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leave me alone

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Everything posted by leave me alone

  1. "Go make a new one" We don't want a new one. Aeldin has significant meaning to the Human playerbase, with a lot of it based on lore that revolves around Aeldin. If you and all you elves were put through this same scenario I doubt your reactions would be much different. EDIT: I'm still waiting for that list, Jistuma.
  2. The only thing I'm currently seeing being used against Aeldin is the travel to and from dilemma, Swgrclan provided a perfectly good reason for this yet was denied. You could've simply allowed it and we wouldn't be having this dispute now.
  3. Swgrclan accounted for this, but of course he was denied.
  4. Yeah but we don't want to use the 'its a story' loophole. While things that occured on Aeldin were on another server, they still happened, we still used our LotC characters on it and we would still like to use the things that occured, as they affected our characters. I honestly don't see why Aeldin can't exist, we can just as easily bring in homelands for the other races. I remember hearing somewhere that Athera was the homeland of the dwarves, right? So why can't Humans have Aeldin? Why can't Elves have something else? Why can't Orcs have something else? It's a really dumb thing you've done here, sorry to say it.
  5. leave it to the nonhuman lore team to not know who one of the most powerful men in lotc history was
  6. jeesus christ this is actually a terrible thread this proves that you haven't even properly listened to us HOREN as in the son of the creator, DIDNT go to Aeldin, EMPEROR HOREN V, SON OF GODFREY did and the only reason you don't have a plausible way of us going in between the bloody continent is because you denied swgrs lore, which should've at least been put on pending until this got released
  7. well i guess its time to pk three of my characters
  8. The Manticore A Manticore is a very dangerous monster that inhabits all of the temperate and colder regions of the realm. It has two different breeds that differ slightly in appearance and mentality. Breeds The Manticore has two breeds, Common and Imperial. The Common Manticore is the more common of the two (as is suggested by the name) while the Imperial Manticore is quite rare, but much more dangerous. Habitat and nesting Both of the two breeds of Manticore live in colder climates ranging from temperate zones to outright arctic regions. They usually prefer rough terrain because it is easier for them to hide their nests and also makes it easier to ambush pray. The Common Manticore is rather nomadic when it comes to habitat, usually only staying at the same nest sites for a few months at a time. Common Manticores are typically harder to track due to this. It is speculated that they move with the climate and that they have a very fine line between a comfortable temperature and an annoying one. They'll typically move to nearby regions that are colder. The Imperial Manticore is rather different in their nesting. They'll only live in very rough terrain such as mountains. They only live in the more harsh cold climates and do not move from region to region. An Imperial Manticore lives in the same region for its entire life, making them easier to track. Imperial Manticores defend their nests until death, refusing to leave. The Imperial Manticore has a strange way when it comes to habitat that not many other monsters and animals have. The Imperial Manticore expands its territory by killing other Imperial Manticores, this may seem normal but it gets even stranger when you learn of how Imperial Manticores handle their children. Once a Manticore Cub reaches adulthood their father gives them a smaller territory on the edge of their own (the mother uses the father's territory, as though bound to him). The only way the Imperial Manticore can expand its territory is by killing a neighbour Manticore or by killing their own father, at which point they get his territory. Manticore nests are typically located within caves or nestled securely at high points in mountain ranges. Reproduction Manticores are unique in that they have very strict and specific gender roles. When a female Manticore is born it is bound to their father, only when their father is killed do they leave the nest in search of another male to breed with. If their father is killed by another Manticore, they become bound to this Manticore and live in its nest. These groups of females bound to a male are known as a 'harem'. When mating, the father doesn't seem to care whether his mate his sister or daughter or not. It is not uncommon for the Manticore to impregnate several females at once instead of taking one mate for the breeding season. Manticore children are called Cubs, and are looked after by the Harem (not just the mother). Once the Manticore Cubs come of age, the female joins their father's Harem, and the male does one of two things. The male is either assigned a small region at the edge of their father's territory to have as his own territory, or challenges his father for his territory in a fight to the death. If the male cub wins the fight he inherits his father's territory and his harem (and any other cubs who haven't yet come of age). Common Manticore Cubs usually mature in two-three years. Imperial Manticore cubs usually mature in one-two years, noticeably faster than their Common kin. Appearance Manticore have a unique appearance that is breed specific. The Common Manticore has the tail of a scorpion and the body and head of a lion. Their fur is typically a pale yellow, with a brown mane that runs down their back. They have noticeably more muscle than lions, and their tail has more powerful venom than that of a scorpion. It is hypothesised that these creatures were created by some sort of dark magic in the attempt of creating the perfect killing machine, in some ways they are correct. The Imperial Manticore is much more impressive (and intimidating) to look at. They are twice their size of their Common kin (their kin being a little larger than a lion). They also have two large wings of a bat expanding from their abdomen (their most unique feature). Due to these two wings they differ greatly from their Common kin. The Imperial Manticore also has dark brown fur with an even darker tone of brown mane that reaches further than that of their Common kin. A few sights of black fur and black mane Imperial Manticores have been reported, but these sightings have not been made official due to lack of evidence. It is believed that the Imperial Manticore was another attempt at making the perfect killing machine, this time adding the wings of a bat. These wings cannot be used for full blown flight, however they can aid the Manticore by allowing it to glide. Feeding The Manticore is strictly a carnivore. Both breeds of Manticore use ambush tactics to kill their prey. By the time the prey knows a Manticore is there it is often too late. If the Manticore is faced with a foe that is bigger than them they will often use their tail to immobilise them with poison before finishing them off, however, smaller prey often simply gets tackled and then killed with the Manticores sharp claws. Common Manticores usually only attack each other when desperate for food or when defending their nests, it has been reported that they are otherwise indifferent to each other. Imperial Manticores are a different story. Imperial Manticores hunt all things that Common Manticores hunt, while also hunting Common Manticores themselves. Imperial Manticores also actively seek out neighbouring Imperial Manticores in an attempt to kill them and take their territory. Imperial Manticores are extremely aggressive and typically attack everything living thing they can get their hands on. Manticores typically pounce or swoop (depending on breeds) down onto their prey from a high up point. If forced into a fight due to a failed ambush they’ll often gauge their foe on how tough they would be to defeat, if they are deemed too strong the Manticore will retreat (although, Imperial Manticores have been known to have a stubborn pride). The Manticore however will not give mercy to those who try to escape its grasp, and will usually not settle until their prey is dead. The Manticore has an unsettling way of eating it’s food, devouring its prey entirely. While a Common Manticore typically takes a few bites to eat its prey, Imperial Manticores are capable of consuming their prey in one bite. It has been seen that the Manticore is capable of dislocating its jaw to swallow large prey much like a snake does. DICLAIMER I'm fully aware ET can RP whatever the hell they want now but I like having lore that can be found with a quick forum search, cause I know full well the Wiki is unused as hell.
  9. a lot of loyalty for a hired gun

    1. Netphreak


      "Dark Knight Reference Detected." ~ GlaDOS

  10. What cave have you been in for the last couple of years? There's been plenty of lore written, and numerous staff have accepted it as lore. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Aeldin
  11. doctor pavel, im cia

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Heff


      I thought I got to stay on your aircraft s-s-s-sir

    3. Heff
    4. Heff


      hes not CIA hes littlefinger

  12. If you want to play a Goblin send me a PM I am making a cool dedicated Gobbo clan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moot


      I would, if I could hold RP lol I really love my Gobo.

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Dw we won't just sit in our camp all day. It'll be fun RP

    4. Aryon


      da gobonic order

  13. The lore is pretty great. It appears now though that the Lore Team acts independently from LotC and goes against thing said in the past.
  14. If you are interested in playing in a dedicated goblin clan send me a pm

  15. if you would like to play as a goblin in a dedicated goblin clan send me a pm please

  16. like the legend of the phoenix

    1. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      All ends with beginnings

    2. mitto


      what keeps the planet spinning

  17. Zerostar can you please give me a reason why these statuses and threads are being locked/deleted? I'm not exactly sure it's fair tbh.

  18. You literally just proved how it's a bad idea.
    1. Arkelos


      Well, that is a first

    2. Eetswa



  19. That's what they said about Kharajyr, too.
  20. Been tried a thousands times and has never worked. Personally I don't want it to be implemented either due to the well, less than lore friendly some people would play them.
  21. committing suicide because of this development

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