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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. Mylas isn't a troll.

  2. Look Jarkarll, you're staying, whether you want too or not.

  3. Wedding in 49 minutes~

  4. I have a feeling that in 3 weeks something is going to happen on LoTC that will mean that I will have to leave the server.... let's see how clairvoyant I am.

  5. Who's a good Dwarf skinner? Like not "yeah he's good", like really legendary skin maker? I'll pay in give items or something :)

  6. People gotta lay off with that crap they put on to hurt people on the forums.

  7. People gotta lay off with that crap they put on to hurt people on the forums.

  8. People gotta lay off with that crap they put on to hurt people on the forums.

  9. Stealing in excess does NOT break RP. It just makes people cry because of lost items in OOC. Do not try and say somebody wouldn't be able to steal a certain amount without being noticed, because that is a double standard-people carry vasts amounts of weight around in their inventory constantly anyway. I know not the situation but I do know that saying stealing in excess is bad RP is simply untrue.

  10. Whoever wrote that guide, I am thoroughly disgusted. Notbody but you hates Dusk so much as to write something like that. How do you sleep at night?

  11. Dwarves have to use crossbows? Dammit. There's such a thing as shortbows....

  12. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  13. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  14. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  15. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  16. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  17. I..I enjoy the Stealth skill, but I'm vastly dissapointed at how many people have gotten the skill solely to be gods in PvP, even though the concept behind it does not pertain to their character at all. I fought an orc today, with a character card stating he was around 8ft tall and massively built, who insisted on PvP because he had 100 Stealth and 100 Unarmed. It's frustrating...

  18. Why not just make it so that blocking and dodgeing don't stack chances?

  19. Hrrmmm... Well, turns out the Dwarves might attack Glenwood. Dun dun dun!

  20. Can someone explain to me how you level up stealth? I used all my credits before I realised I have no idea

  21. You guys wanna hear a joke? Dwarven honor.

  22. *Wonders if the Orcs and Dwarves will stick together long enough to actually attack Oren*

  23. Dwarves declare war on oren? do they want to die?

  24. Re-rolling... Orc or Dwarf? And goods skill set, a warrior?

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