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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. The june calender is very interesting.

  2. Waiting for a response on my MA. A bit excited.

    1. Slic3man
    2. Goliath


      Good luck my friend!

    3. MrSyth


      You are all too kind.

  3. Haven't slept all night... Ran out of coffee as well.

  4. Decided to start growing dragons with the dragcave thing. Click my signature eggs!

  5. Thx everyone for supporting my MA!

  6. Getting a new phone. Need to choose, Galaxy S2 or Galaxy Nexus? PS I've got big hands. HELP ME.

  7. Just fought several 'Mysterious men' and a spider jockey. I've never feared for my life that much. I fled.

    1. Slic3man


      Honestly, if you have a bow nothing is scary, not even the cultists. :3

    2. MrSyth


      An arrow shooting skeleton that comes at you with high speed? No thanks.

  8. Wife just walked in and saw me playing lotc for the first time. Very awkward explaining.

  9. Spotify free is now limited for 10 hours a month!? Wth spotify? In all of their advertisements, they brag about how good it is to have all their tracks for free, and now they're limiting it? To an amount I can accomplish in one day!? Unamused.

  10. Tythus, Danny and Aoze of the app team are online on us2.lordofthecraft.net

  11. Testing the compatibility of 1.3.1 with the plugins on Us2.lordofthecraft.net Yes, it's online, and it has plugins. Just for testing :3

    1. MrSyth


      Just met Tythus online. He's cool.

    2. MrSyth


      Danny, Tythus and Aoze playing around on Us2.lordofthecraft.net

  12. Still need those references alot! If you know me IC, and think I deserve it, please comment for me http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65622-silvos-sythaerins-second-app/page__p__514462__fromsearch__1#entry514462

  13. I just one-shotted a zombie pigman with archery level 42. How? Double-Flame-Critical-Soul Arrow O_O

  14. Was azed by Darkling (aka Gorum) again today, as he called Silvos 'Blade' aka his hidden name which he had thrown off weeks ago. Damn that guy knows his RP.

    1. MrSyth


      Azed? *amazed.

  15. Thx MrGoldd for my first magic app reference! Still need two though, so if you know me IC, and think I deserve it, please leave a comment http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65622-silvos-sythaerins-second-app/

    1. Goldd


      Your welcome :)

  16. Posted my second, improved magic app. I need some references! If you know me IC, and think I deserve it, please leave a comment http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65622-silvos-sythaerins-second-app/

  17. Minecraft is just awesome - Vareide.

  18. Mkay so Gorum killed me on the 1.3.1 server, I finished improving my magic app 'n Kal'Alras is doing great. Pretty good day all in all. Good luck to Vaq on the updating to 1.3.1, and good night.

  19. I am going to get you for killing me.

  20. Browsing the forums in search of people that lived in New Terriko in Aegis. Anyone??

  21. Your interests dazzle me.

  22. 'Everything that once was Alras is gone, as is its hope of ever shining once again.' Hazia Nicalson, june 13th 2012. Well, seems like Hazia was wrong. Alras is doing better then ever!

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