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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. Was there a link to it?....I could not find one to the lore.

  2. How is the mage guild lore coming?

  3. I f-feel empty...hallow

  4. Ah, one last thing, do you want something dark or something more cheerful. I suppose you would compare it to a Davy Jones or Jack Sparrow?

  5. Of course I could write you a song, do you want it more "fiddle" like or someting like Pirates of the Caribbean?

  6. For the Mages Guild do you think a tower would be nice or something like Winterhold College?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Esterlen


      Winterhold College, definitely.

    3. Archmage_Cataris


      Winterhold College :3

    4. Hiebe


      college in a snowy biome where you cant get to it except that one bridge

  7. Been writing some music for LOTC, check this out: http://soundcloud.com/sagwort

    1. Eleatic


      Ambros, go back to dodging Ogland's fireballs =D

    2. 0000


      Followin' you. Nice music :)

  8. We are getting a new wilie soon (if you were not already told)

  9. [[This time send me a comment on the forums incase I'm not on minecraft at the time]]

  10. Yeh, it would seem that way, what was his mc name?

  11. Shall we meet soon, I am sorry not being able to meet you on Sunday

  12. It says you commented on my page but it didnt show up

  13. Just send me a message when you are on [silco97]

  14. Are you on right now by any chance?

  15. Indeed perhaps we can get me and redbaron to meet with you. This weekend perhaps?

  16. Can you write up a page for your charector for the wiki? Just send it to me and I will add it look at the other charector wiki pages as a guide also send me a charector picture

  17. I have accpeted another as my apprentice. His name ((creeperslayer)) I will talk to Indel later. In the mean time keep looking for another apprentice for yourself and talk to Grimbeard

  18. We have a problem. The orcs told me that no orc can be a mage because they have shamens. I fear of lothrials rath if she ever gets back.

  19. good the mage guild wiki page is up. I know little about wiki page making but i made a ruff outline for it feel free to edit and make it look nicer

  20. I have found 2 possible people to use as guild masters. They are:

    GrimBeard ((dirtyhary))For human hall

    Indelwehn ((Indelwehn))For elf hall

    Conntact me on your ides

  21. So most likely you will be spending most of your time in-between Kal’Uragan and Al’khazar, and I will be spending a good deal of time in-between Luarlien and the orc capital. They must go through proper training until they become guild masters though. Hope you choose good guild masters.

  22. Slayer gave us permission to try to get the guild back into order and we can select the guild masters and what not.

    Once we find the candidates for the new 4 guild masters, try to keep them race specific, the dwarf and human will start as your apprentice and the elf, and orc will be mine. This is because the orcs and elves are very close, and so are the dwarfs and humans. So most l...

  23. Please be patient they will do it soon

  24. a gm will accept you into the game soon

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