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Status Updates posted by Trouvo

  1. already 1.5hrs late on startin event.....school soon DX

  2. gotta love bein a donator...reserved slot XD

  3. another day at work...another day waiting for my boss to leave so i can get on lotc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Repiteo


      Remind me not to hire you. >.>


    3. Trouvo


      lol i would rather have actual work to do..but it is a hotel and it is quite slow as of late...so LOTC

    4. Killerbreakfest


      another day at school...another day waiting for my teacher to leave so I can get on Lotc

  4. Yay the sheep wool grows back now!! All is right with the world again

    1. danic


      was confused when they removed it at first:P

  5. also i think the bilboards around town could even be considered much worse than that, let alone all the commercials and everything else that is rampant in our culture these days, if anything your pic would be less than G.

  6. I dont see anything wrong with your sig...some people just need to grow up...or figure out the difference between normal pics...and porn

  7. well at least we have an official date

  8. my boss finally left and i get off in 10min.....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU wont be home for 2 hrs...damn bus

  9. reads marie thread....they updated the wiki?! *rushes to read updates

    1. Trouvo


      either im blind or i have been misinformed....or the wiki is just confusing

    2. Twilight Druid
  10. why has my boss not left yet i want to get on lotc >.

  11. oh just realized i have surpassed 1000 posts lol

  12. my drunken logic via rp has found out that the ascended are actually undead and they have kidnapped all the beautiful elven girls, and they must be rescued, one that escaped told me we need nether wart and ghast tear to break the spell on the portal in the guantlet to gain access to the nether where the ascended have taken all the girls to, because they are actually undead...who is with me? TIME TO SHAVE THE GIRLSH!....HIC!

    1. Lilyiann


      Shave...the girls?

    2. Trouvo


      yes that is what comes up when you are drunk and you type "save the girls"...it was funny as hell the first time i saw it

    3. argonian


      Those damn Elves have bigger beards than Robin ever did.

  13. does no one rob anyone anymore?

    1. Dat Pugsy

      Dat Pugsy

      Allow me to fix that

  14. i swear everyday i get on in the morn, its down....i either have really bad luck...or just bad timing

    1. Golden_Harvest_Richards


      or the server just has really bad uptime... lol

    2. Trouvo


      ...that too..which is why even if we had all the votes on minestatus we still could not be number 1

  15. bad timing or server down?

  16. really was just about to buy a house from syrio

    1. Agnub



  17. now it is time to countdown to the end of the world! 12/21/12 here we come LOL

    1. Trouvo


      oh right for everyone else it would be 21/12/12...

    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Kickstarted and Running
  18. so dreading going to work in a few minutes....gonna be crazy....>.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Haha! This means no RP for you then? :( I am now sad.

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Haha! This means no RP for you then? :( I am now sad.

  19. soooo addicted to lotc...cant stand the withdrawals of even a few hours time

  20. waiting for boss to leave so i can pull out my laptop and hop on lotc

    1. KarmaDelta
    2. Trouvo


      ...her...lol...and she

      is evil...jk...just have to wait for her to leave

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      If you're leaving for a while, who is in charge? I seem to be the only person on any more.

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