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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Lol Alrasians. So the storyxabout the Exilcarians has just beem forgotten?

  2. Hello young lotc'er. May your time on the server be good.

  3. Please don't kill your char off. I like Caseus the way he is.

  4. The awkward moment you find yourself wanting to RP in a topic but then realizing your char is too far away from where the rp is happening. 3 more days.

  5. And like so, another day passes. Will be bak online on thursday!

  6. Hey Rasun, how is Kal'Alras doing? Any big news? I'll be back in 4 days :3

  7. On the beach. Will be back in 5 or 6 days. Thinking about lotc for some reason.

  8. Posting lots of messages to yourself... I felt bad for you, here's a new one

  9. Will be on holiday for the next 2 weeks, hope to see you all back after that!

  10. I love the lotc community.

  11. Did the server just crash twice or this there something wrong with my pc?

    1. legoman144


      same happened to me

    2. imjoebaker


      I second this notion. Hold onto your pig saddle.

    3. Artisane


      Yeh same here, When will it be back up :(

  12. Operiet hoc area cum iacuit nivis. And so it happened.

  13. Hey silverblade, how're braxis and tara doing?

  14. Mu lost thu'um do dovah. Mu lost sahrot do lein.

  15. Bahlok do hin nus strun zeim do hin sil.

  16. Bryndolf has returned to me :D

  17. Is it wrong that I find your picture...

    Attractive, kind of?

  18. Restart all of a sudden. I wonder what they're fixing this time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)
    3. Auvreaeath


      That means it was to prevent a ddos/crash. Vaquxine coded a script that allows for the server to restart itself when a Crash is about to happen. That way he doesn't have to put the server back up.

    4. Cappy


      He was fixing some core files, I believe it said.

  19. Kal'Alras is still empty, still no one to roam it's streets. So sad...

    1. EpicSmith


      You think thats sad, try visiting Skravia, completely empty...

    2. Skippy


      Skravia's always empty, LOL.

  20. So your era on lotc is now officially over? I'm gonna miss you.

  21. Why the heck is there a baby crawling around in Kal'Alras?

  22. There is, a house, in New Orleans.

    1. Shuness


      They call, the setting, sun.

    2. MrSyth
    3. Agnub


      Quality over quantity.

  23. Finally found out how the xp system works. Formula: XP for next level = nextlevel² x10

  24. Got helped by Itechify (Tyrion) Thanks!

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