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Status Replies posted by Cracker

  1. Guys, I am displeased with all of the trolling going in the server, this is what keeps us at rank 34 on Minestatus.

  2. Coasters getting banned har har.

  3. Coasters getting banned har har.

  4. "Craotor": Be very carefull with youre crackers for cracker jacker might want to steal em

  5. Do orcs oocly hate the Kharajyr, being told few do and wants us destroyed.

  6. Today was a good day to be an orc.!

  7. **** it. Everyone shut up about the patch. Post a thread on the feedback section, and voice your opinions publicly and professionally. I implore you to at least try that, and please stop spamming my status updates, most people don't care. Concentrate your opinions into a thread and complain there. .

  8. **** it. Everyone shut up about the patch. Post a thread on the feedback section, and voice your opinions publicly and professionally. I implore you to at least try that, and please stop spamming my status updates, most people don't care. Concentrate your opinions into a thread and complain there. .

  9. Yay. A new plugin. I definitely don't hate this at all.

  10. Yay. A new plugin. I definitely don't hate this at all.

  11. yeah, down with bullying, yeah.

  12. yeah, down with bullying, yeah.

  13. the naked archer is now the best fighter in RP. yay plugins

  14. the naked archer is now the best fighter in RP. yay plugins

  15. the naked archer is now the best fighter in RP. yay plugins

  16. Finally Diamond covered oren bandits cxannot out run you :D

  17. Finally Diamond covered oren bandits cxannot out run you :D

  18. Thanks for the fun, Dwarfies :3

  19. Fingers crossed I get into the IronFist Clan.

  20. Dat choice.... Diablo 3 or Tera....

  21. Fingers crossed I get into the IronFist Clan.

  22. How does Horatio Burns sound for a villains name

  23. Following up on ff_wk_14, I just scored a set of chainmail. Is that better in combat than diamond?

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