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leave me alone

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Everything posted by leave me alone

  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/115361-an-expedition-of-seven/ Those who join now will recieve at least a Tier 3 House upon construction (good spacious house). Also priority in ration distribution.
  2. "allahu akbar" - random muslim during a jihad

  3. do orcs rp

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      this makes me upset

    3. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      I am an Orc,

      And I can guarantee you 100% that most Orcs RP!

    4. TrevenT


      i was an orc and i can guarantee you that they're more focused on raiding

  4. Roderick Nicknames: Roddy, Thirteen. Age: 32. Gender: Male. Race: Human. Status: Alive. Description Height: 6'2. Weight: Fucked if I know. Body Type: Average build. Eyes: Right eye brown, left eye dull grey. Hair: Short bowl cut. Skin: Pale. Markings/Tattoos: 48th Tattoo on the right of his neck. Health: Fisstech addict. Otherwise healthy. Personality: Grumpy and distasteful to those who haven't proven themselves to him. Mates to all those who have. Inventory: Flanged mace. A few pouches of fisstech. A skin of ale. Basic field provisions. Further Details: Sickest guy. Life Style Alignment: Chaotic good. Deity: The Creator. Religion: Creatorism. Alliance/Nation/Home: The Holy Oren Empire. Job/Class: Sergeant-at-Arms, 48th Regiment, Second Cohort, Imperial Army. Title(s): N/A. Profession(s): Soldiering, hunting. Special Skill(s): N/A. Flaw(s): Arsehole. Weaponry Fighting Style: Melee, sometimes Ranged. Trained Weapon: Mace, Sword, Daggers, Knives, Crossbows, Bows Favored Weapon: Mace and Crossbow. Archery: Very good crossbowman. Biography Parents: Yes, status unknown. Siblings: Thirteen, status unknown. Children: None that he knows of. Extended Family: N/A. Pet(s): All of the footmen in the 48th. History: (in progress) Artwork:
  5. i want to go back to thales

    1. Porko


      Bit too late for that

    2. dank


      thales please

  6. jihad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      You may not vocalize your religious ideals here on LoTC. That would require freedom of speech.

    3. oblivionsbane


      *BANG* "You git 'im Bo?" "Hehe, yeah I did Lester, got anoh'r one right 'ere." *BANG.* "I love shootin' the eyes outta gophers." Lol.

    4. Esterlen


      You wanna disrespect me, fine. You wanna throw away the life... I'm tryin' to build for us all... then fuckin' fine! You wanna run off with this dogshit group of crippled fucks, then fine! Be my guest. But I will put a bullet in you and that baby before I let you leave again with my child!

  7. Weed everyday....

    1. Googlesearch


      plz u r 2 gd 4 dat dank kush

  8. why was my status removed? it was a legitimate question

  9. theres already a crossbow guide
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