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Status Updates posted by Silent™

  1. The amount of Meta-gaming that goes on nowadays is nearly beyond comprehension.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      In combat, just screenshot everything. Mr Pink Lion has the right idea.

    3. Cyndikate


      Welcome to LOTC: 2014-2015 edition.

    4. Naj


      Moreover welcome to Athera my friends

  2. Have I missed anything important going on with the server while I've been away?

  3. What do you guys think is going to come out first? The 1.9 Combat update or the Magic Plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShameJax


      1.9, I've asked kowa about magic. It's never happening...

    3. KarmaDelta
    4. Pureimp10


      I would personally prefer 1.9.

  4. My character sketch of Sylen Drayzont II has begun.

  5. *Watches you walk walk by then sticks something to your back*

    1. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      *watches as he sticks items to passers backs, sticking his own upon this sticker!*

  6. So... little... energy...

  7. Still no magic plugin it seems...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katherine1


      Telanir's was about a month post-Athera launch.

      It's not coming, and if it does come, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

    3. Pureimp10


      Maybe y'all need to wait a bit more instead of complaining about it on the forums. Honestly, almost everybody has some **** against the tech team, whether it be high elves and humans missing a racial buff, to nexus regions, to the magic plugin. Besides, it'll come out when it comes out. Complaining won't get you anything.

    4. Aislin


      To be fair, Kowaman is the only coder and has a lot more important things to worry about than a very unimportant magic plugin.

  8. What's happening to the server?! I demand answers!

    1. Chrisdena


      Opinions, opinions everywhere.

  9. So I come back from my vacation to find that Frott has resigned, and for some reason I can't begin to even fathom, they have brought back the infamous VAT and MAT...

  10. I'm going on a vacation for a week guys, so see ya then.

  11. No... Just no.

  12. Game of Thrones Season 5... Only 9 more days!

  13. Are you now, or have you ever been, a potato?

  14. Are you now, or have you ever been, a potato?

  15. Feckin' nosebleeds...

    1. Savoyard


      Stop diggin' fer gold then m80

  16. What a fun day!

  17. I'm already drunk!

  18. WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  19. Beware the Beard

  20. So I got Darkest Dungeon this morning... I've been playing it all day.

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