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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. Just watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"...talk about plot twists.

  2. Anyone else notice that the Welsh language and names work great for elven names and such?

    1. argonian


      Mhm. Welsh and Elven both have a lot of Ys and Ws.

    2. The Lion

      The Lion

      I'm pretty sure that was one of the languages that inspired Tolkien's languages

  3. What do you imagine your character`s voice sounding like?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadeleaf


      Arzota: Deep baritone with calm light tones,

      Kalila: high pitched yet bearable, voice starting to settle into a change.

      Niearma: Any dark elf chick from Skyrim... the manly ones.

    3. Agnub


      Haytham Kenway.

    4. Raptorious


      Maric: the default sith male voice from SWTOR

      Radec: A slightly higher version of Lucien Lechance from Oblivion and Skyrim (the spectral assassin)

      James: Any old cockney thug from south east london.

  4. My MC name is now actually Sagwort!

  5. Someone told me something interesting today: "Appreciate they way the Internet is now, because it's in the Wild West Days."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jingeh


      Well I'm still going to wear boots with spurs and a cowboy hat after this 'wild west era' is done with.

    3. ek_knight


      I'll be the old guy shouting about the good old days on my porch.

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      I'd agree, but us, the cowboys, will be in charge by the time the next era in internet rolls around. I' d bet that we would defend and fight for rights... or we may not. The individual is the one who shall matter in this war.

  6. Moody lighting feels so much more rp than bright lighting, ya'all should try it.

    1. yekim8


      Bright is best brightness

    2. Lago


      Kal Azgoth looks better on Moody because you can make out the lights.

  7. Come one come all to the grand mage ball!

  8. Am I the only person that thinks: If all mages got into a situation similar to Dragon Age Origins and then leading up to Dragon Age 2 would be the most badass thing in the world?

    1. Raptorious



    2. Telanir
    3. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      YES! Although there's no centralize organisation to pull this off.

  9. I think I only read rp posts sometimes for the music they add to it....

  10. Posting your pic on Show Yourself Thread is like drugs...you do it once and you have to keep doing it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Areon


      Not when you are instantly told mean and hurtful things after you post it. Never going back.

    3. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      I've posted twice. <_<

    4. Jon Evaglno

      Jon Evaglno

      False; only some drugs are addictive after one use, i.e. crack cocaine.

  11. Who got a present from Ambros Clause?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tortek


      I got a wooden axe and took the coal instead :D

    3. Zazarus


      I got a bow with no string that my char was too scared to take.

    4. Telanir


      Omg, can't believe I missed this status. I got a poisonous potato which my character choked on and vomited. :3

  12. Remember the true meaning of Christmas, "Friends, Family, and Facial Hair"

    1. gingernut97


      And food! Don't forget food!

  13. I suppose only 3.0 will test the...eh...“competence” of the new GMs...

  14. Anyone else having problems logging into the wiki?

    1. everblue2er101


      It's still down, no one can log in or edit.

    2. Agnub


      I gave up on the wiki. The formatting for it is atrocious. Should just use a simpler wikia template.

    3. Skippy


      Hightower, after a while you get used to it. ;)

  15. What is a good name for a mage college sitting atop a high snowy peak? I would prefer it to sound good with the words Hold, Keep, or castle behind it. As of now I have the name Whitecliffe Keep. (Don't even think about saying Winterhold)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      High Hrogthar sounds good.

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    4. Goldd


      Elexus Castle, Maltikor Keep, Death Snow Castle, Searing Snow Hold.

  16. Ambros might be lookiing for you :}

  17. Hey ya'all, I need your help in thinking of a story line for a c.y.b.e.rpunk story I plan to write based around LOTC. I was thinking of a young man who is the last in the blood line of Horen is being hunted down by his father who married his now dead mother who was actually in the blood line (His father would not be). His mother banished his father (The king) from the kingdom of Oren (Now modern and advanced) and died not long after. Now, without a proper king of proper age his father ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steviathon
    3. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      Well obviously, you speak about a son of Godfrey named Henry Horen, was a well accepted prince within society and had some charme\charmisa. Then you of course have to speak about that old coot Boiendl Silverblade, his wisdom guiding you towards freedom and safety

    4. Sagwort


      I actually have one of the major characters who is the advisor of the king named Barthen. Barthen=Boiendl...see...see?

  18. An old acquaintance of mine had a funeral today… she was in college with a scholarship for soccer, loved to read, faithfully religious, and terribly kind. She was hit by a car and her parents let her go because she would not have had any brain function if she recovered…. The saddest part was that her parents were divorced and didn’t even sit with each other at the funeral. I never knew this girl well, all I know is that she baby sat me when I was about 10…..tis a shame to see those so young...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zarsies
    3. Joe_Blackman


      Sorry for your loss man. :/

    4. aron.


      The part i find heartbreaking is the parents inability to sit with eachother at their daughters funeral. divorce sucks

  19. Would you like to get on right now?

  20. What do you think of a gypsy group? (Other than the Nawari)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sagwort


      I plan to make it more like the traditional Romanian, Irish gypsies with their caravan carts and provocative clothing.

    3. TheNander


      Have gypsy caravans. It'll be cool, trust me. Just have a GM region you off a small area outside city walls each time you move.

  21. So I have two new images for the forums on my account. However I don't know which one to use. One of them is my profile picture while the other one is my avatar. Care to put in input?

    1. Dante


      I like your avatar, but it's kind of small :/

  22. I posted my picture on the Show Yourself thread.....I might have been high at the time.

  23. So I made this new signature, should I change it, or keep my current classy one?

    1. ThanksChris


      I thought that your signature was a bit lackluster. I'd bet someone such as yourself would have ample quotes and character pictures to fill a nice signature. ^_^

    2. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

    3. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

  24. Where did you get/make your forum avatar? O_O

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