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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Update log of 1.3: -Removed Herobrine. Good job, Jeb. Keep the legend going.

  2. I just made an amature failure in making a skin -_- Fixed now, though.

  3. 20 more days 'till my 1 year lotc anniversary! Oh my Gawd.

    1. nickdabeast135


      You excited?! be excited.

  4. May the new Kal'Alrasian guard uniforms roam it's streets and protect it's people! Oh god I'm so happy I'm finally done. BEDTIME.

    1. Antharin
    2. MrSyth


      Achievement get: status update response from a fancy fedora.

  5. If anyone that knows me IC would like to support my magic app, I greatly appreciated. I need references :/ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65085-silvos-sythaerins-magic-app/

  6. I don't always check the wiki. But when I do, the info is outdated.

    1. VonEbs


      It is always outdated... it is hard to remember a time when it was not.

  7. May the Vaq be with you.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      And with you, aswell

  8. Need to make a difficult decision: Unlearn archery or unlearn Swordsmanship so the other one can lvl up to 100?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth
    3. MrSyth


      Don't use the skill in a long time, causing it to fade out of your memory.

    4. MrSyth



      Still haven't decided what to unlearn :/

      I'm a high elf, shouldn't I learn to do archery?

  9. Got all prelared to fight some orcs, then found out I have to work tomorrow morning. (it's 1 am at my place.) Good luck to the dwarves!

    1. MrSyth


      FYI due to this I will not be joining the fight.

  10. And of course, just when war is about to go down, my mc decides to go tippin' balls. Now letting my pc cool down.

    1. DrakeHaze


      So. My parents decide it's a good idea to go out for dinner right now...most likely going to miss the war...fml

  11. o.0 just updated my avatar, why is it not changing!?

    1. Antharin


      It takes some time, I have the same problem. Try opening lotc in another browser.

    2. Vermn


      Same. :I

  12. Just finished rewriting my entire bio. RELIEF.

    1. MrSyth


      1163 words. Jesus Christ.

    2. Ender_Panda13



      IS NOT OVER 9000! >:c

      *imediate denied AP*

      Jut kidding, but seriously, over 9000 man.

    3. MrSyth


      There's alot to happen, this will not be my final bio.

  13. Halfway done with a magic app. This might be good.

    1. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Good luck mate. Getting a magic app looks difficult... >_< What type of magic are you hoping to get?

    2. MrSyth


      Arcane. Mainly Elemental and illusive.

      I might do a second app some other time to get cleric though, that sounds interesting.

    3. Vermn


      Sure it will be! :)

  14. Verreh excited for the new Content patch. Verreh.

  15. Gave Haelun'or a sonnet to get citizenship, they like it so much they want another book. You may call me bad luck brian.

  16. How in the world is Haelun'or so empty?

    1. Mithradites


      Heh. Sorry dude. Tis the curse of the timezones. We have a very spread out playerbase in that regards. ;)

  17. Met Lucion Sullas. Great rp'er. +1 on his profile.

  18. Waiting outside of the Haelun'or gates. Still no one to open them.

    1. MrSyth


      Guess I'll fix my elven language a bit.

  19. Applied for citizenship of Haelun'or. I'm going home! FINALLY!

  20. Got help from the great Freya at setting up my shop. Thx alot!

    1. Slic3man


      You might want to check for bombs. .w.

  21. By the way, How's your new coat treatin' ya? Is it warm enough?

  22. Why don't you visit Kal'Alras? I'd love to have you over for tea sometime. It's been so long.

  23. Good to see Kal'Alras so active. People walking around everywhere, shops poppin' up. Mhm.

    1. Reader


      Ahh. Glenwood is so quiet.

  24. New skin for Silvos in the making. Creating: done. Now adding layers and shading.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      Second test done, liked it. Now adding last changes.

    3. MrSyth


      Fixing... Fixing...

    4. MrSyth


      Happy with it. Done. Time to go online.

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