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Status Updates posted by Ivran

  1. http://www.tentonhammer.com/giveaways/archeage-closed-beta-event-2-key-giveaway Get your Archeage keys here. Just sign in with Google and look at the bottom of the page.
    1. Kim


      You playing on NA or EU :D?

    2. cmack1028
    3. Dyrr


      too late, as always......

  2. Lol, sheee's baaaaack~
    1. Everman111


      I am afraid to click on your link. I don't want to know who is back because it is probably not good.

    2. Everman111


      I clicked it this **** is scary!

  3. "Alright! Homework done, now let's RP!"... "Well damn, the server's still down." *goes and cries*

  4. /seen doesn't seem to be working now.

    1. Ivran


      Atleast not for me... neither is /msg. o-o

  5. #makeremoveofstatusupdates

    1. Aengoth


      Status updates are fine when not used to incite drama.

    2. Ivran


      80% of them are used for such. :<

    3. A Spooky Witch
  6. aaaand it's gone.

  7. After seeing the Dwarven Mountains, I'm hoping the rest of 3.0 will have as much effort put into it.

    1. shiftnative
    2. Scipp3r


      I'm expecting Oren's capital to have HM Treasury House

  8. Already tired of, "LOL, METAGAMING NOOOOOOOOOOOBS." I swear, I can't stand this **** anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space



    3. Haelphon


      That's why we have Strike and Ban reports.

    4. Ivran


      Yes, I know they meta'd, I don't care. I'd rather now what people are doing at the moment besides being immature about this metagaming.

  9. Anyone know why even though my shop chest has bread in it, the slab that sells bread says there's 0 in stock?

    1. Helbolt


      It has been doing that to me too with swords. Randomly resets to not being marked as /sb. Not sure why. Put a bug report in maybe?

  10. Are we really only allowed to craft one thing at a time now?

  11. Arethor... so much lag... lag everywhere... not sure why it's doing this all of a sudden.

  12. Been DJ'ing in the Thyone channel for a while. o.o)>

  13. Don't logout. :I Authentication servers are down and can't get back onto the server. >.>

    1. Abysmall


      You poor soul.

  14. Don't logout. :I Authentication servers are down and can't get back onto the server. >.>

  15. Dunno if I'm going to play my Kha' again. I'm tired of seeing the same 7-8 people on the Island whenever I log on .-.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DrakeHaze


      I'm a new Kha Kitten :3

    3. ShadowoKing


      Breaking lore not much if you are not nice, mostly sneaking, not know of land also know where you are going. Would be better with a group.

    4. Austin


      You guys are heading down the same path as the orcs, don't do isolation you will have poop RP

  16. Dusk, why the hell are you banning people who don't deserve it?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shiftnative


      You want the light of day but you treat a GM poorly - bah

    3. marimbamonk


      What happened? :l

    4. Ivran


      Ah, yet there are GM's who treat others poorly. Yet, those people are not acknowledged.

  17. For the next 5 days, Domino's is 50% off online.

  18. For the next 5 days, Domino's is 50% off online.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ivran


      Diabeetus inc.

    3. Ford


      Did u hear that, tythus? Online and 50% off

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Just like steam sales

  19. Guys... calm down. It's the new map anyway, things are frantic and people will start getting annoyed and leave. (Of course, those are the people who haven't been here in months.)

  20. Has anyone found a Savanna biome in the wilds?

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