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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Trouvo

  1. waiting for my boss to leave so i can review some apps...*sneaks status update while she is away >.>

  2. Water sucks, it really really sucks! WATER SUCKS it really really sucks! <. h20>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trouvo


      at least delaselva knows what i am talkin bout lol

    3. John Hunter

      John Hunter

      Haha, haven't seen it. I was expecting some in-game calamity involving water.

      *Adds movie to netflix que...

    4. Old-Rattlesnake
  3. weird glitch...my blue wool turned purple while building....wth?

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It must be a sign o change everything you made blue, to Purple.

  4. well at least we have an official date

  5. Well now i can get on lotc at work, when i am not busy anyways XD

  6. well you can add your face on to the skin but do not adjust any other part of it. and again thats if you become a guard you have to pass tests to be a recruit

  7. Where did "The A team" section/thread go?

    1. shiftnative


      I moved it under "staff" can you no longer view it? If so ill fix it when I get home

  8. why has my boss not left yet i want to get on lotc >.

  9. WHY NO ONE VOTE? 2 servers are now 200-300 votes ahead of us

  10. Wootz back on the VAT!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gingernut97



    3. Trouvo


      *watches those applying for a VA slink into the shadowy corners lol

    4. Trouvo


      thanks guys

  11. WOOTZ got my minecon box!!! coulda sworn the swords looked bigger in the picture lol, but love the grass block and the cake

    1. Aislin
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Y u no on LotC no more? IRL issues?

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Y u no on LotC no more? IRL issues?

  12. XD i had to....

  13. Yay i can reply to apps again!! Thank you SHIFT!!

  14. Yay i can see the "A team" section again

  15. yay the boss has left time to check some apps!

  16. Yay the sheep wool grows back now!! All is right with the world again

    1. danic


      was confused when they removed it at first:P

  17. Yay, interwebs turned on at our new place

  18. Yeah I am back, even had made a post in the Off topic section bout it lol

  19. yeah i basically can't get a 5 star rating...im on the app team...and people rage...

  20. yes each squad will have a different insignia

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