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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Makin' a cold (Glenwood) skin for Reader.

  2. 25 minutes later, still waiting for that modreq. Wth blizz!?

    1. Cappy


      It's ok bro. I have yet to have one answered within two hours.

  3. Just died IN my tent (of starvation) then Immediatly got back with soulstone but no stuff. No one around Kal'Alras to be found, what the heck happened to it? Now doing a modreq.

  4. You have gained a level in Blacksmithing (45) Awww yea. 10 more levels for iron toolz.

    1. MrSyth


      Also, now able to repair iron armor.

    2. Senda



    3. Reader


      I will stalk you until you repair my Weaponz

  5. Tamed 5 more wolves after they all disappeared. Still Bryndolf to keep the RP going.

  6. Tamed a wolf, named him Bryndolf. Thinking about magic now?

  7. Where do I get a job fer Kal'Alras? I can't find the topic.

  8. The New Era... Kal'Alras. Just saw the new leader and Moruk 'n some others. The seem to be doing good to the city. Now let's get me a job, shall we?

  9. Also, reputation reset? I used to have like 2 :P

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      No, 2 people gave you negative rep. :(

    2. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      LOL ^

      Aye, sadly, thats how it is. :(

    3. ~≈Panda≈~
  10. VA denied again... I guess it just got harder :P

  11. I fully support the idea of Kal'ALras

    1. Skippy


      You can't support it. >:) You will deal with it >:D

    2. MrSyth


      No need to 'deal' with it. I love the dwarves for taking command.

  12. Well that's the end of that misery.

  13. Wow I really missed alot. Alras is dead, Aislin is king and the dwarves now rule over the remains of Alras? I don't get it.

    1. argonian


      What happened to Syrio?

    2. Rusty7x


      Syrio died.

  14. Alras is screwed...

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. Neutonic
    3. Rusty7x


      @Alras Why you so empty #ShitIsBoring

  15. Back home and installed! Will now start playing again. The USA wuz awesome. Stayed for a few more days so I could go to E3 :D

  16. Coming online for a sec again. Will soon be back home! 6 more days in the USA.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda approves of the USA.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark
  17. Went into a starbucks to do a quick update, I'm doing great! Have visited several friends so far and read about the new kingdoms system. Came online for a sec but the internet ain't good enough. See you at may 30th!

  18. I'm going on a trip to the States for a month! Gonna visit some friends, you might know one of them (Brook?) Let's see if anyone gets the clue. I'll see you all back in the end of May!

  19. Made a modreq for lost stuff due to a lag spike whilst tp'ing using a ship. Complicated? No. Just laggy dying. Any GM's, please contact me when I'm online, I've been waiting for 1,5 hours. G2g now.

  20. Back from the office, any news on the war?

    1. Lykos


      People dead!

      Oh, and all of Riven's landmines got destroyed by their own defenders before any attackers even showed up :D

    2. CloakandDagger


      Wait the war is still on?

    3. Aislin


      Salvus pretty much crumbled under the attacks.

  21. So, the war didn't go well due to something getting messed up. We 'won' though, I believe. Hoping to be resupplied tomorrow.

  22. Moruk, looking as inspirational as possible. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/20120415180314.png/ Good luck on the war, soldiers!

    1. Gorum©
    2. MrSyth


      I noticed, couldn't change it :P

  23. Lot's of RP going on, no one noticing it. Wonderfull.

  24. Just had a last meeting with some soldiers 'n Moruk. Next up: Sleeping.

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