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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. Still trying to decide a character... Just an alt to keep me fresh. ( Panda. )

  2. My screat lover :( NOO COATER

  3. Panda is having one of those times where she just can't RP... T_T

  4. I'm aware that Gaius is popular, but is there really need to -1 the ban report?

  5. I'm aware that Gaius is popular, but is there really need to -1 the ban report?

  6. I'm aware that Gaius is popular, but is there really need to -1 the ban report?

  7. I was looking for a thread I started a while back about roleplaying drugs (Which was soon locked) and have found that it is no longer around. Not. Cool. There was a good deal of effort in that post.

  8. I just got over my RP block, thanks to this epic place called Armaluna. The role play there is aweosme as well as every thing else... SO. AWESOME. ARRRGH. THE PEOPLE WHO MADE IT ARE AWESOME AND THEY SHOULD FEEL AWESOME.

  9. ouch, -1 reputation? what did i do? :O

  10. Thinking of making a Halfling. Anyone got some good names?

  11. Heard something about there being an application to be a High Elf. Someone please tell me this nonsense is wrong.

  12. -is praying for Syrio to suddenly have the urge to come onto my trade thread and bid liek a maniac on my music discs-

  13. ha, you all have weekends, I have school tomorrow :/

  14. I now am faced with a decision, either RP with a race that is starting out and assist them in their endeavors. Or RP with my favorite race of any game and add to their populace while helping new players RP them...

  15. Awesome battle dwarves! Fun as hell!

  16. Mistyping /r instead of /write turns into a twenty minute conversation about ingame international relations and Elven gossip. Me gusta.

  17. So, almost every major city is at war with the orcs? THIS IS GUNNA BE ******* AWESOME!

  18. I have to admit, the Mongoloid accent is challenging, yet interesting to use as Sauros Alanbataar! Tha' Mawt'i Subudai!

  19. For those of you who didn't catch my last update, and like Fallout, Fallout 1 is available for free, but not for long, on Good Old Games! Pick it up quick!!! http://www.gog.com/gamecard/fallout (Not advertising XD just helping out)

  20. Gratz to the new FMs: Calm, Boomack, and Kanatar :3

  21. time to go get a pet kitty

  22. Working on Forming a new Dwarf. Post any ideas in the comments.

  23. I am curious how is it that almost every nation is at war with Renatus and they are still holding there ground, is it luck or is it skill?

  24. That moment when you realize that Asulon is about to have it's own WWI

  25. Working on villain application, forgot how hard they are. But being a pirate is worth it :D

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