily and a pic of the new cloud temple as my avatar ^.^

  6. I thought Native said he would release monk apps >_> I would like to make a monk as a side char if possible :3

    1. Dante


      Wait so actual players being monks?

    2. KarmaDelta


      I think thats what Native said. Having NPC's is getting s boring with them..... people actually RP'ing taking care of the temple is better.

    3. Dante


      Yeah, I came up with the same idea yesterday whilst running about the spawn point. I can imagine the actual players running about the temple already.

  7. I hope you guys like my cool pics ^.^ I will be making a library of my SS's with this awesome mod soon. Hope you enjoy the ones on that background thread that Bananatoyou made about backgrounds. Enjoy~

  8. I feel like when people say there leaving the server and they stay because friends tell them to stay, is almost like someone talking another out of suicide :I I just thought of that right now.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Referances to anyone in particular

    2. KarmaDelta


      Just in general

  9. Ok guys, those of you who are not on the server I have something to tell you in what you can do. A.) Donate and wait till a restart to get in-game to claim your spot B.) Go and sleep C.) Eat D.) Hang around the forums E.) Stay Calm and play some other games F.) Get on TS and find some friends to talk with. Problem solved, im such a miracle worker :P

    1. Lee_Scorsby


      G.) strangle someone..

    2. Dash_Rogers


      I play with the Australians now. there was 150 of us online

    3. Austin


      He's genious!

  10. So far im liking this. The whole High Elf and Mori thing amazes me. Cant wait to RP more with them high elves in them towers they have :3

  11. Ice Cream while waiting..... im afraid to close TS and Minecraft thinking there will be a lucky restart ;-; God dangit *cries

    1. Jingeh


      Donators get reserved spots


  12. I have adds blocking topics......

  13. *wishes he had 10 dollars and a credit card

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dante


      I could never convince my dad to pay this. He is already cynical of me playing these games already. So I'm just stuck I guess :/

    3. Praetor


      Use paysafe cards, your parents will never know/

    4. KarmaDelta


      What are those?

  14. Dalek is a nice story teller~

  15. When you took my expensive stuff >_> and i got mad. Remember? Your probably playing with my objects to even notice.

  16. Weekend = Dedicated to Birdy The Mighty: Decode. Love it ^.^

  17. Seems the server will need to increase cap~ Also since we have this many people on... why not vote?

  18. Good job on GM my friend.

  19. Bored *facepalms

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Deltaro, want to join a Steppe Horde in Asulon with me :3

    3. KarmaDelta


      Sure. As long as i know what that means. Since i dont. So pm me Gaius. And i think i know what you are talking about. If it has something to do with Brevias then yes, i do know. Just PM me.

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Mongol Horde Idea is what Im talking about ;)

  20. *puts on sunglasses* Sweet Mother of God......... I might make a Villain App for the new world for some.... "evilish" things. Hehehehe. time to torture some dark elfs! Wait, you heard me? I, um, meant, uh....... give them cookies :D I will give the Mori cookies at there doorstep, no need to worry here! *pokerface

    1. Recklez


      Please... torture all of them and kill them ! DO IT NOAW!

    2. Haelphon


      Cookies in your white van, eh?

  21. First, now stalking is mine.

  22. Im sure everyone is happy for 2.0?

  23. I think as well. Im thinking im more of a 4 year old the way i act.

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